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The Idiocy of Donald Sterling

Josh Mann

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This is like the third or fourth time you've insisted that the courts are somehow going to decide to overturn the stipulation NBA owners signed on to in their contracts saying that they can be forced to sell by a three-fourths vote of the owners.


Do you have any basis for this belief whatsoever other than supposed certainty on the part of the Sterlings?

All i've insisted is that Sterling will try to go to court.

How? They can't make him sell, the lawsuit that would arise from any attempt to strip him of the team would take years to resolve.

Sterling's a pig, but it seems like any punishment would be based on that audio tape, and thus actionable.

I doubt that would stop him from trying, but given how short his tenure so far, Silver will probably not hand down a punishment that will risk litigation anyway. The new commish is really in a bind on this, can't be too hard or easy on him or his credibility is shot. . .

OVER REACH by the commish, and he's gonna be smacked down for it. . .

The only thing i really object to is the sense of a runaway press overwhelming any personal liberty. I am not a racist, and Donald Sterling can go fuck himself, but my only second thought is that seems to be unfair. In our society even the most perverse pieces of shit(like Sterling) should get due process. . .

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This is like the third or fourth time you've insisted that the courts are somehow going to decide to overturn the stipulation NBA owners signed on to in their contracts saying that they can be forced to sell by a three-fourths vote of the owners.


Do you have any basis for this belief whatsoever other than supposed certainty on the part of the Sterlings?

All i've insisted is that Sterling will try to go to court.


How? They can't make him sell, the lawsuit that would arise from any attempt to strip him of the team would take years to resolve.

Sterling's a pig, but it seems like any punishment would be based on that audio tape, and thus actionable.

I doubt that would stop him from trying, but given how short his tenure so far, Silver will probably not hand down a punishment that will risk litigation anyway. The new commish is really in a bind on this, can't be too hard or easy on him or his credibility is shot. . .

OVER REACH by the commish, and he's gonna be smacked down for it. . .

The only thing i really object to is the sense of a runaway press overwhelming any personal liberty. I am not a racist, and Donald Sterling can go fuck himself, but my only second thought is that seems to be unfair. In our society even the most perverse pieces of shit(like Sterling) should get due process. . .


Eh, so I've been wrong. The fact that SIlver actually pulled the trigger surprised the hell out of me. . . 

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And by the way, how do you blow a mea culpa interview THAT badly? Whoever prepped Sterling needs to be shot.


I see this reaction a lot. I think it should be the opposite. Thank you to whoever prepped Sterling for not giving a fuck about him.

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Right around the time he dropped "those AIDS", I became convinced that Donald Sterling is just Andy Kaufman in a fat suit and heavy make up, and the whole thing was a performance art piece about the death of stand up comedy. 

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If Silver wasn't doing this as a token, he should have shown some real testicular fortitude and revoked the Sterling's franchise license and set the Clippers adrift to be the next NJ Generals or something.


This is all a bunch of shit and the Sterlings will own this team in perpetuity.

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Sterling is single-handedly throwing Black / Jewish relations back a billion years.   Farrakhan must be wringing his hands with glee.


None of this shit is helping my news snobbery.  I am patiently awaiting the latest word from the Ukraine and Nigeria and all I get is discussion of this fuckwit on every channel.

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Have we gone past the point of where saying nothing is just no longer an option?  What could he or his wife possibly gain by doing these interviews?  He is in trouble for not understanding what he should and shouldn't say, but he decides that going on TV and running his mouth is the best way to get out of it.  Shutting the fuck up is a lost art.

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Marc Stein mentioned that when he was a beat writer covering the Clippers, he was told by Clippers officials that he could interview anyone, but Donald T. Sterling. Now we see why.  It doesn't take a lot to get Sterling to go on racist rants. It was like a comedy sketch. His "those AIDS" comment was like something you'd hear on Family Guy or South Park.


