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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2014 in all areas

  1. And why is Seth Rollins $5 dollars and Ambrose and Reigns are $4? evolution is a mystery
    12 points
  2. Rippa please take your conversation with yourself to PMs.
    8 points
  3. I believe you meant to say my masturbating Wait... what???
    7 points
  4. I wanted us to take a moment to remember why Shane McMahon ruled.
    5 points
  5. Nah dog nah Have Brock win MITB by throwing dudes at the briefcase until it falls
    4 points
  6. "I grabbed 15 rebounds tonight". "LOL I'll pretend you said 18".
    4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. Ideally it would be Brock/Cena for the title, and Brock pops Cena's head off his shoulders and drinks from it like a goblet. The WWE becomes a wasteland of fear and despair. Then one night Heyman asks the crowd, "What, do you think some one will save you?" Cue Flight of the Valkyries.
    4 points
  9. Well, she looks hideous. - Jaedmc
    4 points
  10. Now that it's all done, I think it's time to take stock of Big Dave Batista. A few nights ago he tweeted his frustration about you goddamn genius smarks and it really made me think about how much he's given us all the last few months. Personally, he's given me about 200 likes just from Batista Fashion Watch alone. But dammit, there was more to him than just that. So I thought it might be nice to revisit some highlights, mostly clothes based yes, but also potato/stuffing stuff to see just when and why you assholes stopped appreciating all his hard work. So I give you a few early glimpses into the Return of BATISTA: Fashion Highlights as well as a few representative posts from the major turning points in what can only be called the most awaited and successful part-time return in the history of sports entertainment. You will notice that as these go on, the posts will get fewer and the outfits will get lazier as first you asshole internet jerks, and eventually Big Dave himself...just stop caring. Words and lyrics for the background by Sophie Zelmani Hit Play and follow along with the lyrics. Trust me...goosebumps... Raw 1/21: The Return It's daybreak And you are asleep I can hear you breathe now Your breath is deep But before I go I look at you one last time I can hear a heartbeat Is it yours or is it mine? I look at your lips I know how soft they can be Did they know what they wanted The times they kissed me? And your hands I held in mine Now they're reposing on the pillow Will they ever miss me sometime? I'll remember you You will be there in my heart I'll remember you That is all that I can do And I'll remember Royal Rumble: Your eyes That always make me shiver Now they are closed They just sometimes twitch a little And your body I could hold for an hour It sent me to heaven With it's heat and power 'll remember you You will be there in my heart I'll remember you That is all that I can do And I'll remember
    3 points
  11. They literally already announced that if Bryan isn't ready, MITB will be for the belts. Don't let actually watching the show get in the way of your fantasy booking, guys
    3 points
    3 points
  13. This makes no sense. Why the fuck is Orton just standing there? He's stunned by the ferocity of Shane McMahon's attack. Also, the speed with which those fists are flying past his face have stolen all the oxygen away from him.
    3 points
  14. We could have Miz win Money in the Bank, and then on RAW have them introduce the newest Money in the Bank winner - then Brock comes out with a briefcase made out of Miz Two Birds. One stone.
    3 points
  15. I imagine Brock just screaming at the briefcase until it leaps into his arms but I can see your angle working too.
    3 points
  16. These are from the motion capture sessions when Acclaim was making the In Your House game back in 96. Many more here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ziadanger/sets/72157628263013253/
    3 points
  17. Get a load of the dude photobombing my friend from high sch- OH SHIT SON.
    3 points
  18. I was in Florida for ahwile recently and I swear...Florida, you can imagine....it was wall to wall lawyer commercials. You'd get, like, four in a row. It was insane. Now, mind you, I was watching CHRISTINE at about 12:30 in the afternoon on a weekday, and I imagine the target audience is people doing just that and hoping to continue so. Here's some advice from one local injury lawyer to all his brethren. http://thecarsonlawfirm.com/slogans-keys-to-make-your-own-slogan/
