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Really interesting story about the PR girl whose life got totally destroyed over a Tweet, as well as what happened to some others in similar situation.


Her "joke" was awful and a shit attempt at satire and she probably should have fired over it (honey, you work in PR for God's sake, you have to know you can't post things like that) but this is an absolutely terrifying read.


That said, I have no sympathy whatsoever for the girl who dressed up as a Boston marathon victim.

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People dressed up as the Twin Towers for Halloween 2001 and nothing happened to them. The guy who has my sympathy is the one who made the big dongle joke, being as he said that as part of a conversation and was eavesdropped on. Like, everyone knows that you have to be completely innocuous on social media (unless you're a massive troll, then you can get away with it)*, but social media policing of actual face to face conversation, that's a bit too much.


* and even then, you can be totally insensitive for ages and get away with it, because most people are basically nobody (and not trying to be somebody) on social media. Until they're suddenly somebody, and because it's people's first impression and you don't know that it's a person who would never say that and mean it, it looks like they're a Hateful person.

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 The guy who has my sympathy is the one who made the big dongle joke, being as he said that as part of a conversation and was eavesdropped on. Like, everyone knows that you have to be completely innocuous on social media (unless you're a massive troll, then you can get away with it)*, but social media policing of actual face to face conversation, that's a bit too much.




Yeah, that was an incident that just straight up fucked over everyone involved with it.


I don't know what the lesson is there. I don't want to say women should have to put up with sexist jokes or be scared to kick up a fuss but...eh, yeah, sometimes it's better to just roll your eyes, forget about it and move on. Or don't eavesdrop. Taking a picture and publicly shaming the guy? It's a bit much. Even if it's on a whim.

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My 20th high school reunion is coming up this summer. I am fine with this and plan on going. I generally liked many of my classmates. The early parts of high school sucked and it would have been a lot better if I had a girlfriend (aside from the one girl who I dated for less than 72 hours). But by the time we graduated, I was largely the well-liked geeky class clown who had a few social circles. I drifted between the academic types and the punk/indie rock sorts.


There were some jerks, duh, but they're all out of my life and seemingly also not on social media. I still have five or six super close friends from high school who I talk to/see regularly. And then there are the peripheral "friends but not wedding invite friends" who I have exchanged pleasantries with or see once or twice a year at some event.


Anyways, we just got the instructions on how to order tickets for this event. I've already posted on there about how all my assets are in "hard currencies" like gold as I don't believe in the Federal Reserve's authority. Hopefully this bit continues.

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People dressed up as the Twin Towers for Halloween 2001 and nothing happened to them. The guy who has my sympathy is the one who made the big dongle joke, being as he said that as part of a conversation and was eavesdropped on. Like, everyone knows that you have to be completely innocuous on social media (unless you're a massive troll, then you can get away with it)*, but social media policing of actual face to face conversation, that's a bit too much.

Yeah, that was more than a little ridiculous. It's not like the guy said anything TO her or that it was said in anything even remotely resembling a professional setting. He certainly didn't deserve to get grilled over it, especially with the whole "OMG, THIS WAS DONE DIRECTLY TO ME" spin that the woman put on it.
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My 20th high school reunion is coming up this summer. I am fine with this and plan on going. I generally liked many of my classmates. The early parts of high school sucked and it would have been a lot better if I had a girlfriend (aside from the one girl who I dated for less than 72 hours). But by the time we graduated, I was largely the well-liked geeky class clown who had a few social circles. I drifted between the academic types and the punk/indie rock sorts.

There were some jerks, duh, but they're all out of my life and seemingly also not on social media. I still have five or six super close friends from high school who I talk to/see regularly. And then there are the peripheral "friends but not wedding invite friends" who I have exchanged pleasantries with or see once or twice a year at some event.

Anyways, we just got the instructions on how to order tickets for this event. I've already posted on there about how all my assets are in "hard currencies" like gold as I don't believe in the Federal Reserve's authority. Hopefully this bit continues.

