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AEW TV - 8/23 - 8/29/2023

Dolfan in NYC

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This was last week, but don't it seem curious that Dalton Castle made good on his promise and suplexed Jay White so hard his brain fell out of his butt and it didn't affect Jay White's commentary abilities during the next match? Like at all! That's either a medical miracle or he is not as smart as he claims to be!

...It also occured to me that if it wasn't his brain that fell out of his butt and he just crapped his pants, could we even be able to tell the difference?

Edited by Shartnado
That shit for brains, Jay White!
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2 hours ago, Shartnado said:

This was last week, but don't it seem curious that Dalton Castle made good on his promise and suplexed Jay White so hard his brain fell out of his butt and it didn't affect Jay White's commentary abilities during the next match? Like at all! That's either a medical miracle or he is not as smart as he claims to be!

I love Dalton's shit talking to the camera on the ramp so much - it's obviously an apples and oranges comparison, but it's like almost an inversion on Harlem Heat hollering about neck bones and shit the whole way down the aisle.



Not that I'm not looking forward to it ('cause im sure it's gonna kick ass) but I'm a bit unsure what else they can really do in this Swerve/Fox v Darby/Wayne tag to hype the All In encounter after a bloody home (garage?) invasion and a kidnapping - I'm eager to see where we go regardless.


Edited by Zakk_Sabbath
run on sentence that was worse than usual
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9 hours ago, Dolfan in NYC said:

It's FYTERFEST and we're just days away from the biggest show in AEW history!  Let's see how they go home tonight on Dynamite!


Well... that is.... a LOT. 

Enjoy the show!

Love how the Bucks made it onto the poster twice. Nothing announced for Collision even though that's also being taped tonight.

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This show's going to be an overpacked crash TV hot mess where matches probably don't get the time they need, guys. I know it's funny that the biggest show ever is this weekend and another PPV the following and how just absolutely ridiculous it is to want AEW to just get past this stuff so they can get back to some nice normal pro wrestling, but...

I guess, constructively, even though on paper it might be one of the matches I'd be looking forward to the most, I would have not done the Darby tag here just so everything else could breathe more. That's one of the matches which probably DOES have enough build already, right?

Let's look at everything else:

  • Moxley vs Fenix: To get more heat on the BCC, maybe get the other guys announced, and take Fenix out of the match.
  • BCG vs Elite: There's not enough to tie in BCG to the match so hopefully this makes another statement along those lines and lets Excalibur (or White on commentary) talk more about the history.
  • Aussie Open vs Hardys: Helps to establish Aussie Open more. If this was WCW, I could see the Hardys going over here as that's more of a dream match for the pre-show, but it's not WCW thankfully and Tony wants longterm ROI on signing Aussie Open. You can always theoretically heat Matt and Jeff back up at any point.
  • Darby/Wayne vs Fox/Swerve: Pretty much not necessary.
  • Perry bit is to set up a Hook match at All In or All Out pretty obviously.
  • FTR and Bucks face to face is going to be fascinating considering.
  • Contract Signing between Ospreay and Jericho seems silly since there are no extra stakes. Nothing's on the line. It does probably need something extra considering the alliance between Callis and Ospreay is kind of flimsy and the whole match seems indirect anyway.
  • The separate talks with MJF and Cole makes sense since we've seen so much of them together, but maybe that should have been last week and them together should have been this week, if the act is almost over?
  • And then Skye Blue vs Ruby Soho feels like a consolation prize for two people not getting on either PPV card.
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Aussie Open should kick the ever living shit out of the Hardys. The Hardys fucking suck. Elder abuse is a crime and all, but man, just squash them like a total bug. No need for a commercial break or anything. Just a match under 10 minutes where the Hardys are basically in there with two Vaders or something.

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MJF and Cole are gonna take up another -20 minutes of time I bet. They're probably gonna be a pair of "Jim Ross Interviews..." deals like the old WWF ones -- in other words, long-winded and boring. 

With ya on the unnecessary addition of the Skinny Bois/Balaclavas match. If anything they need to just have the Embassy jump the pair, tie up/hold down Darby, and have him watch as they lay waste to Wayne again. It would serve the purpose of pissing Darby off even worse and getting revenge for Nana getting kidnapped or whatever by Joker Sting last week, put some heat on the match. This might actually be what happens so cross your fingers. 

And yes, the Aussies need to squish-squash the Hardyzzzzzz

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1 hour ago, Curt McGirt said:

And yes, the Aussies need to squish-squash the Hardyzzzzzz


2 hours ago, porksweats said:

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hyped for that Aussie Open match against The Hardys. Something tells me it's going to be good.


