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I finished Jessica Jones last night and at the risk of coming off as that guy who's being a contrarian, I didn't think it was all that great.  Mostly I thought it was a good show with a bad storyline, if that makes any sense.  Unlike just about everyone else, I didn't think Killgrave was a good villain.  Tennant's acting was fine, but he just came off as more goofy and obnoxious than actually menacing.  He was basically an overgrown man-child having constant tantrums and not someone that came off as a legitimate threat.  Especially when there were countless opportunities for him to be killed early on.  And how hard would it be to figure out that his powers can be stopped by earplugs?


With the exception of Luke, Trish, and the older black detective pretty much every character on the show was a terrible human being, insufferably annoying (I cringed at any scene involving the neighbors), or constantly made really stupid decisions.  Jessica herself didn't even come off as that competent or compelling a character.  Her reasoning behind not just killing Killgrave when she first had the chance didn't even make that much sense.  Letting him live to present him as evidence to exonerate someone who didn't even want to live or be defended in the first place?  They made a big deal about how he'd always get someone to delete video footage of his misdeeds and the constant missing surveillance footage and the testimony of numerous people who had run ins with him should have been enough to raise a red flag with authorities during the trial on its own.


Overall it wasn't terrible and I'll watch another season.  It's much like how I view current WWE in that there are good elements to work with, but the storyline doesn't do anything for me.  I think it would have been a lot better if they had done it as a "case of the week" show with an overarching plot that gets brought up every few episodes and climaxes at the end.

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Coulson was a fucking badass and it ruled.  The opener caught me off-guard and am little bummed they killed her off.  But the guy is craving revenge in the worst way, and will dive into another planet to get it.  BTW, that was some serious TV magic to get him to dive straight down like that after jumping out of an airplane.  And Mack isn't fully selling me on playing the tough leader role in this, but do like him trying to figure this out before going on the mission.

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There has to be some kind of payoff and there will be, but after killing off Ward what else is there?  I can see the older guy (name escapes me) going first once Ward really gets tired of him.  If anything they'll have a cliffhanger of some sort that "ZOMG, this person might die in another planet!" and we'll have to wait until next year to see if that's the case.

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Here’s my longer review of Jessica Jones. I like the show though Daredevil is better and is the best thing ever made by the MCU, period. I preferred Agent Carter to Jessica Jones too. Before the show the only characters I knew were Luke Cage and the Purple Man. Jessica Jones is a superhero detective drama looking at mind control and post traumatic stress disorder. I’ve always had an interest in the concept that someone can be controlled by entering them, what the possessor does and how the controlee reacts/changes them. The performances by Krysten Ritter as the titular character, David Tennant as Kilgrave are great particularly Tennant’s Kilgrave who’s abhorrent. I also need to mention Mike Colter’s Luke Cage and Rachael Taylor’s Patricia “Trish” Walker.


Kilgrave is disturbing for what he does to all those brainwashed particularly Jessica, what he did to Hope at the end of episode one gave me fucking chills...”smile”, relocates into a family home telling the kids to go into the closet/use it as a bathroom, ordering a newsstand owner to throw coffee into his face and professes his love for Jones.


I liked the flashbacks with Jessica’s family before the accident, getting adopted by Louise Thompson, Jones and Patricia growing up, Jones before Kilgrave controlled her and during that timeframe.


Every time I see Wil Traval’s Will Simpson, he looks like a bigger version of retired MMA fighter, Forrest Griffin. Seriously! You won’t unsee it.


Chuckled at the denials mind control can’t happen…well it’s easy to be a cynic but look at what else goes down in the MCU. Just roll with it ; ). I did feel the series dragged in places.


Five best episodes (a challenge) and what happens in each:


1. AKA Ladies Night. Jessica Jones takes a case looking for someone missing called Hope. During the investigation she realizes Kilgrave is back. Hope and parents reunited but Hope kills them. “Smile”. Jessica voiceover at end recalls her opening monologue: Knowing its real means you’ve got make a decision, 1 keep denying it or 2 do something about it. Great episode introducing elements of it.(Ep1)


2. AKA The Sandwich Saved Me. Flashbacks to Jessica working jobs she’s overqualified for, getting her Jewel costume, possessed by Kilgrave. Kilgrave’s influence lasts 12 hours so gets Malcolm hooked on drugs so he keeps coming to him with photos. Jessica hatches a plan with Trish/Sergeant Will Simpson to capture Kilgrave. Kilgrave is caught but there’s a tracker on him and his security team free him. Jessica chains Malcolm to the toilet with his drugs and tries to get him off them. Jessica finds he hasn’t taken them. Kilgrave offers a photo a day by her to free Malcolm off Kilgrave’s control which she does. Dark comedy by Kilgrave to a newsagent saying it’s not a library: "Pick up that coffee." *picks it up* "Throw it in your face" "AHHHH!!!".(Ep5)


