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The vomiting thing was God-awful, and seemed like it could've been a rib on Vickie for her daughter having an eating disorder. The rest of the show dragged on, and I'm not a fan of Roman and Dean's breakup not being brought up or explained at all. Roman winning the battle royal was perfectly-done though. The match itself, and the show, wore on a lot, but in the end, we got some new main event solo acts. The debut of Stardust was worth waiting for late in the show - it greatly exceeded my expectations and the theme rules. The stretcher match was boring, but firmly established Rollins and Dean in the main event picture even more.




Screens -


Don't fuck with the titty master, son!








He has a completely different moveset. I still can't get over that. More thought has been put into this than anything in the last fifteen years of WWE television. 

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She's gonna puke, SHE'S gonna puke, she's GONNA puke, she's gonna PUKE!!!

Besides that awful segment, show was ok. I fear a Cena MITB victory though. What is the deal with Dean and Reigns?

Oh and Stardust happened.


The Dean/Roman thing was explained when Seth Rollins put them back together. It actually plays into the undertone of Seth being the architect behind The Shield, there is some credence to him saying that The Shield would fall apart without him. 


- Reigns doesn't seem to give a fuck about Seth killing him with a chair two weeks ago.


- Crazy face Ambrose was just ON FIRE tonight. The music, the look, the performance, everything was perfect. The guy looked like a big star tonight.


- The ending to the battle royal felt pretty epic, that crowd made it great.


- I actually don't hate Stardust, that is if they become a real team. Could be pretty fun and him having an entire different moveset and not just the same Cody in a costume is great.





Also, that Kevin Hart dance was hilarious, any gifs of that?


The vomiting thing was God-awful, and seemed like it could've been a rib on Vickie for her daughter having an eating disorder.



Jesus Christ, come on. I hate it when people pull things out of thin air like this and turn it into something worse. 

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So is Vickie Guerrero really leaving the WWE or are they going to torture us with a Steph vs Vickie feud.


I will steal from someone's twitter but it sure did seem like the Shield is officially dead as Ambrose has a new look and the Shield entrance music is different


Heyman on the post show.  That should be good.  And yes there was some hardcore fuck me eyes between him and Renee Young.   William Regal is going to be so sad 


That crowd was hoss for everything, except Stardust. They loved them some Adam Rose. God, they are handling Roman Reigns perfectly, and that crowd was nuclear for Reigns-Rusev.


If you took a shot every time they said the word "Twitter," you'd be dead of alcohol poisoning by the end of the show, guaranteed.


If you can describe Kevin Hart reactions tonight it would be that he thinks RAW is kind of gay with all of the Adam Rose and Fandango stuff.  Also Cleveland had some horrible rosebuds. 


Also loved Damian Sandow in a Lebron James jersey being the first person eliminated in the battle royal  :lol:

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So is Vickie Guerrero really leaving the WWE or are they going to torture us with a Steph vs Vickie feud.


I will steal from someone's twitter but it sure did seem like the Shield is officially dead as Ambrose has a new look and the Shield entrance music is different


Heyman on the post show.  That should be good.  And yes there was some hardcore fuck me eyes between him and Renee Young.   William Regal is going to be so sad 


I'm going to assume that Dean and Ambrose are still a team, just not actively teaming. As it was established earlier in the year, they don't seem to be the best partners and really do need Seth there to hold them together. It seems like a loose partnership suits the both of them going forward. 


Seth was right, he WAS the architect of The Shield. WWE just needs to do a better job getting that across. 


The vomit stuff as awful but that battle royal was a blast. The crowd really ate up Reigns and Rusev's big show-down.


Rollins/Ziggler was really good. I love Dean's new look. Dean/Wade was really good, too. Dean/Seth is going to blow the roof off the place at MITB.

The MITB match itself has such an intriguing line-up. Cena's the old guard favorite. Sheamus is sort of like the old guard, too, even though he hasn't been along all that long. ADR can be a really good weasel no one expects to win but will come close a bunch of times. And then Cesaro/Bray/Roman are the three young buck wildcards. I really hope they pull the trigger on one of those guys winning.


Usos/Wyatts will be terrific, too.

Also: Stardust absolutely ruled.


This was a better show than they've been lately. Stardust was so much better than I thought it would be, I was merely expecting Ted, Jr coming back but this was awesome, the Battle Royal was terrific, Rusev and Lana continue to be a highlight of every show they're on. I didn't have a problem with anything on this show except Kevin Hart, really. They didn't put him on screen with El Torito which would've been funny to me. My biggest highlight of the night though was Lawler confusing, I believe, Gorbachev with "Dory Funk".


The battle royal was an eye opener, I didn't realize just deep this roster was with guys they can plug into the main event scene at any time they want. Probably the best top to bottom roster they've had match quality wise in forever, and a lot of them are hoss types which is unusual. Great match too, loved the finishing stretch, lots of good stuff in there and many exciting new match-ups coming.


Stardust was freaking awesome. Sold.


Reigns-Rusev minute or so in the ring felt like a big time moment. Crowd was going nuts, I was marking out. Loved it.


Jean Ambrose looked good against Bad News.


The Kevin Hart stuff was cringe worthy and the puke thing... I don't know what they're thinking.


Edit: they did a recap of Rusev getting the gold medal. Still laughing at the JBL bit "That medal was crafted by Vladimit Putin himself."


Other than the puking, this was great.

Paul Stanley as Golddust's new partner is cool.

Ambrose in street clothes looks like a Lost Boy.

Who the fuck was cheering for Axel?

That battle royal was super fun. Good to see Rusev actually get some work in.

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Roman Rwigns tried to poison HHH and did poison the man's wife, what a jerk

Reigns-Rusev was pretty awesome, Cleveland was for some reason a great crowd tonight. Guess they haven't really had anything to cheer for since Orton stomped Miz


Rusev/Reigns is going to be your Wrestlemania Main event in 2 years... or at the very least a super hyped feature match!




Does it strike anyone else as odd that Triple H wouldn't even give Rollins a spot in the battle royal? Let alone a qualifying match or just placing him into the ladder match like Orton.

Really good show. I actually like that they are moving away from Reigns and Ambrose being Shield Lite and letting them grow on their own.

I hate the vomit shit only because it was 2 minutes out of a really good show but it will be brought up forever as an example of how horrid the booking is.


Seth Rollins turns on The Shield and joins Triple H, doesn't get title shot.


Roman Reigns stays in The Shield, defies Triple H, gets immediate title shot.


Seems legit.

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