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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2024 in all areas

  1. Not for nothing nor to deny seriousness of these or the allegations against Gulak, the idea of Shawn Michaels chewing someone out for not being professional tickles me greatly. "Back in my day you didn't take advantage of your opponent in the ring, you might stomp on him and curse him out or maybe make an overt reference on live TV to them cheating on their wife, or you just showed up to work high and/or drunk..."
    9 points
  2. Here's my write up of the show: http://segundacaida.blogspot.com/2024/05/dean.html
    6 points
  3. Outside of the obviously vile humans in the business, Seth Rollins is my least favorite wrestler to ever exist. Pictures like this just solidify that opinion.
    5 points
  4. And of course HHH snidely quipping to the person asking about Gulak, who mentioned Sapp and another site as sources, “you need to find better sources” or something like that. Like the post Vince comments, it seems like every damn time this goof speaks on something official, he just steps on his dick, either by being tone deaf or by being a petty bitch. At what point does TKO realize he’s just a meathead in a suit?
    5 points
  5. Posted before reading anything. Legit lost in thought with other things. But for some reason I felt SUMMONED!!!!!! BRING ME JOY, TONY! QUAKE OR NOTHING 2024!
    5 points
  6. When someone comes forward about a matter of sexual assault - and let's not get it twisted, what Gulak tried to do was sexual assault - I'm not especially interested in whether the victim was a good person or not. I'm more interested in making sure that the next person doesn't have it happen to them.
    4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. Been thinking about DEAN on his one year anniversary today. Scary it's a year. I don't have the way with words. Just wanted to say I love and miss you, fella from Paul xxx.
    4 points
  9. This other stuff is being put out there to distract from the other story involving Drew that's the real reason he got sent packing. Also want to say the smarmy pricks doing the "he wasn't released, his contract expired and that's not the same thing" thing thinking they are so smart and clever are room temperature IQ clowns.
    3 points
  10. Re: the WrestlePurists tweet This seems very much like left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. That or someone is embellishing a little bit since he is already on his way out. Cause the waistband thing is already enough to get you out of the paint. The other allegations are extremely serious as well. So was he not punished each incident? He was just allowed to get back in there as if nothing happened? A reprimand is one thing. Each someone is doing it repeatedly, then there has to be a system in place. People are bringing up Sexy Star and Yoshiko, but AFAIK, those two only did it once with the latter being extremely egregious. If WWE is so on the ball and has all their ducks in a row, then why was this allowed to just happen? That is on top of the Rousey story, which is its own fireable offense. So with that in mind, how do we end up with, "well, his contract wasn't renewed." Let me get this right. A person under your employ was doing all that (allegedly), BUT you were waiting for his contract to run out? What in the entire fuck?
    3 points
  11. Wow. Drew found the one thing that will truly get him cancelled by other wrestlers: being purposefully unsafe in the ring. As if he already didn't deserve a job before, this is the nail in the coffin. (...watch him show up in AAA anyway)
    3 points
  12. Oh, would YOU like to tell Haku that his son doesn't get to be in WWE, just because he "sucks"?
    3 points
  13. https://twitter.com/WrestlePurists/status/1786945738133413968 Drew Gulak is a piece of shit.
    3 points
  14. If Jacob wasn’t presumably signed already and just waiting to debut, you’d think someone pulled a Johnny Ace and hired the wrong second generation Polynesian wrestler.
    3 points
  15. A year today we lost DEAN on this date. Love and miss you, mate. Paul xxx.
    3 points
  16. It worked for Lex.
    2 points
  17. If one especially shitty human says another person is shitty, I'm not quick to believe shitty person no.1, but if other folks can attest to person no.2 indeed being a piece of shit, well, that's enough for me.
    2 points
  18. Big Ten footprint. Run Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St Louis, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Pittsburgh & Philly regularly.
    2 points
  19. Like I was saying... Drew Gulak is a creep. Can't wait to see the justification from people about why this sort of stuff happened and should get a pass because they like his wrestling.
    2 points
  20. would be big with certain Quakers on the board
    2 points
  21. Saw this earlier. Going off of this I assume Ronda's comments were more of a last straw, and they just chose to let his contract expire since it was nearly up.
    2 points
  22. Double or Nothing should be moved to Minneapolis then. AEW loves them some Chicagoland shows, they should try to build some brand loyalty in the other NFC North cities.
