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Poor Heath Slater, I still love the hell out of him but that's all I could say during his match. He didn't even go back to his old "ONE MAN ROCK BAND BABBAY", "American Rock Band" just doesn't have the same ring to it.




Slater's promo lasted longer than his match.  Which was astounding because in my experience I've found that the logic of "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!" never leads to anything but triumph.

I guess if nothing else we've learned that Rock & Roll is inferior to industrial socialist factory jams.


Heath Slater missed a golden opportunity tonight to start off his promo pulling out a flask and pouring one out for his fallen homies.

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Poor Heath Slater, I still love the hell out of him but that's all I could say during his match. He didn't even go back to his old "ONE MAN ROCK BAND BABBAY", "American Rock Band" just doesn't have the same ring to it.




Slater's promo lasted longer than his match.  Which was astounding because in my experience I've found that the logic of "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT WHY DON'T YOU GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!" never leads to anything but triumph.

I guess if nothing else we've learned that Rock & Roll is inferior to industrial socialist factory jams.


What we're missing is the beginning of Heath's run under Zeb's tutelage. I give it til the next PPV max before he's out there shouting "WE THE PEOPLE" next to Swagger.


Well this show sure was hit and miss. Some of it was great...other parts not so much. The set up for the battle royal was great. Though I was a bit amused at them having the Diva's out there when Triple H and Stephanie started talking about how anyone can become WWE Champion. I liked how Triple H also singled out that Ambrose, Reigns, and Cena would not be in the battle royal and then a minute later he was like "But John you'll have a chance to get in anyway". I was like why even bother having a match. There was a 99.9999999999% chance that Cena would be in the match so just give him the Randy Orton treatment. As a 14 time champion, you get an automatic spot.


The Vickie thing was just so stupid. We all know they love to bust on her for what ever reason. Vince and Kevin Dunn are sick people. But what really annoyed me about that whole bit was Stephanie was in that bathroom for a least a couple of minutes puking. Has no one who writes for the WWE ever projectile vomited before? That puke that hit Vickie was so unrealistic. By the couple minute mark it sure as hell wouldn't be chunky puke (unless Vince did a really horrible fat joke at his daughters expense).


God I can't wait till Triple H is in charge. Sure he'll make the show revolve around him but at least it will involve more Horsemen style beatdowns and less people getting puked on.


Rusev vs. Reigns will be an awesome feud when they get to it. Reigns needs new attire though. Dean ditched the SWAT look. I'm sure the ladies who make up Roman's swooning fan base would like him to ditch it as well.


Speaking of Dean, man he looked more and more like Roddy Piper's bastard son last night. There's so much money in Ambrose as a lunatic face. They need to run with it.


I'm really starting to think that the more humiliating your onscreen departure, the more Vince & Co enjoyed working with you.

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I try not to read to hard into the logic of Vince McMahon, that is a labyrinth of poop, fart, vomit and butt jokes I would prefer to avoid


Roman Reigns using poison....A cowards weapon. That whole storyline was pretty dumb. why cant HHH just review the tape of the situation, look over the paper work, and reverse the decision? Now Dean Ambrose. ...amazing. Great stuff. I loved Stardust. Cody looks super creepy in the outfit.


Roman Reigns using poison....A cowards weapon. That whole storyline was pretty dumb. why cant HHH just review the tape of the situation, look over the paper work, and reverse the decision? Now Dean Ambrose. ...amazing. Great stuff. I loved Stardust. Cody looks super creepy in the outfit.

Cause the Authority has absolute power just not absolutely.


Roman Reigns using poison....A cowards weapon. That whole storyline was pretty dumb. why cant HHH just review the tape of the situation, look over the paper work, and reverse the decision? Now Dean Ambrose. ...amazing. Great stuff. I loved Stardust. Cody looks super creepy in the outfit.


Maybe The Authority is afraid of starting another Yes Movement by directly going after Reigns, so they'll spend the time between now and MITB using other people to take him out?


