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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2013 in all areas

  1. I don't even know who the fuck Eddie Kingston is.
    8 points
  2. Also, Daniel Bryan could not be a better proxy for the WWE audience. He's the nerdish weirdo outsider who is unbelievable talented and did it on his own terms. But he's now within corporate America and dismissed by the power brokers for someone who looks the traditional part. (As JBL says, if you were creating a WWE wrestler from scratch, you'd make Randy Orton.)I mean, personally speaking -- I'm a weirdo and have come to terms with it long ago. I was a weirdo nerd in high school. I was into punk and indie and the typical brainy outsider. I've got a strange sense of humor. I think I'm very good at my line of work (writing about finance and economics). I tried making it as a freelance writer (like being in the indies) but decided I needed a stable income, so I sacrificed independence for a 9-5 gig. When I started, I was told pretty quickly that I was a "polarizing" hire. I didn't fit the template of their typical hire. I didn't come from a pedigree college or live abroad or anything of that sort. I worked with a lot of Ivy League grads, some of whom came from some privileged backgrounds. I had to work my ass off to get to that spot (I made less than $20K a year at my first journalism jobs) and had to bust my ass even more to prove I belonged.I became really well-liked in the workplace. That's a strength of mine -- I make my quirkiness work for me and try to make the workplace as fun as possible. My co-workers were really impressed with how much I busted my ass but kept it fun. But respect from peers doesn't mean a promotion or raise.I'm a lot more comfortable wearing a band T-shirt and frayed khaki slacks and sneakers to the workplace, with a messy desk (since that means I'm actually working) with a Wayne's World hat and picture of my dog as cubicle decorations. I had a solid review after my first year with a decent but sorta token raise. The main thing I had strikes about was appearance, which was somehow a category I was judged on. I mean, appearance really doesn't have anything to do with writing articles about refinery profit margins but it mattered to the people who controlled my paycheck. I also got passed over for a promotion by someone I was better than but who went to an Ivy League school and could talk knowledgeably about country club memberships.So I ended up playing that game. I bought a lot of clothing from Jos. A. Bank and started to dress like the president of the company, as much as I could afford to -- a lot of blazers and ties and dress shoes. If this guy sat in on our conference calls or weekly meetings, I stopped being funny and started speaking in corporate lingo.I absolutely HATED doing this (and my co-workers made fun of me for it, as they should have). I sold out in my own little way. But I live in the real world. I have a mortgage and student loans and my wife needed a new car for work.It sucked. I thought I was good enough to eventually be able to make it to a more prominent role in the company without turning into a bit of a drone. But I couldn't trust that would happen in a time frame that would help my family. And my second review? I got close to a 10% raise and was told a promotion was in line at the next opportunity. I did nothing differently but dressed and talked the part.So, that's why I love Daniel Bryan. I absolutely wished I could have stayed true to who I am in order to make it to the top. The real world doesn't work like that. Thankfully, wrestling's storytelling that I can live vicariously through. He's not going to do dickish things like Austin or be a pain in the ass like Punk. But he's going to be himself and end up on top at some point. And I'll feel like I've won a little bit, too.
    7 points
  3. Brock/Punk needs a "Paul Heyman is suspended above the ring in a shark cage, and if CM Punk wins he gets five minutes alone with Paul Heyman" rematch.
    5 points
  4. What a Pearl Harbor job HHH did on Daniel Bryan. A total miscarriage of justice.
    5 points
  5. I still don't know which Bella is which. Which is fine since I don't care.
    4 points
  6. You basically spelled out Daniel Bryan as the Steve Austin of the current generation of kids who graduated from college with crushing student loan debt but aren't living their dreams because their dreams don't exist anymore. That was artful.
    4 points
  7. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1357mg_tripleh_sport
    4 points
  8. Being a pro wrestler and paying to see a wrestling show.
    4 points
  9. Tonight was about establishing how deep the shit anyone who opposes The Regime is going to be in. Now we know just how big the mountain Bryan is going to have to climb before he gets his big moment. This all ends with Bryan holding the WWE title belt and leading a massive YES! chant. Some of you really need to chill.
    3 points
  10. His Bella is hurt anyway and can't wrestle. EDIT: Guess I should say is hurt and is unable to have matches. We already know she can't wrestle.
    3 points
  11. Here's Smeagol the beagle
    3 points
  12. You are really the worst gimmick poster in the history of gimmick posters. Why can't get get guys like G.Gordon Liddy anymore? Why are we saddled with your obnoxious shtick?
