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9 points
I think the real problem is having a PPV called Hell in a Cell that requires the titular match in a dead zone month. Hell in a Cell should only happen at the organic end of a feud, not necessarily because October.8 points
When did Dane Cook win the MITB briefcase? He didn't. Ambrose stumbled into his dressing room, thinking Rollins might be in there, shrugged and figured this was a good second choice, laid Cook out with the briefcase, then stole his clothes. That's not the money in the bank briefcase. If you saw the whole picture you would see that it says: Chimney Sink It's part of Dean's filing system. He keeps his belongings filed in suitcases based on where he originally found things. He has another one marked: Window sill Treehole and a more disturbing one labelled birds nest dead? guy - shoes and/or pockets6 points
5 points
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a SPECIAL UPDATE FROM THE DEAN AMBROSE PROMOTIONAL TOUR UPDATE: Apparently he started a business. I was able to do some investigating and will be able to bring you throughout the evening these: From the Yelp page for "AAADean Ambrose Home - Car - Personal security devices!" Stay tuned...4 points
The Global Force thread got really good once we started talking about things other than Jeff Jarrett.4 points
HEY! It's back up. This was the bi-monthly database implosion. Normal cpanel database fixes don't work anymore so that have to run a special fixer. So there you go. Please enjoy the fellowship togethah.4 points
3 points
There are no gifs of his badass sack of potatoes move. I found this while looking for it though.3 points
I think the real problem is having a PPV called Hell in a Cell that requires the titular match in a dead zone month. Hell in a Cell should only happen at the organic end of a feud, not necessarily because October. Arguably, if you had foresight with booking, you could make sure your main event feud would peak at HIAC. If you started a new feud right after or at Summerslam, you would have a two month build to the October show.3 points
Didn't they just have Ambrose get written off by having head driven through cinder blocks?3 points
I read that the wrong way and was trying to figure out how the competiton over a prospective coach could possibly turn into a race war.3 points
3 points
There are only a few reviews on YELP for "AAADean Ambrose Home - Car - Personal security devices!" Here is one of the last two I was able to find:2 points
Some questions brought up tonight- Is Seth Rollins so cheap or so destitute that he can't afford luggage and has to haul his personal effects around in the MITB case? Or does he just do that to avoid having to pay baggage fees on the airlines? When Ambrose is unable or unwilling to hitchhike, steal vehicles, or stow away in the back of farm trucks carrying livestock to get from town to town does he just hide out in the truck that carries the merch supplies from town to town? I could see him bedding down on a pile of clothes and getting his funk all over them only for them to be sold the next night. Some little kid gets a new Cena shirt only to ask his mom why it smells like stale donuts and mustard. As evidenced tonight he probably absconds with a bag full of merch to hawk on his own in order to buy a few gas station hot dogs after the show. He probably lurks in the shady sections of town with a trench coat bartering or selling what he can. That quarter he got for a Sheamus shirt probably kept him in ramen noodles for a week.2 points
2 points
goddamn, I just got the vision of Cena standing in the ring, throwing his hat, starting at the ramp, waiting....waiting....the crowd clamouring....waiting....make em wait for it pal.... "RUSEV DACHANEK! RUSEV BLAHBLAHBLAH" *dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dundun* he would be the best defending monster champion ever. Sorry but my boner for Rusev puts Batista's Dick to Shame. I think you could build the whole company around him for the 3 years.2 points
2 points
Again - why does no on listen to me Don't make me go back to like the 10 page of this thread2 points
