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With the other thread closing in on 100 pages and the new season about to tape - might as well start a new thread for the new year


And Cheerleader Melissa teased that she is on Season 2 so they definitely have my attention


Here are the things you need to know, but will come in and ask later having not read this


First episode is January 27th on El Rey. It's January 30th on Unimas. It's January 31st on TLN in Canada. (It's not on anything else, yet.)


You should not read wikipedia or any place else that has information about the show if you are concerned about being spoiled. Half of the show episodes are already taped, almost all of them will be done before the first show airs. 


They'll be airing episodes at least until August, if my math is right. They've said the plan is to resume taping spring/summer, so you may get many more episodes than that. 


They're certainly keeping things fresh and not relying on repeating what got them such praise in Season 1. Lots of new talent being shuffled in according to the spoilers including one guy this weekend I'm thrilled to see finally show up! The only problem is taping so far in advance we gotta wait 4 months to see it. LOL But the positive to taping so far in advance is I've forgotten all the early spoilers I've read so I have little idea what to expect in 16 days.


It's almost like watching a whole new show by the time it airs due to that.  We don't get any storyline info whatsoever, and just react to whatever takes place in front of us..


Like "I wonder where Bael is, you guys"


For anyone wondering, I did really like Fenix vs Mil Muertes from episode 12. It was short but very solid with everything Mil did looking like gold.


Yeah totally stay away from Cagematch someone's been adding the results of every single fucking match last I saw.

Chris DeJoseph said the Voodoo Glow Skulls are the band this weekend.  I fucking love the Voodoo Glow Skulls.  I'll be there this weekend.  Fuck yeah motherfucker.

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Yea I wish that and wiki waited til it aired. I remember looking up to see who prince puma was on the first episode (that I saw probably a few weeks in) last year and it spoiling the fact that there was a title and that he won it.


Tickets went a little weird.  Two things happened; they were originally sending emails to the regulars before they released tickets to the public.  This stopped for the Ultima Lucha tickets and they all went up at once.  Then, they forgot to turn off the "no more tickets left" email and so everyone who emailed within the first few minutes was still being told they didn't get in.


I didn't know I got in until last week.


I've been watching the mini-marathons on El Rey the last couple of weeks and they've done a great job whetting my appetite for a new season.  


You know what I'd love to see them do is edit together the key matches and vignettes associated with the major storylines (like Son of Havoc & Ivelisse w/Angelico joining later) so you could sit and watch the whole narrative develop over the season.  Trying to piece that together retrospectively from the full episodes is tedious and confusing.  That seems like the sort of thing a storyline-driven show like this should put on their website or YouTube or something to get people up to speed on the major plots heading into the new season.


A friend came over last night while the mini marathon.  As soon as he saw the backstage bits he kept going "Why can't WWE try something like that?"  He was perplexed at how stale WWE is in comparison to this yet was completely into everything going on.  I showed him Grave Consequences and he thought it was the coolest shit ever.  And that'll definitely be the goal for season 2:  Hammer home just how awesome this is because I would love to get as many new viewers as possible.  It already worked with a couple people I know, so I'll be pleased if I can get a few more into this.  And hey, more viewers can only be a good thing, right?


Oh, and that new promo they've been airing is absolutely insane. 


I got a new viewer yesterday from someone seeing my Mil Muertes season 2 poster at work.  Yeah, it's on my wall next to a giant picture of Pentagon Jr.  I keep it real

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