1 hour ago, Craig H said:

Aussie Open should kick the ever living shit out of the Hardys. The Hardys fucking suck. Elder abuse is a crime and all, but man, just squash them like a total bug. No need for a commercial break or anything. Just a match under 10 minutes where the Hardys are basically in there with two Vaders or something.

I'm finding myself somewhere in the middle of the three of you guys. The Hardys are beat the fuck up, but as Matt D said, they're at the stage where you can heat them up again if you need to get someone a meaningful win on em - so if the Aussies end up killing them like Craig wants, I don't think it hurts the Hardys any. That said, I don't think pork sweats is entirely off base either - I think there's a legit chance this one could be solid, based purely on the Bucks match a couple weeks ago. Obviously it's not gonna be at the top of anyone's MOTY list, but I thought the combo of the Bucks bumping around and the Hardys finally working around their age/speed with a more 'methodical looking'/aging heavyweight style was a winning one. If the Aussies can replicate even a little of the Bucks stuff, and the Hardys stay working smart, I think tonight might not be half bad.

Edited by Zakk_Sabbath
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The thing about the Hardys is, an awful lot of wrestlers who are in their 20s and 30s grew up as Hardy Boyz fans and getting to wrestle them is a dream come true. It’s like watching early 2000s Ric Flair.

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Matt is not just fine, but actively useful for younger guys to work with, so long as he doesn't lose his perspective and try to out Sammy Sammy or something. I think Kyle Fletcher could probably get a ton out of working with Matt. I'm just not sure this is the right time or setting though.

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9 minutes ago, Matt D said:

Matt is not just fine, but actively useful for younger guys to work with, so long as he doesn't lose his perspective and try to out Sammy Sammy or something. I think Kyle Fletcher could probably get a ton out of working with Matt. I'm just not sure this is the right time or setting though.

See I think Matt would be a great base for Davis to dunk upon

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4 hours ago, AxB said:

Love how the Bucks made it onto the poster twice. Nothing announced for Collision even though that's also being taped tonight.

Even better, it's the same pics of the Bucks, just moved around and reversed.

I think Matt is right that this will probably feel rushed with so many segments to get through. My hope is that the non-wrestling segments are kept tight, but I don't think that'll happen unfortunately.


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4 minutes ago, Log said:

Even better, it's the same pics of the Bucks, just moved around and reversed.

I think Matt is right that this will probably feel rushed with so many segments to get through. My hope is that the non-wrestling segments are kept tight, but I don't think that'll happen unfortunately.


It's a double-edged sword. If they're tight, they'll resonate even less when the show immediately jumps into the next thing before letting anything set in. I get that there were planning issues, but the real solution would have been starting the ramp up a few weeks earlier. Like literally everyone in the world said.

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5 hours ago, Zakk_Sabbath said:


Not that I'm not looking forward to it ('cause im sure it's gonna kick ass) but I'm a bit unsure what else they can really do in this Swerve/Fox v Darby/Wayne tag to hype the All In encounter after a bloody home (garage?) invasion and a kidnapping - I'm eager to see where we go regardless.

Tony said there's some planned changes.  I could see Fox getting taken out and replaced with Cage

That's a lot of stuff for two hours.  If the advertised stuff is literally all they focus on that's more than enough for two hours but I'm sure it won't be.  Hope Mox/Fenix and Elite/BCG get time and Ospreay gets to talk

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6 hours ago, AxB said:

Love how the Bucks made it onto the poster twice. Nothing announced for Collision even though that's also being taped tonight.

They announced an all star 8 man tag last week for the go-home Collision.

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things I remember from this episode of Dynamite:

first time i've checked in for a few weeks

so Fenix got a "going on a tour of Japan while in 1985 MidSouth" level of beatdown to get him out of All-In due to the visa

Santana and Ortiz are back together for the children's sake

did they move the commentator's table to ring side before this week or is this a special feature with this venue? I think the table was only touched during the Allin/Wayne-Swerve/AR match

I think AR Fox's entire heel run happened in-between times I watched Dynamite. Welcome to the Swerveverse.

Adam Cole has feelings about why people don't believe he can be friends with MJF

Will Ospreay is doing this to make a living

Didn't see enough of Toni Storm this week

Daddy Ass is back

The main event starts around 8:50 Central because the Hardys are old now. Aussie Open wins clean

I didn't realize there was a 5 minute overrun until 9:00

MJF and Cole coming out to face off with Aussie Open. Adam Cole gives the Kick of Fear to both Aussies while Mustache Aussie avoids the Double Clothesline.  Adam Cole almost kicks MJF but doesn't, and then they staredown before what is apparently the biggest event in wrestling history on Sunday. MJF opts to hug Cole instead of knocking him out.

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