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One (maybe two or three?) people's negative reaction is going to cause you to view season three (almost a full year away) in a negative light as well? You're pretty touchy about a taped wrestling show, I think maybe you need to lighten up. Politely, of course.

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Ivelisse/Kobra was awesome. Killer finish with the running Desert Eagle, great stuff.

Rey/Dragon/Puma is a hell of a team for sure.

Trios tag was fun with the post-match and commentary getting hyped for Sexy Star returning to asskicker form.

Matanza continued to look totally unstoppable, then Muertes shows up and knocks him over the top in epic fashion. That's going to be an amazing showdown.

Enjoyable episode that flew by quick.

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My old quickly explanation on Daga was "take a Mexican indie luchador, lock him in a basement with nothing but Davey Richards tapes for twelve months, and you get Daga". He was the indie Mexican name of note of 2010, the guy they'd build promotions and iPPVs around. He won an AAA talent search contest of the indies in 2011 - it's unclear if the contest was worked or what, but he was clearly getting signed and pushed in a big way whatever happened (and had actually been put on TV prior to winning.) Daga was clearly the golden boy of the moment, but had trouble taking the next step.

AAA/Konnan was high on him because he works that sort of psuedo-MMA realistic style combined with lucha libre, termed Mexican Strong Style (which the AAA announcers hammer home every time he appears.) Daga got pulled into the Perros del Mal as Perro's protege, something they never really did much with, and has gotten start/stop pushes for the last few years, plus has been out with knee issues (and at least one absence where it seemed he just quit for personal reasons.) There seemed to be an internal division on how good he was - Konnan kept creating super rudo worker trios to put Daga in to create great midcard matches, and then others would just have him in filler rudo sides with the Perros. Really, as late as a couple years ago, AAA overall seemed much higher on Daga than Pentagon Jr., and now he's just another guy in the Perros del Mal.

Daga can do showcase indie style matches, probably can more easily adapt to working with US wrestlers, has been good working with lucha highflyers and has some good highspots. His superman dive is underrated, IMO, and he should fit in very well with Lucha Underground. I think he would've been part of the first season if he didn't have a knee injury and maybe if he had a mask. (Like, maybe instead of Argenis.) Daga's biggest problem is his lack of color - he doesn't have a lot of charisma or show much emotion in wrestling, and his look and name (Dagger, a short deadly weapon for a short man) feel purposefully generic to fit into his MMA Bro personality. He's a guy who's not going to bring a lot of name value from his time in Mexico and would've benefited from a LU character design to give people something to latch in onto, so I was surprised when he just came from AAA with no obvious changes. On the other hand, I think he's going to get over in LU if he gets in the ring enough, enough so that he might be able to pick up some US indie bookings since he's under the name he owns and he wouldn't be able to do those with a LU name.

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39 minutes ago, thecubsfan said:

My old quickly explanation on Daga was "take a Mexican indie luchador, lock him in a basement with nothing but Davey Richards tapes for twelve months, and you get Daga".

I'm not a huge fan of Davey, but considering the vitriol he gets from some here this could be seen as quite a knock against Daga.  I'm curious about the guy anyway, could be fun times.

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Had to pause the episode and check in that everyone on the Internet was apparently cool with Killshot GUNNING DOWN PEOPLE? I guess I draw a weird line at this show with the time-travel and cage monster and all, but could have done without "US solider gunning down Arabs" on my wrestling program. 

Love in a year when "Shane McMahon main events Mania" gets Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic and Killshot smoking fools doesn't register. 

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Tonight's main event was a lot of fun. Something felt a little off in the first few minutes, but they quickly got on track and put on a hell of a show. Loving Rey in Lucha Underground. Next week should be insane. 

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"Can I trust the three of you to behave? I just got that window fixed." HA! "...you're a machine, yeah we know." Dario is just the best evil authority figure ever. 

