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Your Fuck You 3.0(3.5?) thread. Now with no dirty words in the thread title. Lots of people like to use this thread because it's a safe place to vent and DVDVR is generally a supportive, friendly community. I'm at zero tolerance with the personal attack bullshit, so don't be a dick to each other or you get a jaecation.



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I hate that I am unable to thump a fly in the ass. I want to send those suckers plummeting towards the floor hardway.


If tragedy strikes and there must be a fourth thread, could we call it "JEEZ LOUISE"


I don't have anything actual to vent about right now, so here's this instead: I'm declaring "murrica" dead and buried as a joke. If you use it, you deserve to be booed anywhere it's least convenient (without it being, like, a home invasion).

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If tragedy strikes and there must be a fourth thread, could we call it "JEEZ LOUISE"


I don't have anything actual to vent about right now, so here's this instead: I'm declaring "murrica" dead and buried as a joke. If you use it, you deserve to be booed anywhere it's least convenient (without it being, like, a home invasion).


I was actually sort of hoping for "AWWWWW FER CRYIN' OUT LOUD," but "JEEZ LOUISE" is good, too.


I don't know what the hell I did to my back, but now it hurts to get up from a seated or supine position, and I'm really hoping I don't have the kind of back problems my dad does (herniated discs).


Does it feel like it's in your lower back? Is it worst when you try to tie your shoes, put on socks, etc?


Fuck you Justin Ross Harris. First you leave your son to die in a hot car while claiming to have 'forgotten about him' then you did 'sexting' to women the day he died, you looked online for 'how long it takes for a child to die in a car' and asked about cashing in your son's life insurance and your stupid cop ass managed to luck into an IT position that many serious IT professionals would have wanted. And you would think him in such a role would cause him to realize that you don't look up that information at work, especially if you're about to commit a crime. Also, you had a lot of my Facebook friends convinced you did nothing wrong when I could tell from looking at him that he was/is a complete douchebag.


It always pisses me off that former members of law enforcement get to work in IT when many of them can barely power on a computer nor have the actual computer skills to handle the job.

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Sorry for everything you're going through Burgundy. I hope you can find some outlet to relieve some of the stress.


FUCK YOU to the idiots on my Facebook feed who took issue with a long factual post I made about the history of the Declaration of Independence, which was a hell of a lot more complicated than most mediocre history teachers and simplistic propaganda will ever tell you. Immediately, I got hassled by some old acquaintances from other boards, who have been growing increasingly e-hostile to me over the past few years and now have taken it to a nearly psychotic, seriously worrisome Quit Stalking Me Already level. Their problem? Not with a damn single fact I had to say, because they couldn't refute a one. They were simply pissed off because I dared to question the dumbass jingoistic rose-colored false version of our country's history that certain political conmen love to sell to some of more ignorant citizens. Jumping straight into the nastiest personal attacks while not "speculating" so much as "demanding their warped version is correct" about my motivations.

Different topic: I was listening to some random podcast last night. Don't even remember what it was called or who the talkers were, nobody I'd ever heard of. I clicked on it because it promised an interview with Alan Moore; it took me an uncomfortably long amount of time to realize that their labelling of their episodes was faulty and said interview was clearly never coming in this installment. But the guest was an indy filmmaker, specializing in documentaries, so I stuck around out of sheer industry/artform curiosity to see what he said. Everything went fine, until he went into a long rant about how everyone thinks he's some kind of rich guy just because he works in the media. Which, fine, perfectly valid complaint. But THEN he oh-so-casually mentions that he borrowed A QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS from his parents in order to make one of his films. "People think I'm rich, but they don't know about the eighty grand I still owe my folks!" Is there anything less sympathetic than a rich guy who's giving you the poor-mouth routine? SON OF A...

EDIT: sorry Burgundy, that sucks raw sewage. I kinda know how you feel, kinda, from helping to take care of my own mother over the past several months. Her memory issues and general mental fog are frightening and heartbreaking, but it sounds like she's still a hell of a lot better off than your poor mom (and thusly, myself compared to thee).

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I can't help but be empathetic to my clients, no matter how bad their crimes.  Had a 17 year old kid get sentenced to 8 years (and it was a total gift -- probably deserved 30).  We had the talk about prison, but nothing I can say can prepare him.  Of course, now I find out that he got sentenced to the TDC unit known as the "Gladiator Farm" where the conditions are so decrepit the cell doors don't even lock -- and of course, the guards don't care, because all that'll do is allow the prisoners to continue assaulting each other 24/7.  Like I said, the kid was bad news (double digit felonies before 18), but I can't imagine him coming out of this anything but much, much worse.