The below will contain some unintentional bragging, for which I apologize ahead of time:

My 20th reunion was 5 years ago and it was freaking awesome. Easily in the top 5 weekends of my entire life. It was just such an incredible, positive, feel-good vibe the whole time, I can barely even describe it. It was fun to see how the different cliques and groups mostly fell away and people just intermingled all over the place. I was asked to give the keynote speech* at the big dinner event (a truly humbling honor) and was blown away by all the kind stuff people said to me about it afterward ("man, you really nailed the feeling we all have for our school", stuff like that). For my wife, it was a completely different kind of thing. She knew almost no one there, save the handful of friends who'd been to our wedding. She insisted that I freely walk around and not feel like I had to entertain her, which was great. And a few people made a point of making her feel included and were just incredibly nice to her. And she got to see how people remembered and responded to me, which was cool. I'd always told her that everybody knew who I was and she always "believed" me but it's different when just about every single person there turns to her and says "Tabe did such and such for me or helped me in this class" or whatever.

I wish I could bottle the happy feeling I had that entire weekend because I've never felt anything like it, before or since. If only all your class reunions could be as good for you as my 20th was for me & my wife.

* - in what could only have been a sign of good things to come, when I was asked to give the speech, I was given no topic to talk about. I asked and got no response for a looooong time. I wrote the speech and like a day later got the topic - and it was exactly the subject on which I'd already written the speech. NAILED IT.

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Round about June time last year, Mr Red was fortunate enough to visit Malvern, PA as part of his job to spend a splendid week out there learning about the US office, and how they work.


Mr Red was told to expect this to be an annual visit, to provide updates to training on various systems to his specialist and anyone else who has a passing interest.


Fast forward to January this year, and Mr Red, in a vain hope to save money, time and delays, makes a request of our admin team for prices for flights, hotel and car rental for another week in Malvern in May.


Unbeknownst to Mr Red, and with one small overreaction causing a nuclear explosion from the board (WHYISHEASKINGFORPRICESWHOAUTHORISEDTHISSOMEONESORTTHISSHITOUTNOW) Mr Red is no longer going to Malvern, PA.


This fucking company, man...

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Depends on the car. Most cars need the timing belt and water pump changed between 60-100k miles. The timing belt is something you want to replace before it breaks, because when it breaks it can cause damage inside the engine.

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Let's all learn too much about me.


So I posted that thing in the bad news thread, about now having a medical condition that means an aneurysm could happen. And I said if it ends up that I'll be fine, I will post somewhere on the board about what's really up.


I will go ahead and get it out of the way: 99% chance I'm gonna be fine. I'm still going to see a doctor about what's happening, just to make super triple sure, but it seems I'm gonna be fine. This would be good news, but, since this is the dumbest affliction ever and it's a little, uh, odd to talk about, I'm gonna put it here. So people can go "oh, cool!" and then make a weird face.


They're called sex headaches.


Now, the thing that you've just pictured is the pre-coital variety, where a variety of tensions build and create a headache sensation while engaging in sexual activity. Largely benign. There's another variant called post-coital cephalalgia, which is the thing I have now. These headaches emerge immediately after orgasm. Allow me to describe the sensation: You know how if you're wearing a hoodie or a jacket with a zipper, and sometimes you unzip it really fast but it hooks at the end and you have to like tug it harder to get the clasp undone? So upon literally the first moment of release, imagine that sensation ripping through across your brain, from the back of your head to the front in a straight line, and then it gets caught behind your eye where some force keeps trying to pull or push the pressure directly out of your iris. Putting it politely, it's alarming. I wrote off the first one as dehydration or forgetting to breathe or something. So the second time, when it happened literally the exact same way, I fortunately am deep enough into psychology to know that stress is the worst response to anything happening in Brain Town (that's what we call it in the field).


Turns out this is an affliction that is shared by roughly 1% of the population, and it's three times more likely to happen to men. Now, given the nature of the affliction, there's a really good shot this is going underreported because a regular dude is not going to walk into a doctor and describe this series of events. It's more likely they'll just treat it like they're getting into alternative medicine, trying weird substances and meditation and shit. I know this because I read some dude's testimonial of having like 200+ of these damn headaches before seeing a doctor.


Now most of these headaches are benign. Frequently what'll happen is like they'll have a few periods where these headaches happen a bunch, but they'll go away just like that. Usual doctor diagnosis is "Hey, take a break." This is especially effective with pre-coital cephalalgia. But post-coital has a lot of simillarities with thunderclap headaches, which means that yeah they could be benign, but they can also be tumors and aneurysms and all sorts of lovely shit that implies "if you get off before you get an MRI and a treatment plan, it could fucking end you." Which, personal experience, is a weirdly zen-like way to go through a week or so, but probably gets really nervewracking later, especially after learning about aneurysm treatments and what an angiogram is. My new life goal is to never need an angiogram. Anyways, all of the other stuff has way nastier symptoms like dizziness, confusion, etc. 


