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This is the best of the 8th Doctor Audios for people interested. It's something like $3 right now and well worth it.


The way Moffat talks about wanting every regeneration scene makes me wishful we may get the Eccelston cameo at the end after all.


I was thinking the same thing. It's kind of a ballsy thing to say knowing what's coming.

Some people have predicted it all along. :)

OK, so if this regeneration is The War Doctor, does that mean this one doesn't count against his "13" lives?

I both really want to know the answer to that, and realize that it's totally irrelevant since they're just gonna make some shit up.*


*I realize that "making shit up" is what writers of fiction do. What I mean to say is that Doctor Who has never seemed particularly concerned about internal continuity and sense-making.

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Well, during "End of Time" they revealed that the Time Lords do have some kind of reset button to increase regenerations (they used it on The Master), so if this special ends up "unlocking" Gallifrey, that could extend his clock.


Also, they never really explained if River's "giving all her regenerations up" to save 11 when she poisoned him reset his clock or not.



OK, so if this regeneration is The War Doctor, does that mean this one doesn't count against his "13" lives?

I both really want to know the answer to that, and realize that it's totally irrelevant since they're just gonna make some shit up.*


*I realize that "making shit up" is what writers of fiction do. What I mean to say is that Doctor Who has never seemed particularly concerned about internal continuity and sense-making.



I understand, but I only ask this because it seems the BBC and the creators have taken to numbering all the doctors.  McGann is still eight, Ecclestone was nine, but there's no indication that Hurt has a number.


I also get that they can come up with some weird, likely convoluted way around the whole 13 lives thing, but I was merely curious where The War Doctor falls.  Like is he just an isolated entity because of the Time War?


Sweet! That's my new FB banner.


Glad you like it.




OK, so if this regeneration is The War Doctor, does that mean this one doesn't count against his "13" lives?

I both really want to know the answer to that, and realize that it's totally irrelevant since they're just gonna make some shit up.*


*I realize that "making shit up" is what writers of fiction do. What I mean to say is that Doctor Who has never seemed particularly concerned about internal continuity and sense-making.



I understand, but I only ask this because it seems the BBC and the creators have taken to numbering all the doctors. McGann is still eight, Ecclestone was nine, but there's no indication that Hurt has a number.


I also get that they can come up with some weird, likely convoluted way around the whole 13 lives thing, but I was merely curious where The War Doctor falls. Like is he just an isolated entity because of the Time War?



I'm hoping the numbers don't change of the Doctors and that's why I think they've gone with a different title, the War Doctor for seperation. I like how that happened. At the end of The Name of the Doctor, 11 said he's my secret, the one who broke the promise and not in the name of the Doctor. Also in The Night of the Doctor, Hurt said Doctor, no more. 


Then doesn't that essentially mean Peter Capaldi is his "last" life?  Now granted not necessarily the last doctor because they can wibbly wobbly timey wimey some sort of solution out of that.  They can make a dramatic storyline out of it.



Found a couple things for everyone.





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My Theory: The Sisterhood of Kern having perfected Time Lord science means that the War Doctor rebooted his regen cycle with Hurt being the new first life and Eccelston, Tennant and Smith being lives 2,3 & 4 with Capaldi being the new 5




So, since Xfinity on Demand/BBC America has every episode of Dr.Who and Torchwood upped for free, I've decided to try to marathon the shows.  I have a hard time sticking with Dr. Who.  I think this last season was the only season I managed to stick with all the way through.  I've seen most of the episodes from most of the seasons, but it generally takes a couple tries to get through, so I kinda lose track of the longer plot threads. 


I usually lose interest in the show pretty quickly.  I enjoyed Torchwood S1 and 2, but never saw the mini and couldn't get interested in the Bravo series.  So this will be interesting.


Anyway, halfway through S1 and I'm more interested than I was the time I rented S1 years ago (didn't finish the season, as I recall).  Not sure why  Thought the Dalek episode was solid, but that was it out of the first six or seven eps.  The farting aliens two-parter didn't work for me - farting alien plots rarely do - and the pilot ep was absurd,  Watching Eccleston pretend to wrestle a plastic mannequin arm makes his decision to leave understandable.


Do like Eccleston, though.  I'm a little uncertain why Rose Tyler became such a popular character.  Nothing about the character or Billie Piper's acting works well for me.  She might be my least favorite of the companions.

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Rose is my least favorite companion by far, I honestly wish they had just killed her at the end of season 2. She's just dull as sin



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