    3 points
  13. Minor quibbling, but for all the talk about "Bryan wasn't supposed to succeed" in WWE if you really look back at his run he's continually been put in pretty good spots. Sure the original NXT run was terrible but very few people get out of that clusterfuck in a good spot. After the firing, which was mainly damage control, he came back to main event SummerSlam in the Nexus angle, beats Miz for the US title, bounces around the mid-card, wins MITB, has a pretty well booked first World title reign. Yeah, he lost in 18 seconds but it was all angle set-up and lead to the whole AJ angle and the team with Kane. I mean, I get the idea that no one saw him pinning Cena clean, but I think the idea that he's overcome bad booking is a bit misleading.
    3 points
  14. I think I would have enjoyed an early 90s Jimmy Snuka heel turn and being rechristened Jimmy Snooker and having him come to the ring with a vest and bowtie on, whilst using a cue as a foreign object.
    3 points
  15. Thanks, guys. Ran out of likes but I'll like your posts when I have them.
    3 points
  16. Holy crap, what an ending. They strung it out just long enough to make me think that it wasn't happening.
    3 points
  17. You people don't deserve Jay and Dan.
    3 points
  18. They had their job security threatened. Everyone just saw what HHH did at SummerSlam. Dolph and Big Show lipped off and got rolled by The Shield. Why risk your livelihood for a dude who has to stand tall? Especially when there's a chance the guy standing behind you is in cahoots with this whole thing and can take you out as well. Next week (or the week after) is when the rallying cry begins. Because they're good guys and that's what good guys do. Where the fuck is Sting?
    2 points
  19. As much as I hate his character, you could always count on Sheamus to stupidly brogue kick a rent-a-cop.
    2 points
  20. They had to establish the new heel stable on RAW. There was still questions on how much of an alliance it was. No way should D-Bry gotten any victory tonight. This is the type of stuff people would hate if Cena did it the day after.
    2 points
  21. I laughed forever at Curtis Axel trying to hand the strap the Heyman and Paul not being there.
    2 points
  22. The entire roster just stood there and watched all that happen? Show makes a point to mention he and Henry are going after the Shield. Henry doesn't come out to help when they're beating Show. Ziggler gets his ass kicked and no one helps either. What great heroes we have to cheer for. Henry, Show, the Usos, everyone who has ever been attacked by the Shield was just standing there at the end.
    2 points
  23. The show is great. Gyp was great. Shut up you unworthy bastards. Go back to How I Met Your Mother and that Bazinga show.
    2 points
  24. Kendall Grove has been signed to Bellator. This is so when Tito appears in TNA he'll have his own stable of fighters and they'll all do the gravedigger skit when winning. I can't wait till Bellator/TNA signs Tiki next.
    2 points
  25. Nikki's got knockers, and Brie's got Bryan.
    2 points
  26. Every time I see Lavell Crawford on the show, I always remember his joke about telling his mom he's got the Sugar. He's great.
    2 points
  27. Cuz I'll take any chance I get to post a picture of my black lab, here ya go: Does he look like a dog "so sick we're going to put him down" (from bone cancer) like we were told when we got him 8 months ago?
    2 points
  28. My beloved Airedale Terrier, Charlie, models his custom made scarf. Edit: Here he is, in full coat, helping me with some geocaching. I often have people tell me that he looks like a teddy bear when he's like this:
    2 points
  29. Okay, what the hell? Did the Horsemen have a mafia themed photoshoot, or was that a real mafia hit, and it happened in a Italian restaurant that had a autographed 4 Horsemen mural painted on it's wall?
    2 points
  30. I apologize for the quality, it's the best I could do...taken from the new JCP doc:
    2 points
  31. If people aren't excited for WWE after last night then I'm pretty sure they will never be into WWE again... They are on a roll right now. There's still crap and I expect that with how much television they produce but the top of the card is the best it's been in a very long time and the in-ring work might be the best WWE has ever had... EVER.
    2 points
  32. People on this board who are not Gonzalez: Punk/Lesnar was great! So was Cena/Bryan, but I liked Punk/Lesnar better because X. Other people on this board who are not Gonzalez: Punk/Lesnar was great, but I liked Cena/Bryan better because Y. People on this board who are Gonzalez: AHAHAHA FUCK YOU FSW!
    2 points
  33. *Reminder: insert pic of Eddie Kingston w/ "Huh?" sound clip a la Botchamania here. Millions of likes will follow.* Reading comprehension, son. But dad, Kingston is "THE last of a dying breed," which doesn't make sense anyway. Besides, it was just a joke, YOU'RE THE REASON WHY MOM LEFT!!!
