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So why are people pissed off at Jeremy Borash?  I mean I see a picture where apparently he decided to put EC3 face on the magazine cover of Cynthia/Bruce Jenner but that doesn't seem much.  


Between him and Madison Rayne, it seems the order of the day is to capitalize off of Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner's Vanity Fair article. So see you all in six months when this wins Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic.


One of the main things that killed Saturday morning cartoons was 24/7 cartoon channels on cable. Why get excited for something that's ordinary?

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Kayfabe-wise it's actually funny. Borash, in character, is getting some heat back on the asshole who shaved his head.

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Considering they have an Olympic gold medalist on the roster, I'm shocked we haven't gotten a Katrina Angle storyline. "I only came in here for neck surgery dammit!"

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Kayfabe-wise it's actually funny. Borash, in character, is getting some heat back on the asshole who shaved his head.


It's funny if you think that being trans is disgusting and getting compared to someone trans is an insult. Otherwise its someone, I assume, is a face, since an asshole shaved their head, that is doing bigoted things... for apparently an audience of bigots, since it's the same audience that MVP, as a heel, said socially conscious things to.

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Working through the April TV and now I'm seeing where DA's influence on creative comes in.  It's the themes.  Every show has some kind of theme attached to it.  It's a little forced but other than the live Tweet show, it's pretty innocuous.  It probably does help TNA keep their shows a lot tighter than they'd ever admit.


Some of the verbiage guys use drives me nuts.  They inadvertently make it sound fake.  Always calling it a "show", referring to the "finish" of the match, talking about guys trying to "get over".  That's not exclusive to TNA though.  And Mathews referring to Lashley as the "penultimate" champion while the title is still active isn't how penultimate works.


Guys do these "don't try this at home" promos on Xplosion and Bram looks like he's being forced at gunpoint to read his.  He really wants you to try this at home.  EC3 can't get through his with a straight face.  Which is pretty common for him with promos.


Spud really should've ended EC3's streak.  He didn't necessarily need to take his hair but he should've ended his streak.  The handshake swerve at the end of the hair match was completely unnecessary and didn't help anyone.  The speech was completely out of character for EC3 and Spud just ended up looking like a victim again.


I like EC3 but he's a Honky Tonk Man level talent.  He can be dangerous but he's essentially just a clown.  TNA only has two PPVs this year and the main event of their by default second most important event of the year is the equivalent of The Honky Tonk Man challenging Hulk Hogan for the World Title.  So either Angle beats EC3 and all the equity that's been built into the streak gets wasted on Angle who doesn't need it or EC3 beats Angle and their World Champion is a comedic heel.


I take it that's from Lucha Underground? Then I'll just pretend my remark about there not being a murder on wrestling TV recently sarcastic


Does Mickie still wrestle?  She's been appearing in TNA, but I don't think she's been in the ring.  Still taking indy dates, or is she too busy with her music career.


(She's apparently on tour to support an album or somesuch.  She did a concert about 30 min from me a few weekends back.  Didn't go.)



I assume the Mickie "death" (near death?) is going to lead to some sort of gimmick match between Magnus and Storm?  That should be satisfying.  Nothing exhibits grief over a loved one's murder like waiting until the time your place of work is on tv, then challenging the murderer to a match several weeks down the road on a televised pay per view.  

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