They'll probably have another interview were Sterling has to apologize for the Anderson Cooper interview ONLY he'll bury Magic Johnson and others even more. I could see Sterling deciding he needs his own forum and he decides to start his own podcast were he apologizes for his previous comments and then just talks more shit.

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Have we gone past the point of where saying nothing is just no longer an option?  What could he or his wife possibly gain by doing these interviews?  He is in trouble for not understanding what he should and shouldn't say, but he decides that going on TV and running his mouth is the best way to get out of it.  Shutting the fuck up is a lost art.


This is a man in his mid 80s who is egomaniacal and hasn't really given a shit about what anyone has thought about him since the late 70s. I don't think he is going on TV to try and apologize or make people like him. He is going on TV because he likes to hear people say his name over and over again. This whole thing was one step away from Sterling playing La Cucaracha instead of the Mexican National anthem and about half as sincere.

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Have we gone past the point of where saying nothing is just no longer an option?  What could he or his wife possibly gain by doing these interviews?  He is in trouble for not understanding what he should and shouldn't say, but he decides that going on TV and running his mouth is the best way to get out of it.  Shutting the fuck up is a lost art.


This is a man in his mid 80s who is egomaniacal and hasn't really given a shit about what anyone has thought about him since the late 70s. I don't think he is going on TV to try and apologize or make people like him. He is going on TV because he likes to hear people say his name over and over again. This whole thing was one step away from Sterling playing La Cucaracha instead of the Mexican National anthem and about half as sincere.


I really think he thought the interview would turn out well for him.  He went off the rails when he didn't apologize for what he said, but apologized that other people were offended.  That is like me stealing your wallet and telling you I'm sorry you don't have any money.  He doesn't have any idea whatsoever how to be sincere, neither does his wife.  They are reprehensible people who can't help but put themselves over despite everyone seeing that they are horrible people.  They don't get it now, they won't get it tomorrow, and going on TV to try to convince people that they get it just makes things worse.  Someone should tell them that shutting the fuck up is in their best interests.

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 I could see Sterling deciding he needs his own forum and he decides to start his own podcast were he apologizes for his previous comments and then just talks more shit.


Podcast #1: Apology For Recent Interview

Podcast #2: Apology For Podcast #1

Podcast #3: Apology For Podcast #2


and so on.

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The NBAPA is threatening to boycott if the Sterlings aren't out by next season. Which is made more signifigant already by the fact that LeBron has already said he would do so.

Posturing? Probably, but it's the one card they have to expidite this situation.

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It gets better. No, actually, it gets expedentially worse.The Daily Mail has leaked what they claim is ANOTHER recording.

If accurate, having calls recorded has become to Sterling like what those perps on Cops who likely get asked on a regular basis whether they have needles in their pocket, whereas most of us can go our entire lives without ever being asked that.

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I thought i heard players contracts had language about work stoppages. I think the public wiuld have been on the players side if they boycotted a couple weeks ago. Not sure about start of next season.

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They were playing the new tapes on Opie & Anthony this morning.  This, if nothing else, will expedite matters.



‘She tried so hard to make her skin white,’ said Sterling. ‘She did it every night – her feet and her hands. She asked me “did I like black skin?” I really didn’t think about the color of her skin.’

Sterling clearly had other things on his mind during this exchange with his much younger girlfriend, ‘I’m just waiting to play with her,’ he told his friend. 

She then told him: ‘I will never go with a black guy.’ Sterling added: ‘Then I said don’t bring any to the games. I’m so stupid…I was just jealous.'

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My favorite part of the AC interview was when Anderson tried correcting Sterling, saying Magic has HIV and not AIDS, and Sterling was like, "Whatever! Who does that anyway?!"


This coming from the guy who doesn't care if his girlfriend sleeps with other dudes.

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That is the best thing ever.


The only thing better might be his reaction to being told "You sound like Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force."....and just getting to listen to him try to piece together what the sentence means.  Like not a single word after "sound like" would be decipherable to him.

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