I think the real problem is having a PPV called Hell in a Cell that requires the titular match in a dead zone month. Hell in a Cell should only happen at the organic end of a feud, not necessarily because October. I agree with you 110% on that. HIAC should be a feud-ending extra boost to a regular PPV, not a "themed" PPV in and of itself. But given the way Brock/Cena has gone down so far, the logical ending taking place at HIAC seemed to be a happy accident. Well, they booked themselves into a corner with this rematch. They clearly want to keep the title on Brock and keep him strong, but they also don't want Cena to eat another pinfall to Brock. Assuming they aren't stupid enough to put the belt right back on Cena, but they're also too worried about Cena losing again and looking weak in the eyes of his fanbase, the mistake was running Cena/Brock III for the gold at NoC instead of maybe waiting to do it after Brock finally loses and letting Cena beat him in the rematch there. NoC should have really been a placeholder one-month feud for Brock. Toss him in there against Ambrose or Ziggler, let him win a fairly dominant fifteen minute main where the opponent is never really competitive, but takes a load of punishment and gets the crowd behind him just for taking so much of a beating, and move on to your next feud for Lesnar for HiaC. Instead, they run a match in the main event of NoC that logically should lead to a final cell match that they can't do because they can't do another fuck finish the very next month in a one-on-one match, but they also have no desire to have either guy go over the other right now. I guess there is one more option - do a triple threat at HiaC where the third guy eats the pinfall for Brock so Cena loses without really losing, but then you're shoe-horning another guy into what was really a one-on-one feud where Cena needs to come back and beat the dominant monster, which is less-than-optimal narrative structure.2 points
So, Fresh makes a whole lotta noise about how awesome Destiny will be and how much he will play and only has a Level 7 Titan. Why does this not shock me?2 points
Boy did I have the hots for Natalya before this show. I realize that it's scripted but I get the sense that her being a chore to deal with is legit.2 points
I loved American Beauty when it first came out. Then I saw it not too far after 9/11, and my mind changed. I know that's sort of a weird thing to say, but that day really shifted my tapes. I just want to tell Kevin Spacey's character to grow the fuck up. Work on your relationship with your daughter and try and find common ground with your wife. Or get a fucking hobby or develop a spiritual side to get some meaning in your life past the pathetic nature of getting high and lifting weights. The end to that movie is also such a cop-out. SPOILERS: An unimportant side character kills him because of some latent homosexuality, as opposed to anyone really important to the plot. Ugh. That's also sort of why I sort of lost interest in Mad Men. It's a really wonderful show in a lot of ways, but I hate Don Draper. You're an incredibly good looking, charismatic and talented person. Just suck it up and stop being miserable. I know Betty sucks, but at least do right by your kids, dude. And also, you remarried to some really hot, younger wife who has dreams of her own. How about you keep it in your pants for a change and help her live the life she wants? There's advertising work in LA, dude. That's why I love Friday Night Lights so much. Coach and Tami are good, responsible people who try and do right by everyone. I wish we had more people like that on TV and in movies than bad people who don't change.2 points
2 points
I think the real problem is having a PPV called Hell in a Cell that requires the titular match in a dead zone month. Hell in a Cell should only happen at the organic end of a feud, not necessarily because October.Arguably, if you had foresight with booking, you could make sure your main event feud would peak at HIAC. If you started a new feud right after or at Summerslam, you would have a two month build to the October show.If you had foresight. They don't even know what's going to happen 20 minutes from airtime.2 points
My favorite "White person saves ghetto school" movie is The Substitute. Hell, I think Tom Berenger actually got more people killed, but I've loved that movie since it came out in 96.2 points
Awesome time with halfaloaf and Oyaji before work. Had the greatest moment of my gaming career when I finished off the dreaded hover tank with a punch. I played a lot Sunday going from level 14 to level 19. Destiny is a million billion times more fun with friends compared to playing solo.2 points
Nattie saying, "Rosa, being typical Rosa, made too big of a deal out of nothing" was RICH.2 points
2 points
The final surviving YELP review for "AAADean Ambrose Home - Car - Personal security devices!" After this one was posted, the business seems to have closed. This one is a little suspicious. I don't know, I'll leave it up to you to judge:1 point
1 point
Ryan Haggerty abusing Andrew MacDonald and Braydon Cobern for a goal was the highlight tonight at MSG. Went through them like traffic cones. He did the same thing to Zack Stortini, but that's Zack Stortini and not an actual NHL player.1 point
I enjoy my status standing in back out of the way and trying not to screw up the proceedings like Dan Ackroyd. Still glad everything's back up and running.1 point
1 point
1 point
