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I don't get the hate for this show.


I thought Reigns did great in that opening segment. The crowd definitely ate it up. Finlay eating a spear was awesome. Wyatt's promos against Jericho have been more entertaining than anything he's done since before Wrestlemania. Bo running over Torito was the highlight of the show. Even Miz has been very enjoyable.


Still don't know what they're trying to do with the Fandango/Summer/Layla triangle, though.


I need to know Fandango's secret


Total blissful, Nuke-Laloosh-like ignorance of self:  "The world is made for those not cursed with self awareness"

     - Annie Savoy (and maybe some guy before what no one knows anymore)



The Fandango/Layla/Summer scene was kind of absurdly brilliant. It was like just take every prime time soap and strip it down to the ugly bare essentials...just the pink slime at the heart of it all. 

Cut out the pretty dialog and LOOK AND SEE WHAT YOUR FICTION IS MADE OF, FOOLS!!!!

I do fear, however, that the story is slouching beyond the horizon of Layla's acting ability.


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Still don't know what they're trying to do with the Fandango/Summer/Layla triangle, though.


They're building to the same payoff as the Jamie Noble/Nidia vs Billy Gunn/Torrie Wilson feud.



Still don't know what they're trying to do with the Fandango/Summer/Layla triangle, though.


They're building to the same payoff as the Jamie Noble/Nidia vs Billy Gunn/Torrie Wilson feud.



Thinning the herd?


Torito laying there like he had been shot is what really makes that gif. There's no excessive bumping or some other shit. There's too much over bumping these days.

Tho I am going back and forth on rather Bo should've stepped on him.




Still don't know what they're trying to do with the Fandango/Summer/Layla triangle, though.


They're building to the same payoff as the Jamie Noble/Nidia vs Billy Gunn/Torrie Wilson feud.



Thinning the herd?




Unless its in a female crotch area. Then is results in Akebono with a pacifier hatching from an egg.

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I know it's a bit late in the game but that Usos vs. Wyatts match was so friggin' good. It built really well and had such a great out-of-control feeling. It really felt and looked unplanned, in the best way possible. Every spot and segment just flowed really well. I liked that Jimmy had a dive on Rowan before and then when both were looking to take out Harper later on, Rowan caught him and broke it up. These teams just really click well together, but I think at this point all four click well with anyone.

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So when is everyone gonna start going for the obvious and just call it what it is..




I loved Naomi throwing punches like the long list sister of Miss Jacqueline. The Funks can only benefit from finally breaking up.


So when is everyone gonna start going for the obvious and just call it what it is..




A mini wearing a Bo Dallas mask is legitimately the most terrifying thing ever. It's like Leatherface combined with the crying kid from Jesus Camp.


What I love best about the Bo Dallas jog around the ring is that he doesn't go out of his way to bump Torito or even realize he does. It was less malicious (like him shoving Fernando) and more just a complete and total lack of self-awareness on his part. He's SO into himself for beating a mini and celebrating that he doesn't even realize there's another world.

Is it okay to say that Bo Dallas is my favorite thing in wrestling right now? Because he is.

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What I love best about the Bo Dallas jog around the ring is that he doesn't go out of his way to bump Torito or even realize he does. It was less malicious (like him shoving Fernando) and more just a complete and total lack of self-awareness on his part. He's SO into himself for beating a mini and celebrating that he doesn't even realize there's another world.

Is it okay to say that Bo Dallas is my favorite thing in wrestling right now? Because he is.


Imagine his celebration when he beats Daniel Bryan.


What I love best about the Bo Dallas jog around the ring is that he doesn't go out of his way to bump Torito or even realize he does. It was less malicious (like him shoving Fernando) and more just a complete and total lack of self-awareness on his part. He's SO into himself for beating a mini and celebrating that he doesn't even realize there's another world.

Is it okay to say that Bo Dallas is my favorite thing in wrestling right now? Because he is.


Imagine his celebration when he beats Daniel Bryan.

It'll be almost exactly the same as his celebration for beating El Torito. Because Bo Dallas has no sense of scope or perspective. Which is brilliant.

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What I love best about the Bo Dallas jog around the ring is that he doesn't go out of his way to bump Torito or even realize he does. It was less malicious (like him shoving Fernando) and more just a complete and total lack of self-awareness on his part. He's SO into himself for beating a mini and celebrating that he doesn't even realize there's another world.

Is it okay to say that Bo Dallas is my favorite thing in wrestling right now? Because he is.


Imagine his celebration when he beats Daniel Bryan.


It'll be almost exactly the same as his celebration for beating El Torito. Because Bo Dallas has no sense of scope or perspective. Which is brilliant.



Now, imagine the whining of certain types of fans while he celebrates beating Daniel Bryan.


Blue mist only works in Canada.

And Bo is never beating Bryan. If and when Bryan comes back he's gonna destroy Bo in a heartbeat and get the pop, move back into the main event right away, and Bo will be fine.

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