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WWE Raw 9-23-13


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"When there's a radio show that wants an interview too early in the morning, well we send them The Miz...


and when there's a local supermarket that's opening that needs that extra special promotion...well, Miz, you are our guy!"


Come on, that was better than the punch. 


Yeah, that assement was brutal. Like others have said, I liked how Big Show punched The Miz out unlike the other times when he hesitated and didn't want to but was forced. Bad two weeks for The Miz.


Liked the main event with Reigns drilling Gabriel and Ryder with Spears and Rollins selling Bryan's running knee finish.

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I don't understand why they are pushing the Usos more than the Primetime Players in this whole thing. The crowd is just dying for a reason to treat Titus O'Neil like a star. Usos are an ok team, but there is definitely no breakout star potential with the team like the PTPs have.

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That press slam into the table was absolutley nasty. Punk looked like he took all of it right on his right kidney or hip. For a guy who doesn't even take asprin, he's gonna be in a world of hurt.


How Punk can still get function and get through days may be a miracle of modern medicine.


I mean, Lance Storm never touched painkillers either. But at least he was smart enough not to frigging kill himself every week and make his life even more difficult.


Yeah, but being Lance Storm must be its own special brand of pain.


Lance Storm doesn't have feelings. Feelings are a human concept.


I feel bad for Lance. We've given him crap about how terrible his offense looks for years, but it's hard to wrestle snug when you're bound by Asimov's First Law of Robotics.

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I could buy the whole story they were trying to tell tonight but fuck it seemed tedious.  Maybe because in a 3 hour show they kept using the same wrestlers over and over again?


"Cul-de-sac of disappointment" is going to get added to my personal lexicon at some point.

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I think they were playing with expectations from years of shitty booking, They use to do shit like 40 on 2 matches and the 2 would win. I think HHH is trying to create plausible deniability. So he tell the board "I am just as hard on the Shield." He then creates circumstances, where the faces are injured before the match. Stephanie is his Agnew. He may actually be trying to get her fired by the board, so he can have full power. 

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Well, Miz did basically berate Show prior to the punch. I can see where he'd feel less apprehensive about knocking him upside his smug face than when he was told to take out innocent bystanders like Bryan or Big Dust.

There were a few good segments but the show did drag tonight. My highlight was the Rhodes Boys going all vigilante justice on the Shield. Although I still don't understand why they won't let Dustin just be Dustin. I mean, I know why - this poor nobody was bestowed this legendary gimmick by Vince so how can he get over without it? - but it seems ridiculous to make up your face in this elaborate paint scheme in order to hop the rail for a SNEAK attack.

Actually, scratch that thought. Why doesn't Cody paint HIS face? The original Goldust makeup was obviously influenced by The Warriors. I'd love for Cody and Dustin to turn their outlaw status into a Baseball Furies gimmick.

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If they want to follow up on the whole "alternate face of WWE" thing they played up with Orton last week, I think The Miz would be the perfect guy for them to go to. Obviously you'd only use him to make Randy Orton go super saiyan psycho, but having HHH and Stephanie trot out a newly turned Miz as their new "face of WWE" would be a good way to fill out a few weeks. Then after he loses at the PPV to Bryan you can have Orton kill him again, but deader this time, and finally be IED Orton again.

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Loved how the main event played out after dreading the idea of the Shield burning through a 3-on-11 handicap, but it's really annoying that they blew off Reigns eating a pinfall with ZERO BUILD. The guy's been in the company for almost a full year without getting pinned, and they don't play that little tidbit up at all until AFTER it happens. To me that was easily the most bass-ackward part of the match.

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The shield are the best thing ever. The amount of heat in their matches is crazy. I feel like I'm watching the Freebirds in Texas sometimes when they show how hot the crowds are for the babyfaces facing them. I have seen Jericho plenty of times try and get the younger guys heat and he deserves credit for his willingness to put guys over. Beating him rarely means anything though. Just simply facing the shield gets a guy more heat than beating Jericho.

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Raw was a little long winded but all of the big picture storyline stuff worked for me.


I'm guessing this has already been said somewhere in this thread, but there wasn't a logic gap in the main event. On Smackdown, Vickie set up an 11 on 3 gauntlet match where each of the faces would go against the shield 3 on 1. HHH stopped everything mid-match once there was some hope that the faces would overcome the odds. HHH then started playing good cop in an effort to win back the locker room.


On Raw, this time HHH made the gauntlet match in the faces favor. Plotting to win back the locker room and turn the faces on Bryan. It seems pretty logical what he is trying to do.


What has impressed me so much about the post-summerslam programming is their ability to draw wrestlers into the storyline and make them way more interesting than they've been in a long time.


The Miz: Miz has been treading water the past few years. Dopey feuds, forgettable promos, etc. Miz gets brutally beat down by Orton in his hometown in front of his folks. The Miz has probably been beat down by Fandango and/or Barrett a dozen times in the past 6 months. But this beat down felt different. He comes out last night on Raw super serious, and suddenly he has a chance, even if it's a small one, of being an interesting compelling character again.


Big Show: Where does this guy stand? For weeks he is being lectured to by the faces about doing the right thing. Each week he must contemplate his actions. Steph keeps on waving his financial situation in his face to do her bidding. This week Big Show acted a little too quickly. Has he already turned we just down know it yet? 


Cody: Has anyone ever benefitted more from not being on tv? And the run in last night was perfect. Short and sweet. I don't know how many weeks they could run the Orton-Cody footage without  viewers losing interest in Cody.  Just enough to keep you paying attention to the struggles of the Rhodes family but not giving away too  much.


The Usos: These guys were floating around on Superstars and the occasional Smackdown for what seemed like forever. They were clearly way too talented for the roles they had. Even if the Shield were greatly outnumbered, pinning Reigns was not some inconsequential moment. The commentators stressed that it matters. The crowd reacted as if it mattered. And everyone is better for it. As the Usos stock goes up, so will the interest in their matches with the Shield.

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