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1 minute ago, Curt McGirt said:

There are two possible conclusions to this. 

1. Jericho wipes Andretti out with the elbow in another match immediately. 

2. Jericho goes on a losing streak. 

Or I guess Andretti ends up being his Kryptonite but I doubt that.

that reminds me, when does Captain Shawn Dean get to face MJF for the title?

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I figured something was up when Jericho talked about beating "some jobber" in his promo earlier in the night. I thought they'd pull a swerve and have his unnamed opponent actually be a name guy, but having the jobber win works too.

Well, in theory. The problem is that this Andretti guy didn't impress me at all, leading me to suspect the whole thing will prove a wasted effort on Jericho's part. Possibly I'm being unfair, though - is anybody familiar with Andretti's work? Was he just having an off night?


This feud has to develop into a First Blood match.


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2 minutes ago, DEAN said:

This feud has to develop into a First Blood match.


That reminds me that Tay had the worst looking “crimson mask” when she did that tag team match with Anna Jay versus Bunny & Penelope. Looked like she smeared strawberry jelly all over her face.

1 hour ago, tbarrie said:

I figured something was up when Jericho talked about beating "some jobber" in his promo earlier in the night. I thought they'd pull a swerve and have his unnamed opponent actually be a name guy, but having the jobber win works too.

Well, in theory. The problem is that this Andretti guy didn't impress me at all, leading me to suspect the whole thing will prove a wasted effort on Jericho's part. Possibly I'm being unfair, though - is anybody familiar with Andretti's work? Was he just having an off night?

Can't seem to embed but I lined up this episode of Dark where Action had a great match against QT Marshall for you.




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2 hours ago, Craig H said:

Action Andretti has a bad name and super shitty Will Ospreay hair,

Counterpoint: Action Andretti is an awesome name and you're wrong.

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Super fun show that started pretty good and seemed to keep getting better. Jericho/Andretti of course the highlight and he seemed the perfect guy to do that with. I was blown away by the QT match from October linked above and super impressed, at the time thinking he may have earned something more then. I love how there was no followup and he hadn't appeared since, so this felt organic tonight. Awesome crowd reaction and a really well done "123 Kid moment". Very cool to see him immediately signed after that and I look forward to what he does next. Well deserved. 

Hangman's promo was badass, real good stuff. Was really looking forward to Ruby/Tay and thought they delivered the goods as well. Solid main event with a big fight feel despite the obvious outcome. Finish felt a little weak but hopefully Starks bounces back. Nice transition back to MJF/Bryan now. Good looking early lineups for the next shows as it feels like the next 6 weeks or so have all got some major events. 

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Ricky Starks looked strong in defeat, but it certainly seemed like he was quickly swept to the side in favor of Danielson/MJF.

I think he has shown his worth as an upper tier performer, and it would be a shame to see him quickly slide back down the card. 

All the matches tonight were good or better...not a single clunker in the bunch.

Maybe I am old and cynical, but if I paid for 2nd through 4th row seats, I would be pretty pissed off having to stare at the asses of Muscles Meltzer and crew all night. Did they ever sit down?

Again, maybe I'm old, but does anyone else have to constantly crank up the volume during backstage interviews and crank it down during in ring action? You would think they could level that stuff out and make it consistent.



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What a great show in front of a molten crowd!  Ruby Soho and Tay try to kill each other, Action Andretti who looks like he's a distant relative to the lads in Top Flight gets a gigantic win, and MJF retains his title through shitcannery and keeps Ricky Starks looking strong only to have to flee for his life from Bryan Danielson.

The mind boggles as to how MJF will weasel out a victory when he defends against American Dragon.

I think I can live MJF's Reign of Terror if it is going to consist of ridiculous trash talk punctuated by interludes of yellow-backed hilarity.  I hate his business exposing promos, but he is genuinely great when it comes to bringing humor to the role of the chicken shit heel. 

Penta is on board with the cheating and Death Triangle is up 3-1 over The Elite.  Bring on the plunder and the international objects.  This shit is going to be in an exploding barbwire ring before it's all over.  Let's hope Khan hires a better demolitions guy for the big finish.

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I thought the Jericho match was good for what it was, but I also thought there are/were approx 20 regular/semi-regulars on AEW programming who could have used the win instead.

Why not, say, Griff Garrison, rather than add another guy into the JAG mix.

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Posted (edited)

I saw the YouTube video of the last six minutes of Starks/MJF and it wasn't bad. I still don't buy MJF as a World champion (and likely never will). Midcarder For Life Is Your AEW World Champion. I still think he should have gotten DQ'ed for the finish with the kick directly in front of the referee but whatever we get to deal with more promos from MJF after this and maybe another match in 3 months. Starks eating the loss deflates his promo a week earlier and basically feels like an one-off defense now. If Tony Khan wasn't a 'fantasy booking genius' and 'oh I ran an efed in my 20s at a time when (mostly) normal people have actual friends' it would lead to an extended program with Starks & MJF building to a PPV but now it's Danielson & MJF building to a PPV. And we know that Danielson doesn't really want to be AEW World champion, so yay the title reign will likely continue. Thanks Tony.