The logical main event is there; the WWE is just ignoring it for some unknown reason. There is no reason not to do Brock/Cena. It make sense and fits the PPV billing.1 point
Ford tricked a man into dropping his gun by appealing to false bravado and then shot him dead and the dialogue was priceless. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that movie.1 point
It looks awesome, yet weird. The video game feeling was exactly what I had. Bundesliga matchday six concludes. The big game was Schalke vs Dortmund, Schalke won 2-1 with all the goals coming in the first half. I only saw the second half of the match, it seemed to be high paced, but the second half was all Dortmund without them creating particularly much in regards of chances etc. To their misfortune, they should have gotten a penalty midway through the second half but where denied by the otherwise good referee Gagelmann. It also means that Schalke surpasses Dortmund who have struggled a lot recently and only got one point from the last three league games. Bayern are sitting on top of the league after a 2-0 win at FC Koeln and Moenchengladbach is in second following a 2-1 victory in their away game in Paderborn. At the bottom of the table Stuttgart finally collected their first win of the season following a 1-0 at home against Hannover (who had a good start to the season I might add). Hamburger SV and Werder Bremen failed in attempting the same, both losing their games 1-2. Hamburg went down to Frankfurt at home after a scorcher of a freekick by Lucas Piazon in the dying minutes of the game. You should definetly check that shot out as soon as it hits the net, definetly worth it. Looked like a better placed version of David Luiz´ goal for Brazil against Colombia in this year´s quarter finals of the World Cup. Hamburg broke the record for the longest goalless period at the start of a Bundesliga season in said match, for after a grand total of 507 in-match-minutes they weren´t able to score in the 2014/2015 season. The previous record of 474 minutes was set in 1979/1980 by now second division Bochum. Despite a short collective sigh of relief after their first goal of the season there was lots of frustration, because while they were able to control the game they couldn´t really create big opportunities and Piazon´s moment of brilliance meant another loss. Hamburg is now winless for consecutive 13 league games ("inter"-seasonal, counting relegational play-offs against Fuerth aswell). Werder on the other hand was exposed in defense at VFL Wolfsburg. They showed some spirit, but also made major mistakes you shouldn´t be making at the level they are playing at. Six matchdays in Werder has conceeded 15 goals already, which is simply too much for club that doesn´t have the strike force it used to have between 2004 and 2010. The two former Northern powerhouses are joined by Freiburg in the club of the winless teams, who have far better showings nontheless showing promise and simply lacking in the luck department. Adding Piazon´s astonishing free kick goal: http://youtu.be/DBFoEqsTJ-c?t=1m18s1 point
1 point
came in here to say this. Cat Zingano with the move of the night. also, fuck Yoel Romero and his corner for that shit. the fight should've been stopped if he refused to fight when the round should've started.1 point
1 point
His antics are going to make Jamarcus Russell look good. On the field? Who knows . . .1 point
Speaking of wealthy parents creating awful children, are we going to see Roman Sionis or do they stash him away for next season?1 point
1 point
I never got the complete hatred for Ford Fairlane. I know Dice is a polarizing figure, but for pure silliness, it wasn't a bad movie. Plus, Lauren Holly looking the hottest she's ever looked on film.1 point
Having just revisited Saturday Night Fever a few days ago, that's a BIG annoyance. Tony Manero gets the absolute SHIT beat out of him in a gang fight (his face is repeatedly slammed against a concrete floor). In what can only be at most three days later when he shows up for the big dance contest, he's wearing one small bandage to represent his injuries. The rest of his face is fine.1 point
I'll see your Community and raise you 30 Rock. I really don't get why that show was so loved. Any time I tried to watch it, it was shit. Just complete shit. Oh, and a callback to some months prior, but Terminator 3 is great. It's nearly as good as Terminator 2. As far as the series goes, it's the second best Terminator. It had a really ballsy finish at a time where directors and writers were weary of giving audiences something other than a Hollywood ending. I also really dug the realization that you can't stop the future from occurring, at best, you can only delay the inevitable. Good action sequences and I felt that the humor worked as well.1 point
1 point
1 point
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