    2 points
  23. Belt up Chase once, shame on you..
    2 points
  24. Death, taxes, Leafs.
    2 points
  25. What did denim shirt guy ever do to Jose?
    2 points
  26. His US title win over Raven is good, and his matches against Roadblock, Reese, and The Giant where cool for a feats of strength perspective
    2 points
  27. I wouldn't be too surprised if they decide to go with SummerSlam in Minneapolis over WrestleMania, just based on their booking trends of using the summer events to take a chance on stadium shows outside of top-20 population (Nashville in 2022, Detroit in 2023, Cleveland in 2024). Minneapolis would fit that criteria.
    2 points
  28. Unseen Home Video: WWF Wrestling at a Wisconsin Fieldhouse (October 28, 1990) (youtube.com) A YouTuber finds a VHS tape containing a little over an hour of fan-cam footage from a 1990 WWF house show in Marshfield, Wisconsin.
    2 points
  29. i'd think that being owned by the same group that owns UFC might have been a big factor in putting Wrestlemania in the same city that has run a bunch of UFC cards
    2 points
  30. When was an undergrad, you had the option of "speaking" French, "reading/writing" French or normal French. I took reading/writing, which, given all the Fench New Wave I would see, may have been the wrong option. Good for reading Caheirs du Cinema, bad for actually watching the movies.
    2 points
  31. With wrestling, you can hire 100 people from anywhere and 99 of them probably aren't going to work out for whatever reason. With WWE's system, they hire 100 college athletes, cut 99 of them, and the one they have left over is Bianca Belair. That's going to be their case for their system working, and it's hard to argue that it doesn't.
    2 points
  32. HHH whiffing on Okada and Ospreay and instead bringing in all the worst Bullet Club guys is a great fucking bit. Let’s keep it going with Chase Owens next.
    2 points
  33. It's been a year today. Not a day goes by where I don't miss the big guy and his presence. I don't watch a new match without wondering what his one line thought on it in a massive stream of consciousness paragraph would have been (though, I can imagine it at least because you learned to anticipate the patterns, which is its own sort of blessing). I should have my review of the Action show going up tonight on SC. I talked to my parents this morning. Took the 6 year old to swim lesson. Am reaching out to you guys now. Nothing is assured in this life. Go say hi to your loved ones today.
    2 points
  34. My parents, in their wisdom, sent their Dyslexic ADD riddled son to a bilingual school in NYC in the 70s. I'm convinced every teacher there were ex-Vichy regime members. My moment of triumph came in grade 2. Still in remedial French, the assignment was to construct and recite a sentence in French, in class for the end of the week. I, being the smart Aleck 7 year old recited "Je déteste Mon professeur de Français" I was sent to the principals office and sat awaiting my father, who had been called in from his job in the financial district because my mom was visiting relatives in Florida. Dad arrives. Shoots me an unamused look and asks what I did. The Principal and teacher explain and say my behavior is unacceptable. My Dad sits there for a moment and then looked Madame Whatahername (oh all teachers were referred to as Madame or Monsieur) in the eye and asks "Did he complete the assignment?" The teacher and principal were confused and insisted that wasn't the point. So again my father asked "but did he complete the assignment?". The teacher grumpily said yes so, my father followed up with the question of "So why am I here?" The Pass/Fail exercise was changed to Pass, despite my teacher's angry protest. To cap it off, my Dad turned to the principal and stated "For the record? I hate his French teacher too. Next time, consider if it's worth your time and mine to make me leave work before calling me". I miss my Dad. Now back to movie discussion! James
    2 points
  35. So, I'm watching the episode on Bam Bam Bigelow for the first time. Being a Jersey boy, Bam Bam was always one of my favorites, so it's cool to see the Stone Pony and the Monster Factory getting name dropped. Aside from that, this is an incredibly tough watch. I'm trying to think of more to say, but just can't find the words. Addiction is the worst. Fuck Oxycontin.
    1 point
  36. That reminds me, I need a Bukowski shirt with DON'T TRY and the boxing man outline from his headstone on a shirt.
    1 point
  37. Imagine if Gulak had the balls to do that to someone that could legit snap his arm off, regardless of how big a piece of shit she is or not, what he'd try or has tried with people that don't have Ronda's skillset or training. His now known penchant taking liberties with people he's supposed to be responsible for the the safety of makes that even worse.
    1 point
  38. Oh yeah, life goes on... ...long after the meta spike piledriver was done. I'm sure this week will feature lots and lots of fallout from The Greatest Turn in AEW History Of The Century was done. I just had to get this stupid pun out of my head. Enjoy your week!
