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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2019 in all areas

  1. Remember that in the end, Heenan was completely validated as Hogan joining the nWo proved he was right about him all along.
    10 points
  2. He looks like what Chris Jericho imagines he looks like.
    10 points
  3. If they can't make money with Otis vs. Bryan where if Bryan loses he has to eat a giant steak, they should just shut the company down.
    8 points
  4. Today I’m launching my novel, Wrestling Is Real. It’s the story of Oscar, a small teenager who is chasing his dream in a world where professional wrestling is a real sport. I hope you enjoy it. Here’s the link: https://amzn.to/2WFF0nL
    7 points
  5. The problem with it is when they go too far! Like let’s go back to your Lincoln example. The dude became President for crying out loud. Wasn’t that enough attention? No, that dude fucking worked an angle with a Confederate spy to get deep color because “The guy in the back needs to see that shit”. Fucking Booth had never worked with blades before, so he went with the next best thing he knew. That angle killed the territories for a while. Regardless of the outcome, Lincoln was a hardcore SOB. So props to the “Kentucky Mad Man”.
    7 points
  6. I’d just suggest that, since there really haven’t been new narrative archetypes in centuries and I don’t foresee a breakthrough, there’s no sense throwing out one that works.
    6 points
  7. Y'all got the mods danders up. Tread with caution. In the meantime, over in the Japan folder, you can discuss NJPW's clear desire to throw a title at someone as quickly as humanly possible and other BOSJ spoilers. In the indies thread, you can discuss OWE being unable to get visas, putting their All Out appearances in danger. In the WWE thread, you can discuss how R Truth is clearly padding his 24/7 Reign count up so he can eventually say he's a greater champion than Ric Flair. Here, eh. Talk about whatever. Just do it respectfully motherfuckers. Happy Pride.
    5 points
  8. I feel it's the opposite. The WCW feud doesn't happen without the perception from 15 years before that these two were legendary, longtime rivals. I'm really curious about how this perception came to be. I have some ideas (Piper refusing to job caused fans to consider him a more major rival due to the outstanding and never-solved issue, Piper always booked as a key heel even if not in a program with Hogan, the two being the focal points of the WWF cartoon maybe?) but I'd love to hear some opinions. As far as Hogan rivalries go, what about Bobby Heenan? Hogan feuded with the Heenan family on and off from pre Mania 1 until after Mania 3. (Excuse me for being an older dude who measures the early WWF timeline by what Mania was happening when).
    5 points
  9. It wasn't just the losing... That part where Bayley was too nice to use a kendo stick in a fucking kendo stick match. Fucking hell man.
    5 points
  10. Wow did that Lars promo go on for fucking ever. Jesus. Carmela deserves so much credit for how much she's improved since losing the belt. Her and Truth are a great act, and she just keeps getting better. I really wanted her to win that match. Alexa challenging Bayley for the belt is giving me bad flashbacks to how they utterly destroyed Bayley's entire act.
    5 points
  11. So it's not really related to the dopey ROH nonsense, but it made me think of it. I was at a Hamburg field house taping and there was a Fuji-Saito against Steve Travis-Quickdraw McGraw match that was a heater for the dark match that was Fuji/Saito against the Strongbows. The first match was an even affair until the heels eventually got the upper hand and tied the faces in the ropes and were beating the hell out of them, including Captain Lou using a cane. The Strongbows came out for the save and the heels scurried toward the heel dressing room and by this time the crowd is going old school ape shit. Almost right in front of me a dude in a heavy lather jumps the railing and heads right into the aisle and gets DECKED by a left hook from Mr. Saito. They just keep on moving right into the back like it was cool. Non sequitur to anything but there you go.
    5 points
  12. THE RESUME OF BEN! The hours grew longer, my patience ever shorter. Finally, I returned from whence I left. The dwelling as dark as I had left it that morn. With every step, an article of clothing discarded until my now nude body fell upon the bed. My sheer respite interrupted by the light touch of finely manicured fingernails gliding over my back seemingly typing messages of lust upon my skin. Soft kisses descended upon my neck. "Argh! What are you doing here?" I hollered shockingly into the darkness. "I live here," she angrily replied. "This is my apartment, Ben." "Where do I live?" I wondered aloud. "Not here, asshole!" she said as the blistering fire in her eyes burned hotter than the incandescent light bulbs that now flooded the room with bright searing light. And that's the story of why I don't own any suits anymore.
