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WWE Raw 7-6-15


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1. vs. CM Punk. Money in the Bank 2011.

2. vs. Daniel Bryan. SummerSlam 2013.

3. vs. Brock Lesnar. Extreme Rules 2012.

4. vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins. Royal Rumble 2015.

5. vs. Brock Lesnar. SummerSlam 2014.

6. vs. Umaga. Royal Rumble 2007.

7. vs. Kevin Owens. Money in the Bank 2015.

8. vs. Shawn Michaels. RAW, 23rd April 2007.

9. vs. Cesaro. RAW, 6th July 2015.

10. vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Mike Knox. No Way Out 2009.

The Cena haters excuse always is that Cena was carried in all of those matches by his far superior opponents. I don't understand how he can be carried when he is usually the one calling the spots... Loudly.

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I won't take credit for it but Dylan said it best when Titus destroying JBL was like when Jon Stewart went on Crossfire many years ago to completely crap on both of the panelists and the show with Tucker Carlson providing the classic "do something funny" line.  If it wasn't for Titus having a great personality he would be Wade Barrett buried


Speaking of Barrett who thought it was a good idea to give him and R-Truth a match with a commercial break. 


I loved when the J&J car was driving to West Virginia to visit Jamie Noble's relatives and it went back and forth the state about 4 or 5 times keeping up with the stereotype 

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I loved when the J&J car was driving to West Virginia to visit Jamie Noble's relatives and it went back and forth the state about 4 or 5 times keeping up with the stereotype 

What stereotype would that be? I didn't see the skit. I just love learning about my home state through WWE's shitty brain dead writing.

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No one is going to bother suing Brock because they know even if they won it would be Heyman's job as Brock's advocate to send the payout, and we all know what happens when Heyman is responsible for putting a check in the mail...


No one's going to sue Brock because Heyman handles his money......


which means Brock is broke, but probably doesn't know it yet.

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1. vs. CM Punk. Money in the Bank 2011.

2. vs. Daniel Bryan. SummerSlam 2013.

3. vs. Brock Lesnar. Extreme Rules 2012.

4. vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins. Royal Rumble 2015.

5. vs. Brock Lesnar. SummerSlam 2014.

6. vs. Umaga. Royal Rumble 2007.

7. vs. Kevin Owens. Money in the Bank 2015.

8. vs. Shawn Michaels. RAW, 23rd April 2007.

9. vs. Cesaro. RAW, 6th July 2015.

10. vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Mike Knox. No Way Out 2009.

The Cena haters excuse always is that Cena was carried in all of those matches by his far superior opponents. I don't understand how he can be carried when he is usually the one calling the spots... Loudly.



Seriously, how many classic matches exist that consisted of one guy dragging his opponent kicking and screaming to the snowflakes? Savage/Warrior?

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JBL's gonna need a WASHRAG to clean up after that...


I was thinking about this after Titus dropped the "2 degrees" line on him. People confuse bad public speaking skills with being stupid, and this has led to the downfall of many an announcer trying to bully guest commentator Titus O'Neill. He might stumble over his words, but his content will leave you unable to even make fun of that.


New Day/Lucha Dragons was an underrated match overshadowed by the aforementioned commentary. New Day has consistently been a bright spot on WWE TV since Mania.


I loved the Brock segment if for no other reason than I always wondered why wrestlers would bring axe handles out as weapons with out the axe blade attached. Poor Jamie's gonna be in a full-body cast by Battleground.


The Cena/Cesaro match was another great one in a vacuum. I preferred it to last week's match, but I don't know how much more epic-y Owens/Cena 3 can get to put Owens over. Ultimately, I guess it's silly to worry about that, since in 3 years, we're just gonna look back on this as an awesome match with no regard for how it fit in the context of another angle. That bump Cena took into the barricade was nasty.

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Cesaro is at that Daniel Bryan level, where it's more glaring when he doesn't have a good match with someone.


If I had a bad 10 plus minute match with Cesaro, I know I would have, "Oh damn. Maybe I'm not good at this whole wrestling thing" thoughts and doubts.



I would have a bad 10 plus minute match against Cesaro.


Oh, Titus is always great on commentary.  Nothing new.


There was a brief moment where I thought the blade of the axe was going to fly off the handle while Brock chopped down the car.  I think I said this a thousand times in here, but anytime Brock has a weapon near the crowd, I fear for those front row people.  I think it was chairs last time...

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How has no one mentioned Lana taking her first bump, getting thrown out of the ring by Summer Rae during the Dolph/Rusev bit?


