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I feel like Steve's claimed that every territory's TV show was his favorite. It's like in the first season of South Park how Trey Parker and Matt Stone said before every episode that it was clearly their favorite one.

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with an exception for World of Sport.



Was listening to the Daniel Bryan one this morning.

Forgot that he planned to get married the day after Wrestlemania. Wonder how that impacts the booking as such..


they'll hold his marriage live on Raw? only for CM Punk to attack Bryan post marriage, putting Bryan out for the honeymoon period

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I met Roddy Piper once.  I was on my way to the restroom and bumped into him in the hallway and he asked me how my kids were and I told him I didn't have any so he tried to sell me his son because he eats too much and then he rambled on for like fifteen minutes about who knows what.  Real nice guy though.

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Was it a good listen?


I'm sure I'll get torched for this but I didn't think it was. Too rambling and anytime Piper actually gave an answer it all sounded like complete bullshit.



The first part was pretty riveting with Piper talking about what a messed up childhood he had. The second part, especially everything about Mr. T, not so much. He kept blurring the lines between kayfabe and reality, and the made that story, and others, sound like said bullshit.

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I didn't enjoy it. I was hoping for more insider stuff. He talks about just having a first match against Henning's dad but no mention of training. Unless i'm just still not as smart as I think i am, I doubt someone just got in a ring with a dude back then and took cues.


I had a migrane at the time and fell asleep while listening...

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