    3 points
  19. And once again my white hot hatred of Cena's stupid OVERCOME ALL ODDS character was born anew.
    3 points
  20. Just put the damn thing on Brock.
    3 points
  21. Maybe if Lance Stephenson was there to keep LeBron cool this wouldn't have happened.
    3 points
  22. THE DECLINE OF WESTERN BATISTATION PART SOMETHING: THE SOMETHINGING Sadly, this was The End-game. First everyone but me stopped paying attention to the layering of fabrics and references to defunct hat epochs. And then Batista, himself, gave up even packing a go bag. I blame Orton. It must be hard to watch him walk breezily through the airport, cool air brushing his thighs, with nothing but a thermos around his neck to hold all his clothes while you are wheeling around three steamer trunks. But really it was a kind of slow soul-death for a man who had sacrificed his health and his push to wake us up to the pleasures of color and texture. During this phase of decline, the fashion-minded wrestling fan was left to pursue other idols, as will become evident. Little did we know at the time that, like a dying star, Big Dave would save his greatest burst of beauty and passion for his final moments in our lives. But that's next time... For now we see the pathos of a man who breathed in fashion, losing his breathe, his heart, and his outfits...going naked...and slipping away from us: http://youtu.be/ZXsO50IKuvc Hit play and feel it, brother. I mean it. If you don't do this right you can't see into Dave's heart. I mean it WAIT THROUGH THE INTRO FOR THE LYRICS!!! Raw 4/28 We tied together Twined us into one But knots remember To come undone Slipping gently Setting into sail I tried to steady To no avail And if you walk away Remember me as before And if I go, well know I had to go Raw 5/5 You drift away from me, now baby Don't drift away from me The fraying tether Severs as we sleep Sometimes forever Cannot keep Raw 5/19 from England Delta knows that Rivers must part their ways Into the paths of change 'til all is emptied out to sea Raw 5/12 The tide is changing and you're gone Unfortunately for most of the show, Dave was dressed as You drift away from me, no, baby You drift away from me You just drift away Something's not the same now, baby Don't drift away from me HOWEVER: Once was not enough for love Twice was not enough for love But you're gone You're gone away And the following rather rude observation: You drift away from me, baby You drift away from me You just drift away No, something's not the same now baby Don't drift away from me
    3 points
  23. Tonight we learned that Tyler Breeze is a jack of all trades and if you asked him the master of them all.
    3 points
  24. *Click to Enlarge* There's a reason why the camera never showed a full shot of these guys during the Beach Blast 1993 PPV promos. Dem flip-flops.
    3 points
  25. One of the first things I thought when Cesaro joined Heyman was how awesome it would have been if Hero had worked out and the Kings of Wrestling became Paul Heyman guys. Haha I'm gonna assume "if Hero had worked out" is meant to mean "used a treadmill".
    2 points
  26. just watched this on the network a few days ago, Jericho's Goldberg entrance:
    2 points
  27. Reported for posting spoilers.
    2 points
  28. From today's update: RFA tonight at 10 p.m. Eastern on AXS from Culver City, CA John Hackleman Jr. (John's son) vs. Justin Jones Thanks for the clarification, Dave!
    2 points
  29. They are building to Bugs vs Sam. Million Billion Stars.
    2 points
  30. If they'd gotten themselves blown up trying to film that in a public freemode, I'd argue they'd deserve what they got.
    2 points
  31. And once again my white hot hatred of Cena's stupid OVERCOME ALL ODDS character was born anew. Never seen the match - just watched it. have to agree - its a glorified squash match for brock until a punch and an AA from cena. I understand the added "bonus" of the steel in both parts - but still. Lesnar beats the piss out of cena for 18+ minutes and cena wins in two moves? I'm all for the suspension of disbelief, but thats too much.