So yeah! That's been my week. But like I said, I'm gonna be fine. There'll be no more updates on my condition unless it's boring stuff like "the MRI says blah blah whatever."


And now you're forced to understand what just happened to make me know I'm gonna be fine.


Sorry. Here's a silly video.



kinda not sorry though. i mean i just came and it meant i was going to live. i cannot imagine a more life-affirming experience than that, and I hope everyone gets to feel this happy at least one time in their life


though preferably through some different path

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The Mrs. just got back from the oral surgeon. They removed a small growth on the side of her tongue and will biopsy it. Yeah, we've talked about the "C" word and of course hope that's not the case. There's no history of cancer in her family, but she's been a smoker for forty years (as have I). I'm paying the price now by having oxygen 24/7, and yeah, I still smoke... :-(

Moral of the story if you smoke, quit; if you haven't started, don't.

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We've had our disagreements here in the past, but I'd like to publicly thank you for your thoughts and extend the olive branch. Yeah, I have COPD, which is why the oxygen. I know it won't ever get better, but can be managed with the right meds and routine, but ultimately, it's a death sentence. I'm figuring on being around a good twenty more years and would like (like Leonard Nimoy) to reach my eighties, but I kind of doubt that's going to happen.

Again ,thanks for the good wishes.


Hoping for the best OSJ, I lost 3 grandparents in part because of smoking.  Two to cancer, one to COPD. Terrible stuff.

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We've had our disagreements here in the past, but I'd like to publicly thank you for your thoughts and extend the olive branch. Yeah, I have COPD, which is why the oxygen. I know it won't ever get better, but can be managed with the right meds and routine, but ultimately, it's a death sentence. I'm figuring on being around a good twenty more years and would like (like Leonard Nimoy) to reach my eighties, but I kind of doubt that's going to happen.

Again ,thanks for the good wishes.


Hoping for the best OSJ, I lost 3 grandparents in part because of smoking.  Two to cancer, one to COPD. Terrible stuff.


No problem.  COPD is awful and really robbed my Grandpa of a lot of good years. He was a two pack a day smoker for a long time and sadly by the time he was able to stop the damage was done. Keep on fighting it OSJ. One good thing  about this thread and the bad news thread is that it allows us to look beyond disagreements or snarkiness and see that we're all just people trying to deal with life's bullshit.  Good luck to you and your wife.

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Thanks again, I started smoking in high school and have been a pack a day guy for, well, I guess 39-40 years. Never gone over that and in the last year have tried to cut by 50%. I was one of those guys that never felt short of breath or had a cough or any of the warning signs and was still playing modified softball with guys twenty years younger and keeping up until my knees and ankles just couldn't take the pounding anymore. Much as I loved playing it was the soaking my legs in ice for two to three hours after a game that sort of took the joy out of it.  Fast forward a few years and one morning I just couldn't seem to catch my breath. Quick trip to the hospital (I thought I was maybe having a heart attack), and a couple of inhalation treatments and all was good for a few weeks, then it happened again, and my oxygen reading was in the low 70s (it's supposed to be 92 or higher). That's when I got the wonderful news that I should be on oxygen 24/7. ;-(  Oh well, it's not like there's anywhere in Gallup that I'm real crazy about going to, so for the most part life is okay, certainly preferable to the alternative. ;-)

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As you may have seen in the "SON OF A~!" thread, my station is going through some upheavals that basically involve shutting down almost the entire news operation.  Today I was told that I'm going to be part of the layoffs, BUT I get 5 MONTHS of severance pay, plus the three weeks of vacation I've accrued but haven't used yet.


As you may have seen in the "Really swell news" thread, I'm up for a job at a local PBS station, for which I have an interview next Monday at 1:00PM.  If I'm offered said job, I will be making the equivalent of $30/hour until August 17th, when my severance runs out.  It may not seem like a lot to some people, but in local TV you'd be hard pressed to make 1/2 that even after 20 years in the industry. *cough*


It was super fun to tell the GM that I'm going to be fine because I've got another job in the hopper :)


Lots of good vibes please!

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