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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2013 in Posts

  1. I'm going to talk about gender for a minute because the term "white knighting" was brought up and it's been used to shame male feminist a lot online. It's a disgusting tactic used to avoid talking about gender issues and, quite frankly, it pisses me off. The systematic devaluing of the Women's/Diva's title is certainly a gender issue. Fans either connect to superstars through conditioning, organic attachment, or a combination of the two. The WWE has conditioned the fans to care little about the Diva's title because sub-par in-ring performers have been promoted as champions and title contenders. The commentary also often treats the Diva's division as a joke. Of course the fans respond accordingly. The WWE has an extremely troubling history with gender issues and promoting fitness models with limited training as Diva's champion is a link in that long, problematic chain. If you regularly devalue women on your programming, your fans will respond accordingly. The fact that the Diva's division is laughable within the greater context of women's wrestling is absolutely a result of the WWE's gender politics on its programing. Saying gender has nothing to do with it is promoting gender blindness, which is a great way to silence discussions of gender and maintain whatever the prevailing current attitudes are. Basically, by promoting gender blindness and insulting those who see the connects between WWE's treatment of women characters/performers and the fan's reaction to the Diva's division, you are enabling sexism. So congratulations, you're terrible. Having the date you were scripted to win a pretend award tattooed on your body is totally a mark move, though, regardless of how important it is to you personally. But people's bodies are their own to inscript how they please, mark or not.
    15 points
  2. Who would have ever predicted that AJ would be Shawn Michaels to Dolph's Marty Janetty?
    9 points
  3. I have nothing but respect for Lawler but as an announcer he has been terrible for well over a decade. Lets be honest.. He might have the best job in the company. Doesn't he have fuck you money? For Lawler, pixie sticks are fuck you money. THAT'SHOWIT'SDONEMOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!
    9 points
  4. If a dude got the date they won the world title tattooed on them, how many people would call him a mark? I have no dog in this fight, just asking.
    7 points
  5. Have no idea what any of you are talking about because why would anyone watch a match with Aksana in it? Show was pretty fun. Orton/Bryan is going to be a hell of a match.
    7 points
  6. You guys realise Alicia Fox is gonna turn on the Serious Business Idiots because her match with Melina was the best match Shit Funkadactyl ever saw.
    6 points
  7. When oh when will WWE stop burying Randy Orton?!
    6 points
  8. Why Antonio Cesaro Rules, Chapter 32709
    5 points
  9. If Jerry was upset by anything, it was hearing AJ's actual age and realizing that she is, in fact, too old for him.
    5 points
  10. I don't think he's actually there. I think he's just a vision that teaches Big Show how to be a successful serial killer, and a failure as a wrestler. Booker T could be WWE's version of The Great Gazoo. Big Show and Daniel Bryan can be his Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble. Booker appears out of nowhere, calls Show and Bryan dum-dums while pepping them up, but everyone else thinks they're talking to themselves to cope with HHH's antagonizing.
    5 points
  11. Lawler is due nothing. Dude's been phoning in at this job for years. History is for teachers and the WWE isn't school.
    5 points
  12. Congrats to Fat Spanish Maitre'D
    5 points
  13. I'm not on here a ton which means I don't get to do that much moderation.But reading a lot of the longer threads here and they are cluttered up with people posting "why are you discussing this?" "why does anyone care about this", "please end this thread" posts. This is a discussion board where people discuss stuff. If you don't want to read that discussion, don't read it. But whining like a baby, "why are people talking about this thing I don't care about" doesn't contribute to anything. STFU, people who do care are talking...not everything is about you. I will start giving people time outs for crying when grown folks talking. You've been warned.
    4 points
  14. Also, this is what Youtube is for Every Razor Ramon introductory segement!
    4 points
  15. I have nothing but respect for Lawler but as an announcer he has been terrible for well over a decade. Lets be honest..
    4 points
  16. Enough of the "AJ looks like she's 12" shit. She doesn't. She is small, sure but nobody would ever confuse her for being a minor... come on now. I went back and watched the segment. She was pretty great on commentary. Most people are lost out there.
    4 points
  17. If someone got a neck tat of the date they won the Euro belt, they would be made fun of unmercifully.
    4 points
  18. I want a 3MB and 3 Count feud where the winner gets to keep the number 3. Tank Abbott interferes and breaks his green square over McIntyre's head to give 3 Count the win and then we get a Behind The Music-style documentary about the break up of 3MB where it ends with McIntyre getting kicked out of the group and turning face. Then Slater compares himself and Mahal to duos like Simon & Garfunkel, Hall & Oates, and Elvis & Costello. Then they do a "Who's On First" bit where Mahal tries to correct Slater and tell him he's thinking of Abbott & Costello and Slater tells him he doesn't want to mess with Tank Abbott anymore.
    3 points
  19. Guys, I'm only two spots away from Raw thread Bingo. Can someone please talk about Dustin's punches? Piranesi, can we get Herzog's take on the AJ/Lawler interaction?
    3 points
  20. This is brilliant, figured more people will see it here:
    3 points
  21. Goldust, awesome. Bryan, savior. Punk feud, mildly disappointing. Orton, really good now that he's motivated. AJ, also awesome*. *And at the risk of losing my feminist cred, also un-fucking-believably hot.
