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You gotta love Jericho's looks of shock and misery. He's so good at it. 

I only caught about half of this one but Tay/Ruby brought it, Andretti/Jericho brought it, and the main brought it. Tay is such a good shitbird heel now and Ruby going Saito Suplex crazy like Eddie was great. "Let's Go Jobber" with Mr. Jobber busting out the split legged moonsault and the ARABIAN MOONSAULT to win himself a job was awesome. And then Maxwell, superworker at making people look like chumps, eked out a win against a very game Ricky. Oh and Hangman cut a money promo! Good good stuff. 

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Really fun show with an absolutely hot crowd.

The announcement that the potential seventh match will be a ladder match pretty much erases any doubt this series won't go all the way.

I had figured Jericho would shine Andretti up a little bit but that went from HHH letting Taka get some shit in to The 123 Kid beats Razor Ramon level of upset. I wonder if he gets signed out of this.

HOB squashing fools is always good, but I don't think they need Comorato joining up.

Moxley saying he choked Takeshita out and "he fell to the mat like a sack of potatoes, he did" made me guffaw a lot harder than it should have.

Good match between MJF and Starks, though I think it was getting really close to a situation where neither guy needed to lose. Starks is on a hot streak now and really need to win a big one and MJF obviously doesn't need to lose his first title defense.

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Oh yeah, I forgot that Jeff Jarrett did stuff, but that's for the best. Jarrett's a bit of a black hole these days.

Seemingly half of the AEW matches go into PIP but Jericho/Andretti making that far felt like a shock and Jericho was sorta radiating an energy of realizing how long the break was tonight.

It would almost be too cliche to end a match during the PIP break occasionally, but it might be amusing to have a match come out of PIP and then end within 30 seconds of the break ending, just for the scramble of doing stuff to fill out the segment.

Nice to see that the Briscoes weren't digitized like Ric Flair's title belt in 1991 when the clips of their match with FTR were shown.

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3 minutes ago, HumanChessgame said:

I had figured Jericho would shine Andretti up a little bit but that went from HHH letting Taka get some shit in to The 123 Kid beats Razor Ramon level of upset. I wonder if he gets signed out of this.

Tony already posted the graphic. It'll probably be in three threads by morning. 

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Smart booking having Andretti win, it gave the feeling that anything could happen and maybe, just maybe Ricky could also pull off the upset.  

If you missed my other post in the Dec Wrestling thread, I highly recommend checking out Andretti's run in the MCW Shamrock Cup.  His first round match with Jake Crist is really good and made me seek out more of his work.  I also wonder now that we know the outcome, were those "jobber' chants piped in?  Taz mentioned them on commentary which also made me think they were piped.  

Either way I hope the kid is signed. 

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  • Thanks 1
3 minutes ago, Cobra Commander said:

Oh yeah, I forgot that Jeff Jarrett did stuff, but that's for the best. Jarrett's a bit of a black hole these days.


I had already forgotten about Jeff Jarrett by the end of the show. At least, it's not like Jarrett and Lethal will actually win the tag titles.

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On 12/13/2022 at 2:37 AM, The Green Meanie said:

They'll be in Garland, and the Dallas area is usually one of the worst crowds wrestling-wise, so we'll see how that will affect the show (not badly I hope.)

The jobber chants... good lord....

When I was kid, Razor Ramon was my favorite and I had flashbacks to the 1-2-3 kid and my friends making fun of me in school the next day and...... ANYWAY

Great way to establish House of Black again, having it less of a match but more of a dismantling before the match got started proper, leaving it to just QT vs. 3 guys out of a horror movie. Murphy's Law (is he still calling it that?) onto the table with Lee and Karter looked like one of them didn't really get all of it. Would have been a weird moment if Lee got legit hurt with Julia out there but the rest of it ruled. Malakai really needs to bring back the foot on the chest pin though to really show Black Mass as a killshot again.

Dope things about Ruby being back - Match with Tay was great, curious who Ruby's backup is gonna be for the inevitable tag match, Taz getting to sing along again

Having Max cut overly long promos is definitely a way to keep people from cheering for him, and making his first opponents Starks and Danielson is a great choice too. If we're getting Danielson now, curious about who his opponents at shows like Revolution and DoN are gonna be. Guessing one of them has to be a Mox rematch at some point? I know AEW isn't great about sustaining momentum with some guys but Ricky's totally owned the show for the past two weeks. If Joe's gonna be Ring of Honor, Ricky would be awesome with the TNT belt.


"Scissor this, slapnuts." 

  • Like 6

guessing that Acclaimed vs Gunn Boys is pretty much settled for the moment?

but if it isn't.. after Jarrett/Lethal don't win the belts, then Jeff Jarrett adopts Billy Gunn's sons and renames them Austin and Colten Jarrett, and sends them after the Acclaimed. (Okay, probably not, for multiple good reasons). Jeff Jarrett shows up on shows with the energy of the guy who gets booked because he has a valid promoters license that the show needs.

  • Haha 1

Really fun episode of Dynamite tonight from start to finish.

I was shocked at the Andretti win. In retrospect it makes sense in the 123 Kid realm of things. Jericho went above and beyond. Must of been his way of doing what Scott Hall did for him on that random Nitro. I knew something had to be up when they gave the match so much time. Still didn't expect Jericho to actually lose.

MJF vs Starks was a really good match. They backed themselves into a corner with having MJF keep the diamond ring. It would have made more sense for them just make a new one or something. I mean TK isn't above throwing money around. But instead we got a match where despite it all you knew MJF was going to win. But at least Ricky looked great in defeat and MJF had to cheat to barely survive.

Overall really good tonight.

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Action Andretti has a bad name and super shitty Will Ospreay hair, BUT WHO CARES! HOLY SHIT! That was an awesome upset that made you think anything could happen.

HOOOOOOOOOOK! This crowd fucking ruled. Putting Hook with JB and pairing them up against the firm is a really good idea. 

Like, this whole show ruled. I'm not really sure what else to say, but everyone came to party.

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There are two possible conclusions to this. 

1. Jericho wipes Andretti out with the elbow in another match immediately. 

2. Jericho goes on a losing streak. 

Or I guess Andretti ends up being his Kryptonite but I doubt that.

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