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Why was Ziggler announced from Cleveland? Was that new or is he doing a Chilly Willy gimmick?

Probably because Miz wasn't available, so they went with the next guy on their list from Cleveland.


Does it strike anyone else as odd that Triple H wouldn't even give Rollins a spot in the battle royal? Let alone a qualifying match or just placing him into the ladder match like Orton.


Yes. However, since there is no match for the briefcase this year, maybe somehow Triple H manuevers a situation where Rollins ends up with the briefcase. Like Rollins vs. Ambrose happens at the show. Ambrose can win. But then Rollins and HHH beat the crap out of him. Then Triple H says, "The ladder match for the MITB Briefcase starts right now and it's between Ambrose and Rollins." Then Rollins climbs up and grabs the case uncontested.


I would venture to guess that Rollins just wants a piece of Ambrose, who has been going after him for a few weeks. Beating your enemy and putting him in his place is a great first step to establishing one's credibility as the next big thing. I'd also venture to say that HHH doesn't want anything to fuck up Orton's chances at MITB. Orton's a headcase and putting in his new Authority mate will make him too insecure and not focused. I could also see HHH telling Rollins -- hey, I got you, just wait a little bit, but you'll get hooked up with a title shot in a few months.


Or, Rollins is a smart guy being The Architect. He knew that by jumping ship, he'd piss off Dean and Reigns big-time. At least one of those guys was going to come after him after his betrayal. He has to deal with that situation first before he can get on with his personal ambitions. And, at the same time, asserting himself as the top dog of The Shield helps raise his stock, too.

The vomit was done but I liked Reigns being established as a player. He knew to pinpoint Vicki. He's no doubt seen Raw in the past and has seen Vicki fall prey to the advances of Edge and the like. A man as good looking as him makes women's hearts melt, and he knows this. He got in her head with a plan to drive a wedge between her and The Authority. He then calculated that eliminating HHH/Steph for the night would leave things in Vicki's hands and his con would be complete.

This is all good in theory -- Reigns out-thought the evil mastermind to get himself in the picture and a chance to get at Randy Orton and win the title (that he's talked about wanting for months now). But that it involved vomit humor is the problem.

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So MITB is just under two weeks away and there are only two matches?  I'm guessing Rollins/Ambrose will get tacked on but what other possibilities are there?  Barrett will probably defend against someone and I'm guessing a divas match.


Dean, for fuck's sake if you're going to wear that outfit








note: "flaming Plymouth" is not a slashfic euphemism.

  • Like 2

Dean Ambrose is sexually attracted to burning cars.


Watch out!

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How did Stephanie manage to vomit upwards?  I know that the collective experience of the board is enough to know that doesn't happen.



Pretty good show with lots of solid matches. Battle royal ruled with a great final two. Liked face Summer Rae with Adam Rose. Stardust was great even in just a one minute match, glad they did something other than the standard tag team break up with them. Ambrose had another strong night, on fire in the ring and on the mic. Also laughed out loud at Lawler's "is that Dory Funk?" line.


Liked face Summer Rae with Adam Rose.






Come on!  Rose?  Summer Rae doesn't strike me as a girl who will be happy riding around in a bus with a bunch of fat sweaty unwashed fake club kids, like sharing a bathroom and all those new strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Is Kevin Hart going to have to explain that segment to his "black audience" at some point?  Because based on my cross-cultural reconnaissance work on twitter, that whole scene falls distinclty under "white people are crazy" territory. 


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Still proud of beating King to the Dory line 1.5 seconds before him. 


Otherwise: good show, but too (literally) sick and tired of other shit tonight to discuss. Stardust though... STARDUST~~~


And please ship Kevin Hart out in a space capsule to nowhere in particular



How did Stephanie manage to vomit upwards?  I know that the collective experience of the board is enough to know that doesn't happen.



Are you saying there was a second hurler on the grassy knoll?




What I'm saying, Mr. Wolf, is that this throw up ...


means that we'll be throwing down.



  • Like 2

Can they just give people a cutout of Wade's face each time someone talks about bad news? You would think it gets tired at this point, but it gets people excited that Wade is never far away judging by the pops each time. I like that Wade's offense involves him stiff hits since coming back. I thought the match was Sheamus last week was the best out of all the matches they have had together. The guy is getting vicious in the ring and I likes it. That clothesline while setting on the top turnbuckle had to suck for Dean.




I guess the most surprising thing was that Steph was booked to look stupid and embarrassed. That has happened like twice since she's returned to TV. Tho the first time was long overdue. I don't know what vomit has to do with anything.



Dean, for fuck's sake if you're going to wear that outfit








note: "flaming Plymouth" is not a slashfic euphemism.

As far as you know, at least.


Not with that attitude.


Also, was I the only one that caught them calling the Zig Zag the Fameasser?




How did Stephanie manage to vomit upwards?  I know that the collective experience of the board is enough to know that doesn't happen.



Are you saying there was a second hurler on the grassy knoll?




What I'm saying, Mr. Wolf, is that this throw up ...


means that we'll be throwing down.





During the Battle Royal I was transfixed by RVD. 


If it was possible to photoshop out all the other people, he would basically look like the death scene of the Godfather when he was shambling around the Garden pretending to be a bear and going "GRRRRR  RRRRR. RRRRRRRRRRR!".

  • Like 6

You're sleeping on Jerry mistaking Lenin for Dory Funk. Glorious.


That was my #1 highlight of Raw. I really don't like JBL or King on color but when they hit one, they really get all of it.


It was made even better by the fact when Lana showed that pic, I immediately thought "Okay, Putin and Rusev, what are the chances 99% of the audience has any idea who the other two dudes are?" only for King to chime in with the Hoss Funk reference almost like on cue. Now I wonder how many of those watching thought he was serious.


I hate the vomit shit only because it was 2 minutes out of a really good show but it will be brought up forever as an example of how horrid the booking is.

That's just the thing - the show could be perfectly booked wrestling all around this one segment and it would still be embarrassing as hell and something you couldn't excuse when sitting down and watching with a non-fan. It's basically "This is why I stopped watching wrestling" or "This is why I never watched this shit," and there's no argument to be made against that. Not only does it push away a potential new viewer, it doesn't even do anything for the established viewer - the only people that could possibly enjoy it are children, who would enjoy nearly anything WWE puts on anyway.



I hate the vomit shit only because it was 2 minutes out of a really good show but it will be brought up forever as an example of how horrid the booking is.

That's just the thing - the show could be perfectly booked wrestling all around this one segment and it would still be embarrassing as hell and something you couldn't excuse when sitting down and watching with a non-fan. It's basically "This is why I stopped watching wrestling" or "This is why I never watched this shit," and there's no argument to be made against that. Not only does it push away a potential new viewer, it doesn't even do anything for the established viewer - the only people that could possibly enjoy it are children, who would enjoy nearly anything WWE puts on anyway.


And Vincent Kennedy McMahon, god damn it!


RE: The vomit bit - I was torn halfway between perdicting it being vomit, or poop (i.e. Big Show/Eddie)


Stardust is fairly amazing.


Poor Heath Slater, I still love the hell out of him but that's all I could say during his match. He didn't even go back to his old "ONE MAN ROCK BAND BABBAY", "American Rock Band" just doesn't have the same ring to it.


Also, does this mean no MITB briefcase match at the MITB PPV? Who are are going to cheer on during the summer hoping for a random cash-in now?

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