    3 points
    3 points
  23. I also don't get why they didn't let him get over a little on HHH during that interview. He could have at least made him flinch a little by going full Golddust: "I have nothing to lose here tonight...so when I'm done having my way with your face boy, I just might come backstage and give you the thrrrrrilllll everyone knows you've been waiiiiting for thpthpthtphtphtphtphtphtphtphtpht AHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I'm not on the hate HHH train with the general booking, but I'm getting a little annoyed that he won't ever script anyone to at least get some verbal shots in...especially when it's guys like Dustin and Edge who have no "job" to lose. Edge got in a "married your way into power" crack. That's pretty good. And Vic's main deal is this "doesn't have tenure to insult Lawler" deal, which is silly, in my opinion. Yeah. Does anyone really think Jerry Lawler's little feelings are hurt by someone busting his balls about his fucking habits? The idea that he's some sad old legend who can't handle some rough talk in the middle of an angle is absurd. I'm sure he didnt' flinch, and probably was happy to get a chance to spar with someone. JBL may have been all pissy because some mere girl/kid had the audacity to trade shit-talk with the old boys...so he did what the old boys do. he tried to put her in her place. And she'll either give in or she'll bite back. I, for one, would be happy to see her burn the whole fucking arena to the ground...old boys and all...but I may just be in a mood.
    3 points
  24. "I'm 26, Jerry. I think I'm a little too old for you." She's got balls to go into that little clique and shit on their buddy and then trade jabs with them. They circled the wagons and she held her own. She's so much more ambitious on the mic than almost anyone else. It's a man's world motherfuckers and AJ Lee is down for that shit!
    3 points
  25. 3 points
  26. In honor of World Suicide Prevention Day.
    2 points
  27. ...which is why I was looking for them.
    2 points
  28. There is a Dean Malenko vs Scotty 2 Hotty match that was fucking awesome. Dean Malenko finished him with a top rope DDT that looked absolutely brutal. I think it may be the best light heavyweight title match ever.
    2 points
  29. Yep, now it's going to be more of a bitch to find Big Foot now.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. Apparently, with the positive reviews that the Peggy Carter short got, there are plans to make more of them.
    2 points
  32. Be careful what you ask for, BRO, or you might end up looking like a glazed donut.
    2 points
  33. I kept some, so I can convert them to DVD later, which deep down I know I will never ever do.
    2 points
  34. In a casual, relaxed Cuban accent - "Hey Rocket, daddy teach you that one, mang?" Fucking hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEf9GPo1E4o
    2 points
  35. Enough talented wrestlers? Yes. Enough creative talent to maintain two shows of largely differing storylines? Negative.
    2 points
  36. ...what the fuck has this thread devolved into?
    2 points
  37. HHH saying "Well allow me to retort..." and Booker giving Bryan a PG version of the "fuck pride" speech, this can only mean that Vince finally saw Pulp Fiction. Absolutely LOVED Cesaro vs. Santino and loved the HHH/Edge interaction. Summer Rae's legs, Bryan and Shield are the stars of Raw every single week and I am perfectly fine with that.
    2 points
  38. Yeah, saying Burgundy LaRue was "white knighting" something was moronic. That shows an utter disregard for who commented and made it feel like the poster was just waiting for someone to bring that up so he could get his "learned" opinion across. Saying that Jerry Lawler is a legend and no one should say boo about him is ludicrous... Harry Caray was once one of the greatest announcers in MLB history... but for the last decade of his career, he was a joke. Lawler is now getting there. Lawler the magnificent wrestler? Check. Lawler the booker and innovator? Check. He's been phoning it in for nearly a decade now and deserves some criticism on or off screen. Having the McMahon family pet JBL come to his defense made it even worse. Loved the last two matches.... if only they had announcers that could get these angles over...
    2 points
  39. Could Victator please stop liking posts that defend him. It makes you come off as sad.
    2 points
  40. I'm getting that post # tattooed on the back of my neck.
    2 points
  41. Since that's not what's going on, I don't want to know what you're doing with your second browser tab right now. Bob Holly would be great in a sort of weird shooty way. I want Masters though. London and Kendrick? If they really want to go with the "working the net fans" angle, they should bring in Davey RIchards for one night to get demolished and then they can get rid of him.
    2 points
  42. Jerry Lawler, pro wrestler is a god. Jerry Lawler, color commentator, especially the last decade or so, is an embarrassing, creepy, dirty old man who does a terrible job. And AJ rubbed his face in that tonight, and it was glorious.
    2 points
  43. Lawler makes one of his always uncomfortable creepy comments. AJ responds with the low-hanging fruit. JBL gets mad. AJ calmly deflects everything, makes actual funny jokes, and specifically points out that none of the three of them actually watch the damn product they are supposed to be selling, comes out looking great, while the three of them combined can come up with nothing better than "neck tattoo" jokes that fail miserably. It was easily my favorite part of the whole show. Despite having one of my top 5 or so favorite guys ever coming back to have a really good match with Randy Orton (who god damn has been re-motivated by this heel turn) and a really good Rollins/Bryan match.
    2 points
  44. The point they were making is she is nobody. They watch the show and she wormed her way into being a sidekick. Bragging about this to a legend like Jerry Lawler and a man who defended the WWE title at Wrestlemania. Now she is the piss break champion. He mentioned the tattoo line because it made her sound like a goon. Hope you never have a daughter that wants to pursue anything athletic. Her ovaries are sure to get in the way of you taking her seriously.
    2 points
  45. Handed in my notice to my current employer. Eff yes. Your best pal FSW is moving on up.
    2 points
  46. Heyman's personal doctor is Ellis from Die Hard?
    2 points
  47. Seeing how non-Americans react to Fandango makes me think that Zeb Colter has a point.
    2 points
  48. Man, that one dude wouldn't give up on that Goldberg chant during the Ryback/RVD match, would he?
    2 points
  49. This is the best thing Ted DiBiase, Jr. has ever done.
    2 points
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