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Doctor Who Omnibus Thread


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Only one small nitpick

no romana on gallifrey?

very touching, esp the ending.


Romana was removed from power as President. Remember that Rassilon was supposedly Prez when Gallifrey fell.

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"All 12 of them are here now. No! Wait! 13!"



My "OH SHIT!" moment.


What a great day. I watched An Adventure In Space And Time earlier which was great and had me tearing up. And Space channel in Canada has been showing specials all day and will continue until tomorrow night. And THIS. Can't wait to see it in 3D on Monday, the showing is sold out. 

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A great episode.  A lot doesn't make sense to me, but that's kind of Doctor Who for you.


- Christopher Ecclestone, you're a dick for not coming back for this episode for the regeneration cameo.  I refuse to believe they didn't ask you.  


- Also, you've made that choice more than once Doctor. 


- OK, I can kind of see how doing a great big wibbly wobbly timey wimey switch on Gallifrey would be something the Doctor wouldn't remember and this event doesn't permanently muck things up.  However, here is the problem.  Aren't the Time Lords like dicks now and all that?  Didn't they essentially start the Time War?  So if they restore Gallifrey, that's a problem that needs to be addressed.


The other big implication:


- Are they pulling the wool over eyes and Capaldi really is 13?

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A great episode.  A lot doesn't make sense to me, but that's kind of Doctor Who for you.


The other big implication:


- Are they pulling the wool over eyes and Capaldi really is 13?


I somewhat think this:


The Great Intelligence/Silence has still not been defeated, judging by the Christmas special teaser. I suspect that Capaldi will be a Future Doctor (going by his cameo in today's special), but he's going to be a "Big Reboot" Doctor. He won't have memories of the Time War, the Daleks, Cybermen, or the Great Intelligence. The 12th Doctor will sacrifice his own timestream (and himself) to stop the Silence once and for all. Capaldi's Doctor will be him (more or less) in Gallifrey and will begin with him stealing a Tardis. Clara will fit into this somehow and say she's is the "Doctor's daughter" when asked and the whole time Capaldi's Doctor will feel like he should know more about her but doesn't.

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Remember the pictures of the classic Doctors protesting?



Now we get to see the reason for that. Peter Davison wrote and directed a short starring almost EVERYBODY. Behold: The Five-ish Doctors Reboot!


Oh my god that was fucking hilarious.  So many great lines in this, I was on the floor for some of them.  I especially liked this exchange between McCoy and Colin Baker as they are watching Paul McGann reading a script:


McCoy:  "Probably for TV.  I mean, who wants to do TV?  It's not like its a motion picture."


Baker:  "Oh shut up."  


McCoy's shameless promotion and name dropping of The Hobbit was also hilarious.  

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50th Anniversary episode:


Really liked last night’s 50th Anniversary special for the interaction between the three Doctors, seeing David Tennant’s return as the Tenth Doctor, Peter Capaldi’s brief first appearance as The Doctor was probably my favourite thing and Tom Baker’s involvement.








Remember the pictures of the classic Doctors protesting?



Now we get to see the reason for that. Peter Davison wrote and directed a short starring almost EVERYBODY. Behold: The Five-ish Doctors Reboot!


I’d also like to recommend The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot written and directed by Peter Davidson. Well worth seeing and so funny. Hope it gets a DVD release. I'll like your post about it, TheVileOne when I have them again.

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Thought it was a solid ep.  Didn't love it as much as some.  I was expecting John Hurt's Doctor to be.... different.  More of an antagonist, I guess.  The "He's the Doctor we don't talk about" stuff is sort of ridiculous, considering how many times the Doctor has made/contemplated the same sort of choices.  The Doctor has come a hair's breath from having to wipe out numerous other races in the name of the greater good.  Saving Gallifrey as they seemingly did still entails wiping out the daleks.  Guess he doesn't feel as bad about that.  Also, in the last Tennant special (End of Time), wasn't he basically desperate to keep the Time Lords from returning?


Also watched "Runaway Bride".  Boo the haters.  Probably my favorite ep of the first couple seasons.  From what I can remember of it, I really liked the Catherine Tate season, so there's a decent chance Season 4 will be my favorite season when I finish rewatching them.  Tennant and Tate seem to have a lot of natural chemistry, and I wish they'd cast companions more along Tate's line and get away from the "20-something model with a crush on the Doctor" casting, 

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It was less about all the Time Lords returning as it was Rassilon and the High Council wiping everyone out to elevate them to a different state of conciousness. Rassilon was willing to sacrifice allthe people on Gallifrey so a privileged few could do something that may or may not have worked



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