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RAW is Samoan SWAT Team v. BULLET CLUB

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53 minutes ago, Kyuubi said:

losing to Dolph Ziggler is like losing to Crash Holly. It's Daniel Bryan tapping out to Michael Cole. It just says the company really has no hope for you.

Don't forget he also won the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and winning that is another sign the company has no hope for you.

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3 hours ago, JonnyLaw said:

So you can't believe what Owens can do in the ring, and yet you think he is overrated?

I could've said that better. I think Owens is talented, but I think he's overvalued in some corners of fandom because of his look. Is he a very good worker? Yes. Is he a good talker? Yes. But I also think some of that is because he is allowed by management to do and say things that not everyone is allowed to do. It's symptomatic of a larger problem in WWE. Kevin Owens appears to be a little slice of the "ruthless aggression" era in the PG era. Not everyone is allowed to go out and do what he does, for whatever reason. And that's fine. It's worked for him. But I think some of what separates him from others is something others could do were they allowed. Does that make sense?

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7 hours ago, Curt McGirt said:

The inhaled fumes from the gas pump where he's trying to "fill up" the Cordoba. 

Dean might be a hitchhiking hobo, but he appreciates fine Corinthian leather.

I was happy to see Rusev win the battle royal of the jobbers...err guys with nothing to do. I tweeted to him that him and Lana remind me so much of Tully and Babydoll. That's the direction they need to go with them. But why would they want to get anyone over or anything.

The Hardcore Pawn analogy from earlier in the thread cracked me up. Only problem is Stephanie is the heel so she's Seth in this. But it totally works.

It's like they just wanted Stephanie running things but were all "well, people like Shane so lets keep him around for a while". So I guess Shane just hangs around in the back doing nothing and collects a pay check and wonders why did he come back again.

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This has to be the most inspired writing WWE's had since before WM 30. Plus with all the roster turnover, everything just feels so fresh right now. I actually watched every segment on Raw this week for the first time in god knows how long.

The Shane/Steph dynamic would be perfectly fine if there wasn't this impending cloud of "Shane vs. HHH: featured angle" hanging over it. As far as authority figures go, they're pretty tolerable. Shane kinda favors the faces and Steph kinda favors the heels so there's no imbalance. Plus they're not really fighting with each other yet, so there's no one-upsmanship where every decision becomes about their feud instead. Really wouldn't mind if they ran the show like that for a while.

The IC 4-way feud is kind of hacked together, but it's 3 elite workers and one decent worker who knows his role, so I'm into it.

Even the Goldust/Truth/Breeze/Fandango segment wasn't bad. Kind of reminded me of an attitude era "everybody has an angle" angle. Hopefully they can rehab Tyler.

The tag title segment was a lot of fun. The concussion has added some legit heat to this feud and gives the fans a real reason to dislike the Vaudevillains. New Day's still going strong, Cass delivered in Enzo's absence (though anyone who follows NXT knows he's a pretty good promo himself), and Bubba Dudley was great at being a total jackass.

Ambrose was being such an asshole to Steph, I didn't mind when she kicked him in the balls at the end of their segment. I thought Jericho was done for a while, but I guess there's not much else for Dean to do at the moment.

Glad the Emma/Becky feud was finally allowed back on tv. They should probably find a way to get Sasha back on tv too if they plan to push her at some point. Is she still feuding with Summer? Can't believe she's not at least on Smackdown or Superstars every week.

The AJ/Roman stuff is really good. I love how they're not forcing the face/heel roles too much and just letting things develop organically. Night and day compared to Roman/HHH, and not surprisingly, the product is all the better for it. Kinda feeling like the Balor club unites and costs AJ at Extreme Rules, which won't leave too much time to kill before Rollins comes back to chase Roman.

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13 hours ago, PetrolCB said:

I kind of wish that since there aren't any chairs in the Ambrose Asylum, he just makes everyone sit on the mat, like its some sort of smoke sesh in that one friend's apartment (you all know that guy, maybe). Who manages to always have a stash, food, but never any substantial furniture. 

He needs some ratty beanbags and lawn chairs around a wooden wire spool

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7 hours ago, Technico Support said:

Ah, the 50/50 club.  Where everyone is kept in a perfect state of "lukewarm" so, when they do get a push, the fans don't care.

Ahh, the WWE version of SNL's 5-Timers Club. 

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2 hours ago, Burgundy LaRue said:

You mean cracked vinyl seats 'borrowed' from a 1977 Ford Ranchero and a tire fire built in a rusty 55-gallon drum.

The more hobo the better. 

It's completely meaningless, other than providing comedic canon for us on the board, but having someone, say, Miz on the AA sitting in a pre-slit lawn chair, only to fall through and complain about the shoddy nature of a talk show appearance for a "star" of his size would be funny.

To me at least. 

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Decent show. The McMahon feud has dragged stuff down somewhat, but it's still immensely more entertaining than pre-Mania.

As mentioned, love the respect for Enzo/Cass. Jericho/Ambrose stuff is nice, too. Still have no idea how Nattie gets on PG TV with that porny Brutus Beefcake outfit. Boy did Flair not bend in the sharpshooter.

You're fucking nuts if you think anybody but Rollins is taking that title from Reigns. Feud is great, though.

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Yeah, Cass has been doing that since being called up.  He's been using older references like Laurel and Hardy which caught me off-guard but he's so entertaining it somehow works.  Granted, that was for the Vaudevillains.  Maybe doing more modern references be best going forward.

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25 minutes ago, NickMD said:

Yeah, Cass has been doing that since being called up.  He's been using older references like Laurel and Hardy which caught me off-guard but he's so entertaining it somehow works.  Granted, that was for the Vaudevillains.  Maybe doing more modern references be best going forward.

Nah, the old references are probably because Vince wouldn't understand any pop culture references post-1952.

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God damnit WWE - don't you go putting up the WarGames collection on the network and then start feuds that could SO EASILY turn into a Reigns/Usos/Joe vs AJ/Gallows/Anderson/Finn WarGames match and get me all excited for things that my logical brain knows will never happen.

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1 hour ago, Trocar Slush Weasel said:

So will Rusev/Lana re-enact the Edge/Lita sex celebration?  Leading to Attitude Era 2.0.

After he is done eating Kalisto's heart


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