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Miz is brilliant because I've never been able to tell where the heel heat ends and the go away heat starts. It's unfortunate that he wasn't a natural athlete and spent time in a developmental that made cookie cutter workers. He's my one of my favorite wrestlers that I'd never ever want to watch a comp of. 

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1 hour ago, JCM said:

Arn Anderson is one of the best promos of all time, was in the best stable of all time, one half of one of the greatest tag teams of all time with Tully, and maybe the greatest tag wrestler of all time. The fucking Miz(and I enjoy his work) doesn't compare to AA.

And believe me, 99% of fans haven't seen him at his best on weekly WCW/NWA TV, just PPV's.

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It just seems to me that they're in two different leagues. I'd take Arn's promos alone over Miz' entire career without thinking twice. Miz on a top 100 of all time list(even if it's just American wrestlers) doesn't compute.

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So, if I were making a list, I'd put Arn top fifty and not rate Miz. But the argument I'd make for Arn looks a lot like the argument I'd make for Miz, which is all I'm saying (and I do think that Arn has the added argument of "great mic worker" which Miz, while solid, doesn't have). I don't think they're ultimately in the same league, either. But neither guy has been in many all-time 1-on-1 matches and both have longevity and being really solid workers as singles and in tags all over TV as their arguments. 

And if someone pressed an argument based on Miz being top one hundred for those reasons, I'd disagree, but I'd understand where it's coming from. 

It's my fault for pointing out that the arguments for them look similar when it comes to productivity, though. As soon as I mentioned Arn Anderson in the same post as the Miz without that post saying "Arn Anderson is way the fuck better than the Miz," I should have known that some of y'all motherfuckers would get triggered. 

I kind of don't blame you. 

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The deal with the PWO GWE thing is that it was just 100 wrestlers from all of history and from every style. If you have 10 mid-south guys, it's harder to place Miz even at 100. If you have 20 luchadors, etc. If you have 15 Joshi workers, 10 WoS wrestlers, etc. And those last five spots which were a bit more "personal pick"-y were so, so hard. 

I think Miz brings a lot to the table, honestly, but I look at the genius of Les Kellett or how amazingly sound Judy Martin was or Brazo de Oro's match with Santo. Miz never had a match like that. And everyone had to deal with that.

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If I was compiling a list of 'Best Pro-Wrestlers who started out on reality TV' I would have Miz behind Jesse Godderz.

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Even if you have a massive blind spot (like I know nothing about Mexico and little about Oceania), it would be hard to place someone like him.

It would be hard to do on a list of only U.S. workers, even accounting for the fact that there is little pre-seventies footage. I might have one hundred guys who wrestled in the '80s before Miz. 

But then again, I looked at the list just now and Kofi Kingston got a vote, so you never know. That's the magical thing about lists. 

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I mean, I don't think he's great, but if you made the argument that he was, I would certainly see where you were coming from. I do think it's worth something extra that he generates actual heel heat as a heel in 2016 WWE. 

But when I think "great," I think more like Arn Anderson being basically the President Obama of wrestling promos with the voice that you know is spitting truth and the sometimes soaring rhetoric and the ability to give me chills at his best. 

EDIT: MattD, I think that's a compelling argument. It actually makes me want to go watch some random 2011 Kofi matches on Superstars or something. 

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16 minutes ago, Smelly McUgly said:

I mean, I don't think he's great, but if you made the argument that he was, I would certainly see where you were coming from. I do think it's worth something extra that he generates actual heel heat as a heel in 2016 WWE. 

But when I think "great," I think more like Arn Anderson being basically the President Obama of wrestling promos with the voice that you know is spitting truth and the sometimes soaring rhetoric and the ability to give me chills at his best. 

EDIT: MattD, I think that's a compelling argument. It actually makes me want to go watch some random 2011 Kofi matches on Superstars or something. 

The Learned Psychology argument helped to get Christian to the top 105 since he's basically the king of that.

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A thing to remember about The Miz is that while he may not have a super strong catalogue of matches (though he does have some very good ones) his character work is fucking A+ and to someone like me that is extremely important.  Jericho is probably one of my favorite guys to watch right now because his current character is so fucking douchey and absurd and he plays it perfectly. 

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1 hour ago, cwoy2j said:

Miz might make my "Top 100 Wrestlers Who Regularly Use the Figure Four".

I'm being told on reddit that he is one of the best wrestlers ever by multiple people. Here's some quotes:

"he's been around for over 12 years and headlined a wrestlemania. 101 isn't a stretch. "

"I'd have Miz way higher than 101. He is easily in my top 20 if not even top 15. I have been watching for 10 years, and he is easily there. "

"To be honest, he may be one of the best heels of all time- and you throwing a fit about him only serves to prove that theory. "

People say I'm elitist, but I'm not even sure that I'm from the same planet as some of these dudes.



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I had to look it up: Tully and Arn only worked together as a team for a little over two years (mid 1987 - November 1989).  So did they pack an amazing amount of really good matches into that short stint or are we looking at them with rose-coolored glasses a bit?  Right now I'm going to play the little girl in the taco commercials and say, "porque no los dos?"


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57 minutes ago, Technico Support said:

I had to look it up: Tully and Arn only worked together as a team for a little over two years (mid 1987 - November 1989).  So did they pack an amazing amount of really good matches into that short stint or are we looking at them with rose-coolored glasses a bit?  Right now I'm going to play the little girl in the taco commercials and say, "porque no los dos?"


Most definitely the former.

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1 hour ago, rzombie1988 said:

I'm being told on reddit that he is one of the best wrestlers ever by multiple people. Here's some quotes:

"he's been around for over 12 years and headlined a wrestlemania. 101 isn't a stretch. "

"I'd have Miz way higher than 101. He is easily in my top 20 if not even top 15. I have been watching for 10 years, and he is easily there. "

"To be honest, he may be one of the best heels of all time- and you throwing a fit about him only serves to prove that theory. "

People say I'm elitist, but I'm not even sure that I'm from the same planet as some of these dudes.



I love that "headlined a WM" talking point. He was in one of the worst WM main events of one of the worst WM.

And I get a chuckle out of "I have been watching for 10 years". Wow, 10 whole years! So where would they rank Eric Escobar?

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