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Ok, first of all, The "Week of Rippa's likes" is fucking killer because, well, we seem to have very similar tastes. The kick off is proof.


I love me some Arn Anderson. He has always come across as one of the smarter guys in the business. His promos showed that not only was he articulate, but he deeply understood the psychology of getting a feud over. He always had a menace about him when he started pointing and staring into the camera.


His ring work, godddamn was he fun. His offense was always great and he had a pretty deep moveset. Plus, you had Jim Ross putting over his "big left hand" and eventually his opponents started putting it over too. His selling was always a blast. He could hit the mat and bounce after taking his opponents big moves or mug comically after a nut shot. Also, he was equally great as a singles worker or a tag team guy.



This is like Murderers Row of awesome Southern promos (Fuller, Dutch, Golden, Morton, Cornette, Pritchard, Lane) with Arn propping up the whole shebang. I'M GETTIN' THE HEEBIE JEEBIES.

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I think JT just hoped Pepe was doing the talking for Mongo.


I'm picturing Mongo as the mannequin to Pepe being the ventriloquist. Seems plausible. 


Anyways, requested contribution.



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This is like Murderers Row of awesome Southern promos (Fuller, Dutch, Golden, Morton, Cornette, Pritchard, Lane) with Arn propping up the whole shebang. I'M GETTIN' THE HEEBIE JEEBIES.


I totally wanted to post that but had no idea where it was



I think JT just hoped Pepe was doing the talking for Mongo.


I'm picturing Mongo as the mannequin to Pepe being the ventriloquist. Seems plausible. 


Anyways, requested contribution.





Arn Anderson walking that line, knowing exactly when to stooge and when to be serious.


Heenan taking every opportunity to bash Hogan as much as possible.


That rumbling of the Spinebuster as both men hit the mat.


And Hogan getting pinned on weekly TV, how rare is that?  I think the rematch the following week was a double DQ so to my knowledge Hogan never got his 1 on 1 win back on Arn, and it's nice to think Arn's in that oh-so-select club.


Yep, I'm on my way to my personal happy place.


It's not even really a particularly good match but it's a fun memory and seeing it again made me smile anew [except I always flinch a little now whenever I see Woman, for completely unrelated reasons]



I think Arn being a leftie always caused me to like him a little more, too.


Between this and the Liger thread, I'm gonna be watching wrestling all weekend.  Couldn't find two more different wrestlers but I'm a big fan of both.


Alternate universe NWA Champ Arn Anderson would've had long flowing hair like Flair.  That universe's Flair would've had hair like current-day Flair.


This universe's Arn Anderson cut promos like this:

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Ben wins.


"You send one of our guys to the hospital, we send one of yours to the morgue!"


Arn totally cribbed that from The Untouchables, though.



Arn is at least awesome enough to lift from Sean Connery.


It's a small thing, but what I love most about that Arn vs. Ric match is that Arn didn't even have to hook Ric's leg for the pinfall.  Sure, Brian Pillman interfered, but his punch and kick were minor distractions instead of pain-causing.  Arn Anderson's DDT was so powerful and decisive that not even Ric Flair himself could muster any strength to kick out.

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