    5 points
  13. To be fair, the guy was a Cyclops so who knows how jacked his depth perception and line of vision was.
    4 points
  14. It's just like CM Punk said, "Vince McMahon is a millionaire who should be a billionaire." Most of us have an opinion Punk one way or the other, but you can't say he didn't know what he was talking about. WWE's "Summer of Punk" could have been so good if Punk were allowed to stay away for a while to make it look like he really did walk out. Getting HHH involved, then Kevin Nash just fucked the whole thing up.
    4 points
  15. I thought they had something with Kevin Federline being Cena’s Heenan. But they dropped it too soon. He could’ve had the real-life hook(at the time) of using his wife’s money to fund his war with Cena.
    4 points
  16. FWIW, Dustin said on Jericho's pod that he will never wrestle Cody again. That this was perfect and he doesn't think they can match or top it.
    4 points
  17. Not a mod, but you can always put yourself out of your own misery with the ignore function. How do you think most of us manage to post something that Rippa has posted just three posts before us? ?
    4 points
  18. Joey Ryan didn't start the "indies trying to get eyeballs" thing. There have been indy shows doing dumb shit for attention since long before Abe Lincoln tapped out that dude by the campfire. Wrestling is still doing fine. There's no long term damage outside of the damage guys like Cornette do by telling anyone who listens that modern wrestling isn't worth their time, killing off scores of would-be paying customers.
    4 points
  19. Okada's dropkick is a thing of beauty.
    4 points
  20. I swear to god, if this Shane thing doesn't include this EXACT SEQUENCE it will all be a waste.
    3 points
  21. I don't know why having a big guy on the roster is a any more stale a story than having a smaller indy guy vs. another smaller indy guy. AEW isn't actually doing anything new with the roster, and the matches aren't that different than what we've seen over the last 20-30 years. It's mostly presentation, intention, personality. That's how they're taking all the same shit we've seen a billion times and making it feel fun again. So yeah, I want a company that's having fun to also take something else I enjoy, big badass lookin dudes being awesome, and make that fun again too.
    3 points
  22. Thanks. Unsurprisingly he grew up to be a great guy who works for a non-profit helping homeless people with mental health issues.
    3 points
  23. Adios fella. The rest of you aren't off the hook either, so keep civility in mind or I hand out some breaks.
    3 points
  24. LOL are you serious? Did you just start watching wrestling last week? We have garbage matches with panes of glass, scissors, "AIDS needles," fire, and all matter of gross shit that is so tasteless and legit harmful to performers We had Tony Anthony and Dirty White Girl use domestic violence as part of an angle We had Randy Orton claim Eddy Guerrero was burning in hell We had Saba Simba, Slick, The Gangstas, the original incarnations of Doom and Harlem Heat, and countless other racist horseshit angles We have, as @Craig H said, wrestlers working bloodbaths with life-threatening blood-borne diseases and not telling anyone about their condition And on and on. You can't swing a dead cat without finding something 1000x worse But somehow Joey Ryan having wrestling's strongest cock is somehow the lowest anyone in wrestling has ever gone. You have some weird axe to grind against this gimmick that makes you ignore reality. I'm done.
    3 points
  25. How deep a dive do you want to do? Like, look, there's almost no better way to spend the next few months in your wrestling watching than watching a bunch of Dustin. Start with the Flordia 89 Funk match. Then watch the Dibiase ten minute challenge Then go into 91 WCW. You want something from the summer, maybe vs the York Foundation or the GAB six man vs the Freebirds, Something like this to get a sense of him: (Dustin/Morton vs Taylor/Arn). And then Austin vs Dustin from Havoc 91 (it's on the network), which sort of feels like his first big match and big performance in WCW. Austin's too really. After that, get back to us with your thoughts and I'll be happy to talk to you about the rest of 91 and 92.
    3 points
  26. I thought the same thing, especially about Bayley. I say there thinking, wow, they nearly resurrected Bayley as one of the top women I'm the company, a top person period, and now they're going to kneecap her by having her lose and lose and lose and lose to Alexa again. I hope not, but I got flashbacks.