    2 points
  34. Austin joining Vince had its own logical explanation. After his loss to HHH in the 3 Stages of Hell, Austin became paranoid that he didn't have it anymore and the business was passing him by. With this being the first time in his career that he had some self-doubt, he turned to the onean Austin knew had the power to manipulate everything to his advantage. Vince, seeing Austin as still the best and the biggest pain in the ass ever in his life, jumped at the opportunity to work with Austin instead of against him, and remove the biggest headache in his life. Plus it had to please him to no end for Austin to grovel for his help.
    2 points
  35. Cody emerging clean-shaven was easily the night's biggest dissappointment. Especially since they did it with no fanfare. They couldn't have booked a mustache vs briefcase stip or at least had Wade "The Barber" Barrett shave it off in a post-match angle to get his new gimmick over?Speaking of facial hair, man does Shawn Michaels look rough. I watched the show with some friends at Buffalo Wild Wings and when they cut to the panel, some guy shouted "Hoooo!" thinking it was Hacksaw Jim Duggan. I was just about to google "Duggan, Cancer" when I realized it was HBK.
    2 points
  36. Yeah, and look how successful that was. Oh for fuck's sake, they're potentially creating someone who overtakes Cena. If Daniel Bryan eventually goes over HHH and Orton, he's set until retirement. DB withstood one of the most embarrassing WM losses ever to get to this point. I'm sure he won't be hindered by whatever nonsense brought HHH and Orton together. Besides, the easiest explanation is shit changes. It's been years since HHH and Orton had their feud or since Orton punted the McMahons. Orton was originally someone HHH backed as part of the future of the WWE. Its pro wrestling. Is it not at all possible that Orton, HHH, and the McMahons couldn't have hashed their problems out?
    2 points
  37. Yeah, and look how successful that was.
    2 points
  38. Hell, the Orton PUNT OF DEATH got over as a finisher because it was sold properly. If he can beat Cena with it, he can beat anyone with it, period. The most over and effective finisher in the history of WWE is an inverted jawbreaker. If booked and sold correctly, anything can be a finisher.
    2 points
  39. Another random note. Punk threw his worst Savage Elbow ever tonight.
    2 points
  40. Was obvious something was up when HHH wouldn't leave ring as Bryan was celebrating. I think the ending will make Bryan an even bigger babyface. The $$$ is in chasing Orton for the title and exacting revenge on the hated McMahons. Orton better as heel, Triple H better as heel (since everyone hates him anyways) and Cena taking time off to recuperate are all wins to me. Bryan will get his moment back, trust me. And goddamn, that Punk/Lesnar bout was phenomenal.
    2 points
  41. Punk going after Heyman wasn't just because he hates Heyman. If Punk didn't kill Heyman, he'd keep interfering. Also, I thought Michael Cole was abnormally good.
    2 points
  42. Mason Ryan and BO DALLAS!
    2 points
  43. Bryan is absolutely amazing as the guy who has to overcome every odd imaginable. The WWE has a great plot device w/ The Money In The Bank. It lets Bryan continue as the underdog chasing for the title who has to overcome everything in his way to get what he deserves.Cena/Bryan was awesome. Punk/Lesnar felt like I was watching Rocky. Christian/ADR was awesome.I didn't watch Wyatt/Kane yet or The Shield stuff.Great PPV, though. I legit think the WWE is at its absolute peak right now. So many great workers who get it.
    2 points
  44. Hi. Who ordered the Internet Sharknado?
    2 points
  45. Good Christ, Gonzalez is fucking annoying. Who gives a shit what someone else said? Just enjoy the match instead of scoreboarding.
    2 points
  46. That's awful about your dog. I can tell though from her bed that she had an awesome life. This is my beloved Zelda. She's six. A friend of a friend works for the parks department here in Philly. They find a lot of stray/abandoned dogs. The friend of a friend found her. Protocol was that you have to take a dog to the pound if you find a stray. However, she had to work on a Sunday for some reason and there was no one at the pound. She took her home. She wanted to keep her but she already has two dogs and lives in an apartment. Our mutual friend called me since I was going to hang out w/ her. My wife and I talked about getting a dog for years but never went through with it -- my wife said she'd be too sad to go to adopt a dog because she'd want to adopt every one. I went to my friend's house and met Zelda for the first time. She jumped up on my chest and kissed me a bunch. I knew that she was immediately my best friend. This was five years ago. I worked from home most of our first year with her. I was going through a really rough time of things. She kept me sane and healthy. I love her so much. She sleeps in our bed with us and always uses my legs as a pillow. The only thing she loves more than us is peanut butter.
    2 points
  47. Yes, please.And Bryan winning by desparate knockout in the bottom of the 9th is more believable than making Brock tap out. I keep harping on this point but I am convinced the reason for using the Boma Ye as the finish was in order to give Bryan the tools to succeed long-term
    1 point
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