How long until Stardust is a super villain and Cody gets to use his dr doom voice again?

I figure we get Dustin trying to warn Cody of the mental risks of creating a new persona, leading to their long awaited feud actually being between Dustin and Stardust.

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Can't believe no one else caught Stardust using the DIAMOND DUST as his finisher. That gimmick is tremendous and I give them all the credit in the world for not doing the obvious "guy turns heel on his brother" angle.


Layla covered in milk, Summer Rae in kitty litter, Vickie in vomit... if I didn't know any better I'd think they were trying to recover their losses by marketing to fetish enthusiasts. Next week we get the Funkdactyls reenacting Two Girls One Cup.


Funny to see how they keep recycling CENA OVERCOMES THE ODDS~! time after time after time when he's far more compelling just having a straight zero-BS match with dudes. Michaels, Punk, Bryan etc. He's way more effective working from the bottom in those types of matches.

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If this Stardust angle doesn't lead to Dusty coming out with his sons in a black and gold, polka-dotted jumpsuit as DreamDust then WWE is just flushing money down the toilet.

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Layla covered in milk, Summer Rae in kitty litter, Vickie in vomit... if I didn't know any better I'd think they were trying to recover their losses by marketing to fetish enthusiasts. Next week we get the Funkdactyls reenacting Two Girls One Cup.







It's a small market, but the $$$$ per clickthroughs is high end, man.

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During the Battle Royal I was transfixed by RVD. 


If it was possible to photoshop out all the other people, he would basically look like the death scene of the Godfather when he was shambling around the Garden pretending to be a bear and going "GRRRRR  RRRRR. RRRRRRRRRRR!".


God, I noticed that too. First he's standing there at the start of the show with a look on his face like he's at a funeral, and then he has that performance. He was the kid at the ball game that got picked last and nobody wanted him on their team. 


The Ambrose match was great but that closeup of him covering his mouth to call spots to Wade was soooooooo baaaaaaad. They're gonna have to edit that and I can imagine him getting some shit backstage for it. 




Can't believe no one else caught Stardust using the DIAMOND DUST as his finisher.


I got a kick out of that. Between that and the Bo-Dog we now have two extremely goofy finishers involving someone's head hitting the mat when it never does (well, this is WWE, there are more but these two are the most obvious*). And meanwhile, Ambrose busts out the most crushing looking tornado DDT last night and it doesn't even end the match.


*and they both involve a run-up the ropes with rotation


How long until we see a dirt sheet report about how the close up of Ambrose obviously calling spots was Kevin Dunn purposefully exposing the business in his ongoing war with HHH? That seems like something a wrestling journalist would write a few thousand words about. 


I actually really liked this Raw. I thought every match was fine, and the finishes didn't bother me. Kevin Hart was actually pretty good, and I think the fact that this entire thread isn't about how horrible he was speaks to that, because man, I sure was prepared to shit on everything involving him.


Now that Heath Slater "The American Band" and his character seems to be "super patriotic dude who lives in a trailer park", I want them to re do the Jamie Noble/Nidia storyline but with Heath and Hornswoggle.


I think they missed a golden opportunity of Bo Dallas winning the battle royal by eliminating Roman Reigns. My girlfriend, who tolerates wrestling, actually went to bed when she realized we weren't going to get a Bo Dallas segment since he was in the Battle Royal.  



During the Battle Royal I was transfixed by RVD. 


If it was possible to photoshop out all the other people, he would basically look like the death scene of the Godfather when he was shambling around the Garden pretending to be a bear and going "GRRRRR  RRRRR. RRRRRRRRRRR!".


God, I noticed that too. First he's standing there at the start of the show with a look on his face like he's at a funeral, and then he has that performance. He was the kid at the ball game that got picked last and nobody wanted him on their team.


To be fair, that was his second match of the night. He already had a match on Superstars against Jack Swagger. He's only human!


Is Dean Ambrose's music up anywhere yet? I'd like to hear it more cleanly. I hope they didn't fuck it up like Rollins' and Cesaro's.

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