Striker is sporting what I think is an old-school The Wrestler Magazine shirt (maybe? I've seen that logo before somewhere) and Vamp is sporting... ugh, a Black Label Society vest. 

Argenis vs. Killshot: OH BOY KILLSHIT! Hey I wrote that wrong and I'm keeping it. Freudian slip. Vamp says Jumbo was his hero; god that makes me think of Vampiro showing up in All Japan in '89 to be slaughtered. You know we talk a lotta shit but Killshot actually looked alright here, besides that stupid rolling cutter. Also the armdrag off the top, though fast, is way too cooperative even though it looked cool. Short spotfest that was a good reintroduction for a guy who was just the pits last year. 

Okay so she admits to Azteca Jr. that Matanza killed Sr. even though she was complicit? I guess we'll see how this turns out. Dario puts Daga against Texano so we'll see how that turns out too. 

Daga vs. Texano: So that match is next? Alright. There's nothing here that remotely reminds of shoot style, Davey Richards, even strong style aside from the forearm exchange and the Liger bomb. Pretty average, middle-of-the-road match that didn't light my fire much. Daga's gotta show me something aside from speed and fluency (which pretty much everyone on the roster has) and Texano needs to show me anything besides having a good lineage, a good physique and a good powerbomb. I don't think he's really done anything of interest in the series so far. 

Ah man, the Disciples are back again? Hopefully they get flat-out destroyed next time. 

Rey Misterio Jr./Dragon Azteca Jr./Prince Puma vs. Johnny Mundo/Taya/Cage: This already starts great with Cage ragdolling Azteca on the headlock. "Hey, can you please win?" - Crowd member to Azteca. Cage and Mundo continue their nice little feud with Mundo continually yelling "YOU'RE SO STUPID!" and getting slapped for a tag. Johnny knocking Rey off the apron to avoid the tag from FIP Puma gets a big chorus of boos. Rey finally tags in from Azteca and they work through double teams by Taya and Mundo resulting a drop toe-hold into Mundo's nuts face first from Taya, haha. They then do a double 619 spot that Taya and Mundo bail off of only for Puma to tope suicida through the ropes AND REY'S LEGS and Rey duck for an Azteca hilo. Daaaaaaamn. Mundo's nuts get Cage's face in them for the third ballshot of the night (first was in Daga/Texano). Match finally breaks down into complete chaos mode with everyone hitting highspots, Cage killing Mundo and Taya, and Puma wins the match. Super fun match and good to see our Justice League prevail as well as Mundo be such a shit the whole time. Them starting him face and turning him had to be some kind of master plan. 

Dario tells Matanza he locks him up because he's his most valuable possession while stroking his mask. Can this man do any wrong? Matanza/Muertes next week and my prophecy is fulfilled. 

Pretty good show because of the last match and a ton of Dario. The crowd was off the chain for everything, too. 


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It was a fun show overall.  They seem to have a thing with debuting new guys and immediately having them lose, which I don't have a problem with but it does seem to be the preferred way of handling new entrants in the Temple.  

Daga seemed to have lots of potential, but I found myself thinking something was lacking.  LU has done such a good job creating new characters and personalities and the kayfabe-shattering approach of the promotion gives them wide leeway to do so, so debuting a guy with a very uninteresting name and no real "gimmick" seemed like a missed opportunity given his obvious talent.  I still don't know what to think about Texano.  Doesn't he have to be considered a big waste on LU's part since he arrived last year?  I don't see anything to care about at all.

Killshot was so tolerable in the ring I didn't think for a second he looked like Dumb Donald from Fat Albert.  The black mask helped.  

I really, really wished they weren't giving us Matanza and Mil Muertes so early.  Something like that has so many possibilities to build to.  And fer crissakes how the hell are The Disciples of Death still a thing?  They are awful, have no credibility as competitors, and I thought they'd been killed off.  I was hoping Mil would just kill each one and absorb their electrical energy.


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