    3 points
  27. What Variety originally reported was that Sony and Disney had a five picture deal. Which means this would be the last one. But there are all sorts of rumors about what Disney wants to do with Spider-Man next, so maybe that report was wrong or they've extended the deal. And the tweet (from a guy who apparently nailed Endgame spoilers six months before it opened) says they want Tom Hardy as Venom in the MCU. Which, honestly, if Hardy brings the same level of crazy energy, I'm more than okay with it. Venom is a shitty character, there is never going to be a "good" Venom movie, but at least the one we got was bonkers enough to be fun.
    3 points
  28. The good 'ol days of ROH. Le sigh
    3 points
  29. "A lot of people might have misinterpreted the throne element of Double Or Nothing." Read: The majority wasn't pointing and laughing, but enough people were for Cody to notice. Good promo from Mox. Filming it in portrait is a great heel move.
    2 points
  30. The Wife and I power watched Abby's and are really bummed it got canned as we liked the characters and thought it had legs. NBC thought otherwise! James
    2 points
  31. Also acceptable War D Low Like the War Doctor version of D-lo Brown
    2 points
  32. Jimmy Valiant vs. Paul Jones’ Army Eric Embry vs. Skandor Akbar’s Devastation, inc. Jerry Lawler vs. Jimmy Hart’s First Family Hulk Hogan vs. Bobby Heenan’s Heenan Family. Standard territories-era setup
    2 points
  33. Cedric Alexander and his wife Ariel Monroe reverse cosplayed as Harley Quinn and The Joker when she was in last year's Mae Young Classic.
    2 points
  34. YES. Those were hugely important to me at the very beginning of grade school. The Scary Stories books were too, but the art was just too much. My breaking point was the illustration of the woman in "The Dream" which still haunts me. I haven't seen it in decades and it still won't leave me alone.
    2 points
  35. Although, I will say, the body suits looked pretty rad. It made me want to see more wrestlers in body suits or rash guards, just, you know, without being forced to wear them because of cultural issues.
    2 points
  36. PN News caught in the act of scoping out what to steal from someones bag backstage. Yo baby yo baby yo.
    2 points
    2 points
  38. The only thing I can think of is that out of everyone on the roster, Bayley is going to be the safest person for Alexa to wrestle.
    2 points
  39. I'm calling Moxley "Ore-Ida" from now on because he brought the potatoes in spades tonight. Poor Juice. Funny to see Juice coming out all serious while dressed like the bastard stepson of Jimmy "Boogie Woogie Man" Valiant. I also wish they'd built up to him getting the haircut, because I think there could've been some money there.
    2 points
  40. Will some mod please put these two out of their misery? Or at least encourage them to take it to DMs? FFS
    2 points
  41. They should just end the Xmen Universe by having Phoenix wipe out the whole galaxy, like in that What If issue.
    2 points
  42. For my Canadian friends ? spoilered for size
    2 points
  43. So like twice this century? Lol
    2 points
  44. I like him, but hey, different strokes. I think possibly his whole deal works best in the context of an indie show with lots of Johnny Kickpads guys being all intense and stiff and serious, and then suddenly the least intense guy in the biz shows up and works ridiculously light, and it's a massive contrast. Just seeing him in isolation, maybe not getting the full effect. What I was getting at with the 20 guys and 30 minutes, was nobody actually likes Battle Royals and promoters should stop booking them. More six man tags instead please.
    2 points
  45. How the hell does a thread that mentions Black vs. Murphy (which could be great, great stuff), descend into talking about Joey Ryan's dick or the fact that a sixty-year old man in the deep South isn't up on currently acceptable terminology? I know Jim Cornette through years of correspondence, a more tolerant, liberally-inclined guy is hard to find. Remember to always separate the worker from the work. When Corny's working, he says outrageous stuff, that's what he does, you're supposed to get all butt-hurt and complain on Twitter, simply means he has a few thousand more listeners next time to see what he'll say next. Remember Don Imus and Howard Stern when they were just shockjocks? The whole gig was say something outrageous to get listeners talking and to tune in the next day to see if they were going to top it. Jim is an intelligent man, he learns from the world around him and steals the bits and pieces that help make the Jim Cornette character, (which is far different from the real Jim Cornette, the man). To imply that he's a bigot or transphobic because he used the word "transvestite" is silly, he probably didn't know any better and now he does.
    2 points
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