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The following was posted on Facebook in reply to a post about TNA and Destination America.  It is presented verbatim and without comment.




this has a Vince McMahon handwriting all over it he fears TNA wrestling so much is that he's buying up I bet TV time in TNA so they wouldn't renew their contracts the rumor is that Friday Night Smackdown is going to go to Thursday nights now and it just seems that Vince McMahon is behind this.only my opinion



Ya, Vince fears TNA so much that he hasn't signed one single wrestler away from TNA since probably Xavier Woods .  That really tells you how toxic TNA is.


I'm sure that kid is 12 years old and lives in Turkey.

I certainly hope English isn't that person's first language. If it is, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief.



Apparently Destination America is now in serious talks with them.



More like Desperation America amirite


I dunno, man, last night they aired a block of UFO shows followed by another block of US of Bacon.

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^ I don't know why that's so fucking hilarous, but kudos; I'm still laughing, about an hr later.


SBG is a television company that owns local network affiliates (mainly Fox and ABC, but also some CBS and CW). You should count yourself lucky that they haven't infiltrated your market yet.

Living in Baltimore TV market, i believe we have 2 of them.


SBG owns 6 stations in my market (including mine) three of which do news.  You can always tell which stories are from corporate.


Congrats on living in the SBG home market, Mark! Tha muthasheep, if you weeeeel.


So, basically, EC3 is technically done with TNA? Since chances are slim there'll be a TNA to come back to?


SBG owns 6 stations in my market (including mine) three of which do news.  You can always tell which stories are from corporate.


Congrats on living in the SBG home market, Mark! Tha muthasheep, if you weeeeel.

Of course, i do not watch either channel, which are the Fox and CW channels i believe.


So, basically, EC3 is technically done with TNA? Since chances are slim there'll be a TNA to come back to?


EC3 better hope he doesn't end up like Jesse Sorensen.


I randomly get that Destination America station on Time Warner Cable...although I never watch TNA. That's one of the first times I've heard of a new stations, looked for it & actually had it though.


Can not say the same about other channels that I have looked for recently, such as SEC Network for college football or even ESPN Classic anymore (not a part of my package) or NFL Network. Bastards.


Wha'dya know, I actually get it as well.


To recap:  Destination America, which I had never heard of a week ago?  I get it.  El Rey Network?  Not available even if I upgrade my package.


So... assuming TNA gets Destination America, that's gotta drop them to #3 behind ROH, I'd imagine.


Sweet! I get it here in Michigan in standard def... That probably explains why I was positive that I didn't get this channel because I haven't ventured into the standard def channels in years. No El Ray though but that isn't a shocker.


Good thing he's dixie's nephew.

Well, Sorensen was like her son ... don't know what chance a nephew has.

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