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The opening with Roman dragged on a bit, BUT GODDAMN DID I LOVE SEEING FINLAY BUMP FOR ROMAN! Put them on a house show loop, or some training sessions, or something. The backstage bit with the Authority b-squad was genuinely good with Orton and Kane being smarmy, and then it got awful as they just kept acting. Then I begged for that to continue as we got a stupid Nikki-Alicia "one arm tied behind the back" match that never started. Rusev-RVD was okay, but RVD didn't bend nearly as much as Big E did for the Accolade. Orton-Ambrose was fantastic, while Dolph-Alberto was nothing. I love Miz's new fan mail bit, but it sucked seeing job out - still, Jericho's above him on the pecking order, so it makes sense.  Divas tag was a fine showcase for Paige's ass. Bo-Torito sucked as a match, but had the best wacky spot ever afterwards with Bo knocking him down on the victory lap. Bo doesn't allow any obstacle to get in his way. Main event was nothing, and led to a repeated brawl between all the fatal 4 way guys. Roman raising Cena's hand was so damn lame - HE SNEERED AT CENA DOING IT, fine, but he shouldn't have done it back.




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The opening with Roman dragged on a bit, BUT GODDAMN DID I LOVE SEEING FINLAY BUMP FOR ROMAN! Put them on a house show loop, or some training sessions, or something.


I love that Finlay didn't hesitate for a second to charge Reigns at the end of that sequence.  He was fully expecting to put the child down.  His brain knows no other way to think.

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He was so great.  The only sore spot he missed was Celine Dion.


But seriously fuck that booking.  Which the fuck other Paul Heyman guy is gonna get pinned by Kofi?


He was so great.  The only sore spot he missed was Celine Dion.


But seriously fuck that booking.  Which the fuck other Paul Heyman guy is gonna get pinned by Kofi?




I am still trying to figure out what Ambrose was doing on that top rope botch.  I guess he was going to undercut the knees of Orton but his aim was so horrible you couldn't tell   :huh:


How dare you.


Ambrose/Orton was an epic facial shootout.  Just amazing facial after amazing facial.  Two guys blasting away until they were both drained.  And for all you Orton fans out there, a happy ending when he emerged as the man on top.

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How dare you.

Ambrose/Orton was an epic facial shootout. Just amazing facial after amazing facial. Two guys blasting away until they were both drained. And for all you Orton fans out there, a happy ending when he emerged as the man on top.

What a disturbing visual you just painted and using an off-white paint, no doubt.
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How awesome was that Ambrose/Orton match?  That has to be Dean's best singles match on the main roster. Right?


The crazy man leap off the turnbuckles botch should be a regular spot for Ambrose!  At one point the camera cut to Dean in the ring with his tongue out and I'm hoping someone has that in GIF form.  


How awesome was that Ambrose/Orton match?  That has to be Dean's best singles match on the main roster. Right?


The crazy man leap off the turnbuckles botch should be a regular spot for Ambrose!  At one point the camera cut to Dean in the ring with his tongue out and I'm hoping someone has that in GIF form.  


Ambrose/Orton ruled. Bray/Ambrose from a few Smackdown's ago is still better.


It was nice to see the combo Smithsonian exhibits of the wig form PSYCHO, Fonzi's leather jacket, and Non's beard from SUPERMAN II has finally made its way to canada.   Still a strange grouping I think, but our heritage is sacred.


Rusev vs Reigns on Smackdown? Who's gonna do the selling? Probably won't matter, expecting tons of interference in that one. 


Really wish Cena and Seth had a chance to have another classic like their last match on the final 2013 SD, but oh well.

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I missed a lot of the beginning of the show. But what I liked:

1) Dean/Orton. The match itself was really great and felt really wild. I also loved the hierarchy it set up. Orton's better than Ambrose is at the moment. He and Cena are definitely higher than Ambrose in the kayfabe "I can beat you" pecking order. Rollins is clearly at the same level, too, as he was about to lose to Cena. Rollins, however, has a near 100% likelihood that one day he'll be the WWE champion, and he got there by selling his soul to The Authority. He made the right call in terms of his personal quest, because the briefcase lets him have a constant slew of opportunities to get that belt. Dean doesn't have that opportunity, because he kept true to his belief system. All he has -- the only thing he has -- is his drive to get justice in a world that doesn't really give it too often.

2) Dean's shoulder injury just really adds to his rapid ascent as a folk hero. The thing about Dean that I love is that he just oozes underdog. And it's not in a Daniel Bryan way. Dean just looks and dresses and acts like a dude who came up REALLY friggin' hard. We don't need to know his back story. We can just tell, though, that this is a dude who had to swing fists and bite flesh from a very young age to survive. He will absolutely never, ever give up in his attempt to set things straight as he sees them. He's a total bad-ass. The shoulder stuff just adds to the permanent underdog story arc -- Dean's not a sympathetic person in some ways, but we see where he's coming from and now have a visual aide for when his opponent goes after his very obvious weak spot. It's a great touch.

3) Cena's interactions with Reigns and Rollins were great. Reigns is carrying himself great as the dude who knows his time is coming, and soon. His cocky glares and smirks and the like at Cena are so great. Rollins doing his promo like gentlemen with Cena was also really great. He looked like such a smug dick. Loved it.

4) Bray/Jericho is going to be great. That's the perfect usage of Jericho at this point. Fans want to do his nostalgic tour and his Y2J stuff against Bray's Messiah is a really great juxtaposition. The crowd popped for Bray's "evvvverrrr" and Jericho's "Shut the hell up!"  In a way, it's a bit like that awesome Rock/Jericho promo when they started ripping off each other's catchphrases and feels personal already.

5) Are there now FOUR divas storylines on the show? AJ and Paige constantly looking to set the other up subtly is great and a good long play. Naomi and Cameron finally broke up. Layla and Summer and Fandango and Summer have their issues. I didn't see it (and won't) but Nikki had something going on, too. I applaud them for at least trying to give the division some depth and character.

6) Stardust is the best reinvention of a guy in years. Cody's really embracing the material.

7) Bo Dallas is the best thing on my television screen. Comic genius of a character.

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Seth was such a great prick in that backstage thing with Orton and Kane.


But during his promo duel with Cena, Rollins had one dark hair strand loose among the blond part and it was driving me crazy.  Also he dresses like Sandra Bullock in DEMOLITION MAN.  

Seriously he has a fake belt painted on his pants.  That is a kind of wrestling blasphemy.


7) Bo Dallas is the best thing on my television screen. Comic genius of a character.


Bo Dallas is the same kind of wet as the ghost from THE RING.  I don't know how it works and it's creeping me out.


Pete on the DVDVR twitter pitched Bo exclusively feuding with minis.  I can't imagine a better gimmick for him than that.  Plus a lot of great guys will get paydays.


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