3. AKA Top Shelf Perverts. Kilgrave breaks into Jones apartment and is interrupted by Ruben. Jones returns home to find Ruben in her bed with his throat cut. Jessica wants to take the rap for the murder so she can be in a supermax prison as bait for Kilgrave to come for her. Police officer who was controlled by Kilgrave now with Trish wants him removed from this earth. Trish says we don’t decide that, killers do and that’s what makes them killers. Copper says its naïve but she responds it’s idealistic and futile but she wants justice for her friend, Hope, her and the copper. Jessica threatens Trish’s Mum to leave her alone, Trish’s Mum adopted Jones. Jones exhibits her powers to Clement in an interview when a policeman comes into the room saying she’s free to go. All the police have guns to their heads as Kilgrave is there. Kilgrave talks with Jones saying he loves her, won’t control her as he wants her willingly, first person he ever wanted walking away from him, they’re inevitable, left her a present that she hasn’t found and to come home. The present is Jones’ journal as a kid.  Jones meets him at her childhood home. (Ep7)


4. AKA WWJD? Jones returns to her childhood home done up as it once was by Kilgrave. Get a flashback to Jones’ family alive and the accident itself. Jones says she drinks as its only way she gets through her God damn day after what Kilgrave did. Officer Simpson sets bomb in house to blow Kilgrave but Jessica tells Kilgrave about it. You saved my (Kilgrave’s life), you care about me. Kilgrave says he has a conscious, it’s selective. Jessica says Kilgrave raped her, Kilgrave doesn’t know whether they want to do it or told to. Kilgrave didn’t have loving parents and Jones said his parents had nothing to do with how he is. Kilgrave shows her the testing done on him by his parents on a USB stick, what was buried in the foundation. Jones thinks all he does is because he wasn’t taught good, they intervene is a hostage situation. Kilgrave wants to kill the perp but doesn’t. Kilgrave asks how many lives to save to get back to zero, saving doesn’t unkill someone else. Can’t be good without you. Jess meets Trish asking if you could harness Kilgrave’s powers for good. Jones drugs Kilgrave and takes him away. Bomb is given to Simpson with his colleagues back in the day from the nosy neighbour and it blows. (Ep8)


5. AKA Sin Bin. Kilgrave is in the chamber set up for him as Jessica plays the video of him as a child tested on by his parents. Jeri says the video doesn’t link the boy to the man so Jones will make a new video showing him using his powers. Kilgrave can read Jeri’s lips seeing her ex wants to take her for 90% and he can help. Jessica enters the container to antagonize Kilgrave to use his powers. Trish realizes Kilgrave is playing them. Jones leaves the room saying he didn’t have to tell her a damn thing, still had her under her control doing his will helping his case. Jones/Trish look for the names of his parents to try and antagonize him into acting out, Jessica realizes the mother goes to the help group. You named him Kevin but made him Kilgrave. Didn’t know what he’d become, tried to save his life as he was born with a degenerative neural disease so experimental study used a virus to fix his DNA. If you’re parenting didn’t make him a sociopath, the lack of it did. Parents enter the cage, Mum stabs with him scissors to stop him. Kilgrave orders Mum to stab herself for every year you left me alone. The electric failsafe switch doesn’t work. Trish shoots through glass to Kilgrave saying not his Dad too. Kilgrave tells Dad to cut out heart. Kilgrave tells Trish to put a bullet in her skull but she emptied the chamber, Kilgrave orders Detective Clement to follow him. Jones stops Kilgrave’s Dad, grabs Kilgrave telling Jessica to let go of him but she doesn’t!  Kilgrave tells Detective Clement to stop her. Kilgrave escapes and Jones realizes she held on when Kilgrave said to let go.(Ep9)


AKA It’s Called Whisky (Ep3) just missed out on the top five.

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We still don't even know what IT is.  First it was an Inhuman.  Now it's some sort of worm parasite.

Ah, I didn't expect to learn what it was so soon with the mid season point being there. Running theory right now though is that its Hive from Hickman's Secret Warriors run. Would make sense with them building the team up and the character only having so much history on him, making it easier to use him in whatever way in the show.

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