    2 points
  32. I was in the same dental boat as you guys. Went for the first time in EIGHT YEARS in April...and had no cavities or need for any other work. Sure, the cleaning took roughly 40 minutes, and the sound that the instruments made on my teeth was driving me crazy, and the plaque and tartar buildup on my teeth was absurd...but no cavities! The cleaning actually helped me moderately with gum sensitivity and canker sores too (so far), so I'm thrilled about it.
    2 points
  33. Yeah, what Mark might have said
    2 points
  34. Well I figure the earliest ME4 would come out is next year. So - I can still purchase a PS3 And then figure out which kidney I want to sell to afford a next gen system
    2 points
  35. Mark Hamill's looking good.
    2 points
  36. Jae has a crown FSW will never have. jaedmc - Administrators FSW - Member
    2 points
  37. I love that on Twitter now we're getting rumblings from some of the reporters about how unbearable the smells are in the locker rooms. This is truly what this golden age of social media and interaction is about.
    2 points
  38. I would feel more sorry for Lebron and it sucks he wasn't on the floor but every player on the court had to play through the same conditions.
    2 points
  39. IMO, too much self-awareness ruins these apparently "so bad they're good" movies. It doesn't work when the people behind the film are in on the joke, The real humor is in the earnestness they were made with. See: The Room, Batman and Robin, Troll 2.
    2 points
  40. This is awesome. You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube but you can put it in a different bottle, which is exactly how this whole authority angle has been played. We know wrestling is fake, the wrestlers know we know it's fake, so they play to what we believe is real, the backstage bullshit that we see absolutely zero of. And so we think that OUR voice managed to get Punk his 400 day title run or OUR voice managed to get Bryan a title win at Wrestlemania. What better way for the Authority to gain heat than to wink along, "yes we know that you all know this is fake so this is what we REALLY think of our roster, Bryan is a B+ player but the Yes Movement made us break promises and change plans last minute"......
    2 points
  41. BATISTABOMBS PART SIXX: CONTRACTUALLY OBLIGATED WRESTLEMANIA MAIN EVENT EDITION Today only with Specciaal B-B-B_B-B-B-BOOOONUS B-B-BOOOOtista Fashion Watch!!! This was supposed to be the culmination. The crowning. The moment that we all joined together as a nation to thank Dave Batista for bringing us to a new understanding of haute couture. But we provincials couldn't understand what he was trying to teach us and like the sad apes we are, we turned on the one who offered us enlightenment. And so it was a bitter moment. Hit play and remember what was and what could have been Music and lyrics by Avril Lavigne Fowler will pretend he doesn't have this on his "workout" playlist, but we all know he's lying Wrestlemania 30 Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby Right now I feel invisible to you, like I'm not real Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you Why'd you turn away? Here's what I have to say WRESTLEMANIA 30: the actual thing I was left to cry there, waiting outside there grinning with a lost stare That's when I decided WHAAAAAY should I cAAAAAAAre Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone YOUUUUUU, you need to listEEEEEEn I'm starting to trip, I'm losing my grip and I'm in this thing alone Am I just some chick you place beside you to take somebody's place when you turn around can you recognize my face You used to love me, you used to hug me But that wasn't the case Everything wasn't ok I was left to cry there waiting outside there grinning with a lost stare That's when I decided B-B_B_B-b-ONUS B-B-B-B-Batista FASHION WATCH: WM RED CARPET EDITION WHAAAAAY should I cAAAAAAAre Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone YOUUUUUU, you need to listEEEEEEn If you don't care, then I don't care We're not going anywhere. Raw 4/21: POST MANIA RAW LET'S GO ZIGGLER CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPshitwrongyear Crying out loud I'm crying out loud Crying out loud I'm crying out loud Open your eyes Open up wide Why should I care Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone WHAAAAAY should I cAAAAAAAre Cuz you weren't there when I was scared I was so alone If you don't care then I don't care we're not going anywhere
    2 points
  42. I think this is my favorite one I stumbled upon. If you tried to explain what's happening in this gif with words, it would be ridiculous.
    2 points
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