Edited by Andrew POE!

Crazy day today. Looks like I have finally arrived at my down-time, though.

So: Kip Sabian vs Tony Deppen and Kingston & Ortiz vs Slim J & Jeeves K of The Trustbusters were both REALLY GOOD and VERY FUN Dark matches this week!

Winter has already arrived here in Kansai. It was 6 degrees Celsius outside while Dynamite was going on. 13 years ago, that would not really have seemed cold to me. I get a little more Japanese every year and a little less Canadian. I bet that Kenny Omega can relate to that. It's one reason why I am inclined to like the guy.

LOVED the crowd today, obviously. 

The Elite needing to overcome the odds and win three straight is EXACTLY how I would have booked it. But (as has been said) now that the seventh match has been announced as a ladder match, it would be INSANE for Death Triangle to win match # 5 or 6. 

HOWEVER we just saw today that AEW is DOWN WITH THE INSANITY. So anything is possible.

Holy fuck do I ever hate seeing Jeff Jarrett in AEW. Not a big fan of seeing big Cass in AEW, either. Maybe I need a whole post over in the Navel Gazing thread to get into why? 

Jungle Boy vs Brian Cage, Hook and Jungle Boy teaming up, Mox,Claudio and Wheeler? Those are things I LOVE to see in AEW.

My suggestion for JBJP & Hook's team name and theme song:


Jungle Hook. You Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me

I miss singing along with Malakai's old entrance theme, GRZNFLRGNTROOST.

Am I stoked for Hayter vs Shida? Yes. Yes indeed I am.

I honestly legit joked that Action was going to pull the upset. Good HEAVENS! I popped like a madman when it happened. That was GREAT. Jericho is GREAT. ANYTHING can happen. 

Crowd was SO HAWT for all that, too. Oh boy was that FUN!

Nice HEATED brawl between Tay and Ruby! 

Great promo from Hanger!



MJF totally looks like a dude who takes tons of PEDs but doesn't really train heavy. Which is a PERFECT look for a cowardly heel. And hats off to him for not holding back in that role. 

Bryan chasing him off at the end was pertmuch CLASSIC pro wrestling. 

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Man they’ve got to find a way to leverage some Time Warner synergies to get Hook and Jungle Boy into some tween female programming. Talk about an act tailor made for the Tiger Beat demo.

Like get them into The Descendants 7 or presenting a Teen Choice Award to BTS or something. It’s a license to print money.

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, DEAN said:

This feud has to develop into a First Blood match.


There was quite a bit of hardway blood tonight, great facials as always from Tay


5 hours ago, punkenhead said:

Also, are we thinking Comoroto gets added to HOB as a 5th member or as a replacement for one of the originals?

Not everyone who gets misted get turned.  very few are chosen and fewer still are called

Edited by zendragon
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Caught some stuff last night. Caught the rest this morning. 

  • Match 5 of 9, Bock vs Jumbo, AJPW, 7/13/78: The armwork in the first ten minutes of this one is just all time great. Previous matches between them were more clinical and academic and "title match" but here he's doing top wristlocks and double wristlocks it's just so, so mean. It takes the full ten minutes for Jumbo to start to get an advantage and power over the top and Bock just grabs the hair or lays in a knee to the gut (he hadn't had to previously) after all that work and struggle. Finally something clicks in Jumbo's pre-grumpy brain and he steps around on an arm pulling wristlock and rakes Bock's face with his boot to take over. You can see him level up mid match.

    Bock's still able to keep the advantage due to the hurt arm though (Jumbo selling after he hits elbows) and Bock presses it in the corner, but it's just not enough of a lever and Jumbo comes back. Bock's able to block the belly to back though and hits one of his own. Exciting stuff. He followed it with a pile driver but went back to the well and Jumbo comes back. By this point, it's sort of clear that Bock has to do something extra to really keep Jumbo down and he tries, going up for a second rope knee drop, something he's learned from Stevens over the years, but never does himself. He misses (of course) and Jumbo starts on the leg, going for a figure four. Bock survives, but is selling big. He's good enough at almost every point to find a way back whether it's an eyepoke or punching from underneath and he manages to start the King of the Mountain and even post Jumbo on the outside. He's still desperate though and gets backdropped when he tries a pile driver on the floor.

    The match really opens up after that, with Jumbo hitting a knee lift so high that the announcers call it a leg lariat. He starts on the back after this, but Bock wins a punch exchange. I love the balance between a competent champion and a desperate cheater with Bockwinkel. He was always credible. Always dangerous. But backed against a wall, he'd do anything to survive. It makes it mean all the more a little later on when Jumbo is able to fire up and win a punch exchange and hit a stalling turning pile driver of his own. As the match rolls into the last five minutes, Jumbo leans more and more on Bock's back (With Bock doing some amazing full body selling draped into the ropes), getting the crab and ultimately going for the cobra twist. Bock tries to turn it and crashes into the ref. This leads to a phantom fall after the belly to back and another ref bump as Bock nails him when Jumbo moves. There's a figure four afterwards (and maybe they should have not moved onto the back and stayed with the leg if that was going to be the phantom win #2?) but the ref calls for the dq and Jumbo is despondent. This was some really good stuff. If last one they were equals, this one you got the sense that Jumbo had Bock's number and furthermore, that he was going to get him next time.