The whole thing sucks. I try to forget.  Rusev is doing great though so good for him.   I think Cena's been on a roll too.. but I do wonder what the opinion would be on some of these matches if they were out of PWG. Does context matter? I've always said that it does, I just wonder how most people would feel.

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There was a brief moment where I thought the blade of the axe was going to fly off the handle while Brock chopped down the car.  I think I said this a thousands times in here, but anytime Brock has a weapon near the crowd, I fear for those front row people.  I think it was chairs last time...


You can't complain if you go to a Gallagher show and end up with watermelon on you, you can't complain if you go see Brock and go home missing an arm.

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I told my friend last night I couldn't meet him at a bar cause I wanted to watch RAW and he asked how long that would take and I said 3 hours and he started laughing and wouldn't stop. Anyway, good show.

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I really liked the U.S. Open Challenge at the start. A lot of good matches. The problem I see is this - Savage-Steamboat was awesome because you didn't see Savage-Steamboat type matches every week. Cena has a Savage-Steamboat every fucking time. Awesome, there's going to be 35 near falls. It isn't special if it's every fucking week.

I get it that I'm an asshole for bitching about Great matches.

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Indy Cena is the best thing ever.  Hopefully the season of it being cool to hate him is coming to an end.


As long as there are douches who think Vince McMahon killed pro wrestling, there will be douches who hate on Cena. Take the herp with the derp.


Last week I was thinking how long John Cena has worked for the WWE, the matches he's had and to argue against the "You Can't Wrestle" with Cena's ten best matches:


1. vs. CM Punk. Money in the Bank 2011.

2. vs. Daniel Bryan. SummerSlam 2013.

3. vs. Brock Lesnar. Extreme Rules 2012.

4. vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins. Royal Rumble 2015.

5. vs. Brock Lesnar. SummerSlam 2014.

6. vs. Umaga. Royal Rumble 2007.

7. vs. Kevin Owens. Money in the Bank 2015.

8. vs. Shawn Michaels. RAW, 23rd April 2007.

9. vs. Cesaro. RAW, 6th July 2015.

10. vs. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Mike Knox. No Way Out 2009.


I could filp #1 and #2 around. I think I rate the Bryan match more than most. Perfect for me. The beating put on by Brock at Extreme Rules 2012 is amazing as is the squash match at SummerSlam 2014, few if any would do that. Haven't watched #6 and #7 in a while which might explain their lower placement.


Three honourable mentions for what John Cena got out of them:


vs. The Great Khali. Judgment Day 2007 and One Night Stand 2007.

vs. Bobby Lashley. The Great American Bash 2007.


Missing any?



 vs. Randy Orton. Summerslam 2007

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I absolutely refuse to hate the Rusev segment, dumb as this story might be.  Impossible to hate after he said "THE LANA THAT CALLS HERSELF WOMAN!"  I howled with laughter.  In a just world, they'd see how great he's been throughout all this and reward him with good angles going forward.

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The Rusev angle is so bad.  We're supposed to be against Rusev because he's a sexist oaf, but he's the only one who's 100% nailing his role.  This story is just wrong on a variety of levels.


Obviously, it would be worlds better if they had left the romance aspect out of it.  Just have Lana continue as the no-nosense manager who cuts ties with Rusev--not so much because he lost to Cena, but because he's clearly losing focus with his erratic and boorish behavior. 


Lana looks for another client and comes across Ziggler, who she sees as popular and talented, but a bit daft.  He's ripe for the professional picking, and easier to control in her eyes.  They could have even went meta with her prodding Ziggler about now being in the main event, despite his great showing at Survivor Series in order to get him to sign to her newly formed sports agency.  That would have been a great time to freshen up Dolph's look, too.


Meanwhile, Rusev is wondering aimlessly across the WWE universe, and gets injured to boot.  He's about to give up on his career--when in comes Summer Rae who, when written for semi-properly, is pretty savvy.  She too knows a business opportunity when it's in front of her, and works to rebuild Rusev into the feared monster who once rode into WM on a tank.  Each lady has their client tear through their opponents until they meet around now, and build toward SummerSlam.


It could have been so interesting watching two gorgeous women compete in business, and something that could be called on again in the future.  But they went for the easy catfight angle.  What a waste.

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It's pretty much standard operating procedure now to expect something worlds better than the end result.  For stuff like this I go in with no expectations and try to find something possibly worthwhile.  The only good thing about this is Rusev, but it's a shame what they did with Lana.  She was so damn good, but it's just not working what they're having her do.

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