I can't help but be empathetic to my clients, no matter how bad their crimes. Had a 17 year old kid get sentenced to 8 years (and it was a total gift -- probably deserved 30). We had the talk about prison, but nothing I can say can prepare him. Of course, now I find out that he got sentenced to the TDC unit known as the "Gladiator Farm" where the conditions are so decrepit the cell doors don't even lock -- and of course, the guards don't care, because all that'll do is allow the prisoners to continue assaulting each other 24/7. Like I said, the kid was bad news (double digit felonies before 18), but I can't imagine him coming out of this anything but much, much worse.

The system gave up on him before he'll even have a chance to rehabilitate, which seems to be common. He deserves to be in jail, but not in such a manner to make sure he is somehow even worse whenever he gets out.

Fuck the motherfucker across the street with the M80s. Fuck him in the fucking heart. The explosions are freaking out the cats and pissing me off. I'm about to go over there and get medieval on his ass here in the next few minutes.

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Yeah we've got a bunch of assholes around here letting off what sounds like sticks of dynamite. Thankfully the noise doesn't bother my dog.


Fuck the motherfucker across the street with the M80s. Fuck him in the fucking heart. The explosions are freaking out the cats and pissing me off. I'm about to go over there and get medieval on his ass here in the next few minutes.

That's totally your fault for having cats :P Although my shih-tzus just kind of stand there and look around and are generally confused, but still. How does anyone like cats? I guess that's what I'll complain about. Fuck cats, man. I hate cats - antisocial creatures.


Fuck the motherfucker across the street with the M80s. Fuck him in the fucking heart. The explosions are freaking out the cats and pissing me off. I'm about to go over there and get medieval on his ass here in the next few minutes.

That's totally your fault for having cats :P Although my shih-tzus just kind of stand there and look around and are generally confused, but still. How does anyone like cats? I guess that's what I'll complain about. Fuck cats, man. I hate cats - antisocial creatures.

Don't give Pete fuel to post cat pictures..........fuck cat pictures.


I would like to propose an alternate name for this thread: Son of a Diddly!



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Burgandy LaRue said: Nine days into this new life for our family, and I'm ready to scream bloody murder. 

Hon, I am 4 years into this exact new life, and I still want to scream bloody murder from time to time. It's a long, hard adjustment, and family dynamics make it 100 times worse. *hugs* Feel free to hit me up if you want advice/shoulder/whatever.

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Screw me for not being patient.  I don't care about yelling at my father based on his feelings, but Mother doesn't need the stress.  And I rather take the high road when it comes to him.


Taking care of her is a lot to handle.  I'm doing my best--but I can't get water, readjust a pillow, give meds, and bandage a foot all at the same time.  Not to mention cooking and cleaning and working on get a routine started for her meals and what not. She's bossy by nature, which is irritating on a good day.  But right now, I don't need her pulling me in 24 directions at once.  I know she's uncomfortable and worried--I'm right there with her.  But I can help her more if she would realize I can't do everything at once.


Nine days into this new life for our family, and I'm ready to scream bloody murder. :(


I've been there.  Until he passed in January, I was taking care of my grand dad for the past two years.  He was bed-ridden for the past 10 years and  pulled me every which way but loose with demands to the point where I was feeling bad about arguing with him because between my daughter and him, I wasn't really getting any time to myself or to get my life right.  For every time I would get pissed at him for yelling bloody murder from his room only to find out that he just wanted me to open a bottle of water for him, I had to realize that he had no sense of time, so he didn't know any better, and I can't fathom the pain that he's been going through for the past couple of years.  There is no answer to how you can make things easier, but I too want to give you a virtual hug and let you know it gets better.

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12 year old puked last night at 2 am. Ate too much dessert at BBQ. Did not make it to the toilet in time. Blueberry pie everywhere. Lots more too.


I would like to propose an alternate name for this thread: Son of a Diddly!




 Now calm down, Ned-dily-diddly-diddly-diddly... they did their best, shoddily-iddly-iddly-diddly... gotta be *nice*, hostily-iddly-diddly-iddly...

[snapping completely]

Ah *hell* diddly-ding-dong-crap! Can't you morons do anything right?

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