  • Jungle Boy vs Cage was fun and JB is definitely in a giant killer mode right now. I know it'll take some more time for "Big Bill" to sound right but they're not there yet. Obviously the great stuff here is the tease for Hook/JB vs The Firm. I honestly hope it lasts a bit and we get something like Hook/JB vs the Acclaimed for the titles at some point.
  • I loved the chaos of the HOB squash. It really had the feel of early Shield vs Wyatts stuff. It feels apparent that they'll be going for the 6-man titles at some point which is good as they'll serve as bases to ground things a bit, but I'd love a two month BCC vs House of Black program instead. The Mist wasn't black enough. QT's reactions were great. I was hoping for some more progression towards something with Kingston and Ortiz though. Kingston vs any of these guys would be very interesting.
  • Andretti looked loads better against Dante (I think it was Dante) a couple of months ago. His stuff just wasn't hitting hard at all. Looked very floaty, but who cares right? It was the moment. I still haven't caught Jericho vs Claudio yet, but is the Ocho counting new? We couldn't see Jericho's face the first time it happened, when they were counting along to his clotheslines in the corner but that's usually the sort of reaction that makes Jericho grin like an idiot and break character. I like that they had him win with an actual move, or series of moves instead of just a roll up because there was a bunch of that on the show. 
  • Tay vs Ruby mainly wanted me see Athena vs Tay where they just forearm each other all match. Some slick stuff here to go along with the brutality. I loved Tay's judo throw late in the match. What a great cut off to a babyface comeback. 
  • I really like the way that MJF shifted his act slightly now that he's champ. I'd like there to be a bit more illusion of force to the hand on the ropes for the abdominal stretch, for instance, but I really liked the idea of it. There was so much of "playing the hits" from Flair or Dibiase or whoever else here, but no one else in AEW is really doing anything even close to it. I especially loved the bit where he ran into the crowd and really seemed to be messing with people. That got him chants, but it was still good, and it'll be great when it leads to a babyface running after him. It wasn't the smoothest match in the world, but for the most part, that felt like struggle. 
  • Oh and the Page promo about not knowing his kid's name was so AEW since you had Evil Uno trying to emote behind him. Just Evil Uno. Just in his goofy mask and his unique frame. So AEW.
  • Good stuff upcoming. Taped for elevation was a Bunny/Emi tag, an Ortiz/Eddie tag (vs Shinno), Athena vs Vertvixen, Trustbusters vs Takeshita/Top Flight/Matt Hardy/Ethan Page (which sounds super entertaining on paper), and Claudio/Yuta vs Workhorsemen. I'm excited for the Best Friends to team with Dustin. Sammy vs Mox was ok last time and should be fun and violent. Skye has a chance to step up against Britt. Obviously we've got Shida vs Hayter and FTR coming off of a couple of losses and ready to destroy the Gunn Club. 
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I'm completely amazed at Jericho totally making Andretti in 10 minutes. He a) lost b) clean c) to the kid's finisher. Didn't even do the shitty kickout at 3.01 seconds... he sold the crap out of it. More vets should look at how he handled his business as a shining example of how to elevate a kid.

MJF really flashed his wrestling bonafides with that nasty stretch sequence near the finish. Glorious stuff. That said, they could've done better by Starks with that finish... he got chumped. Not a good look. Re Danielson, this shouldn't be about the title at all and he should mention that. Tell MJF that he wouldn't take any satisfaction from winning that Burberry monstrosity... he just wants to torture MJF to within an inch of his life for what he did to Regal, and screw the title. Put the absolute fear of God in the man.

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Agreed that Ricky should've probably taken one more move after the low blow for a better finish, especially since he came back with a spear right after he took the same kick last week. Otherwise, it was a good match with MJF milking all kinds of old-school heel tropes, and Ricky delivering a firey babyface performance. The finishing stretch picked up, but didn't go into overkill mode which MJF shouldn't be doing in his first tv defense anyway.

Tay/Ruby, Jericho/Andretti, HOB squash, and Hangman's promo were all very good as well.

The trios series match was fine, but I think they missed an opportunity with announcing the triple overkill stipulation. Next week's match being a 3-minute affair where the Elite snatch the hammer and use it to get a quick win would make more sense putting over Nick's kayfabe injury, and giving him time to heal before the next two gimmick matches. Even better if they hit Fenix with it, leading to him willingly and maliciously using it to win the final match to get some real storyline mileage out of this series and giving DT a heel segment to their title reign.

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