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Raw 4-27-15


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Is it just me or does the Bray/Ryback feel like the warm-up to Bray moving to someone higher up after Payback?  Having him feud with Ryback doesn't seem to help either guy much.  Not to mention that Bray's previous promos didn't tie into Ryback.  I don't know, it still feel off to me.

So who do we consider higher than Ryback on the face side? 









I remember during one of his promos he had a snake on his jacket, I though it was gonna be Orton.

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Ryback is going to get killed dead by this Wyatt feud unless he totally eats Bray alive. I don't care if anyone wants to bitch that size doesn't matter anymore in wrestling. It does. Bray Wyatt does not look threatening to Ryback. A lot of that is just that Bray is not threatening at all but he looked ridiculous taking Ryback out so easy last night when Ryback really should have just turned around and Meathooked Bray Wyatt back to NXT.

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It drives me crazy when JBL on commentator refers to Dolph Ziggler as "zigger." There's NO WAY someone hasn't said something to him about it by now. How can you make the same mistake that many times? It just sounds so, so bad...

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I've been arguing for over a year that they should do KOTR on the network as an exclusive to help give the sense that there is content that you will only get on the Network.


Which actually brings me to an annoyance:


Execution matters. It bugs me when people will take something WWE does and showcase it with an argument along the lines of "Well, you guys said they needed new blood! And now they're giving it to you and you're complaining!"


Like, for instance, in this case:


"They're doing KOTR on the network as an exclusive like you wanted! Why are you complaining?"


I'm complaining because the execution really defeats the purpose. It's not about doing something for the sake of doing it. It's about the result that they were supposed to get from doing it in the first place and I don't think the way they're executing it will give them that result.


I'm not sure that's the single most annoying argument we get around here sometimes, but it's up there. 

The worst one is "People were going to complain no matter what they did."

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Y'all should skip Raw and just watch the PPVs. They cover everything you need to know/see and the matches seem fresh.


Shit, that's what I do. More because I can't be arsed to sit through most live tv anymore, but that's beside the point.



Who the hell watches anything besides sporting events live anymore?


It's called a DVR.

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Cena has now surpassed Triple H.  Hunter killed some dudes like RVD and Kane who were longtime veterans and had already reached their potential.  Cena is killing off popular young talent like Wyatt and Rusev. It's gotten pretty ridiculous.


Let us know when you have additional reports from the writers' meeting.

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Cena has now surpassed Triple H.  Hunter killed some dudes like RVD and Kane who were longtime veterans and had already reached their potential.  Cena is killing off popular young talent like Wyatt and Rusev. It's gotten pretty ridiculous.


Let us know when you have additional reports from the writers' meeting.



If you have any on hand,  I'll take some from 2003...  :lol:

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Guys (and gals? Are there any left?), I'm just watching RAW now, and I think I really like Heath Slater. His brief promo was the first time I actually laughed when a wrestler was trying to be funny in a very long time.

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Is it way too "arm-chair booking" to think that Rolling Stone's idea of Cena losing at Payback, going on a hiatus, and returning with a "new attitude" is a plausible outcome? Not saying Cena turns heel or anything, however. At least I don't think that's what they mean.

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I don't think the "Open Challenge" idea was a way to lead to a new guy taking the title from Cena. I think it was just a way for WWE to get a bunch of midcard guys in TV matches with Cena as some kind of "proving ground" to see who can step up.

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Supposedly, the plan was for it to be a several week tournament, but for whatever reason it was condensed into two nights.


Not for "whatever reason" but completely for the reason that WWE Creative and those who employ them suck.


I'll go with "as soon as they finally convinced Vince not to book Sheamus as the winner, they condensed the tournament before he could change his mind."

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The Sandow stuff was horrible. 


Cena has now surpassed Triple H.  Hunter killed some dudes like RVD and Kane who were longtime veterans and had already reached their potential.  Cena is killing off popular young talent like Wyatt and Rusev. It's gotten pretty ridiculous.


The difference is that you never get the idea that it was Cena's own idea to kill careers because he had an inflated sense of worth and felt threatened, unlike HHH's horrid early/mid '00s run.  It seems like John is just following orders and not complaining that he should be losing, which is what people seem to think he should be doing.

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Cena's the WWE's biggest hero. That's why he defeats guys who rise up for a year in order for him to win. The good guys in cartoons and action almost always win in the end. Especially if they're marketed to kids, just like Cena is. And the formula works, since Cena's the biggest star in the company and has been for an insane amount of time. The end result of the formula isn't to make us nerds happy. It's to make kids happy and to have their parents buy tacky merchandise.


It's not "burying" young talent. It's how it works. Only three people have beaten Cena convincingly over the past few years. The first was CM Punk, who was their new edgy babyface hero. The second was Daniel Bryan, who became the ultimate everyman hero. The third was Brock, as part of his Greatest Year In Wrestling History thing.

So two of those wins were against other heroes that they built the league around for huge amounts of time. The third was against a villain who was on the greatest tear anyone ever had.

On a related note: I hate how Bray is now cast as a "jobber" in some eyes. The dude lost feuds to Cena and a WrestleMania match to The Undertaker. Everyone else he's beaten. The Wyatts even beat The Shield. That's hardly a jobber.


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People think of Bray as a jobber because WWE has done a piss-poor job of protecting him. It's not just about wins and losses, it's about how he wanders aimlessly from feud to feud, and never seems to achieve anything.

This. Like, for instance, what is the point of the current Ryback feud? You know they aren't going to put Bray over in that. So Ryback will win, and continue to float aimlessly around the upper midcard, and Bray will spend weeks blathering on about some cryptic horseshit setting up his next feud that he will inevitably lose. Wash, rinse, repeat.

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