    1 point
  39. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr3ViTcgePdimy1Iye7hN1FtTtW80F68z Carcass tribute album I found out about listening to Cattle Decapitation's Medium Rarities
    1 point
  40. Understandable if you’re from the generation who think of him in the double brown costume, not the yellow and blue one.
    1 point
  41. Tiger Mask vs Dynamite Kid at MSG in 1982.
    1 point
  42. congrats to Rob Van Dam on picking up work (somewhere) for Wrestlemania 41 weekend (April 19th-20th, 2025)
    1 point
  43. I dunno. My bar for "fucking crazy" in a rap battle is shooting at each other. What's so wild about this one?
    1 point
  44. So last night was our only AEW TV of the week, yeah? We had Rampage already, and Collision is pre-empted. That's a shame. Opening the show by having the Bucks tease that Kenny is going to be the title challenger, only to have it be Christian instead, that was a good bit of heeling. And no doubt the next month of TV angles of having Christian mess with Swerve is going to be lots of fun too. I'm assuming that they mostly pre-cut the dreadlock they ripped off, because hair usually doesn't tear that easily (or painlessly). Are they going to make it a hair vs hair match for the title? Be a real treat, having a hair vs hair match when neither guy is actually balding. And the keep the Canadian-ness flowing by having home country babyface Adam Copeland come out next. I thought there was a fan in the front row dressed as Suicide from TNA, but he was just pairing a Danhausen mask with a red hoodie. And then the match went over 20 minutes, and was surprisingly based around Buddy being hurt, rather than Adam. I would expect that since the angle here is that Copeland is running the HoB gauntlet, it would be the other two breaking him down for Malakai to pick his bones, but they went another way. The angle with Malakai telling Adam to hit the Concerto (because Con-chair-to is the WWE spelling, innit?), that implies thay we're more doing psychological fuckery, rather than simply physical damage. But no doubt Brody will knock seven bells out of him next week anyway. Considering they did the disappearing act, they were very kind to not steal the TNT title belt while he was still unsighted. Using a bag of Hockey Pucks as a weapon is a low-key genius play. Both because it's a troll move to tease that it's a bag of thumbtacks or glass, and because to the fans in the building, it's the national sport, they know exactly what a hockey puck feels like. They probably know how much it hurts to be hit by one. So it's an ideal pro-wrestling weapon to those fans in the building. Not to me though, I've never touched a Hockey Puck in my life. For all I know, they're soft and rubbery. Halfway through Jericho vs Shibata, and both men have acquired winestain birthmarks across their whole entire chests. If chops causing muscle atrophication are the reason for Jericho's gappy pecs, then this match alone will have exposed a couple more inches of ribcage down the middle there. The trashcan spot, it reminded me of something. Arn Anderson. Arn presented himself as a "Wrestling is a Serious Business" wrestler. A no nonsense, serious, straight ahead asskicking Wrestler. He would sometimes get booked against comedy wrestlers, and he would just act so outraged and offended at being put in these humourous situations. "All of these shenanigans are making a mockery of the business" was his demeanor. And some fans got sucked into that, and started thinking he was the embodiment of that philosophy. He wasn't. It was a work. He actually loved the comedy, he just realised that his best role within the comedy was as the outraged straight man, so that's what he did. And I think there's a possibility that Shibata might be a man after his whole heart. The fact that, on his big comeback, the one person he wanted to work with was Orange Cassidy, that implies that his ambitions for his wrestling went beyond his Straight Shooter Inokiism routine. And ultimately, if you're going to have your no DQ match be a WWE comedy hardcore style match (and considering what was planned for later in the night, this really should have been that style), breaking out some new funny spots, instead of the hackneyed old used-to-be-funny spots, that's a good thing. Mariah May is underrated as a technical wrestler, she had no problem keeping up with Serena Deeb here. Considering she's a wrestler who absolutely could just be coasting on her looks and natural charisma, but she doesn't half bust a gut to have a good match. Speaking of busting a gut, here's Kenny Omega... Kenny is an underrated promo. Perhaps because he's not very WWE-ish in his delivery, he feels like a more natural talker. Like he's a guy who's good at talking from the heart, rather than being a guy who is good at delivering a scripted promo. Although arguably he's one of the best talkers in the business, because he can cut a good promo in English or in Japanese. Hardly anyone is a good promo in more than one language. (Are they doing Omega vs Okada IV at Wembley? He said Give me a couple of months, and then got storyline re-injured... so that could extend his injury to August) The Hammerlock into a Clothesline is now known as "The Hammerlock into a Clothesline" in AEW, rather than the Pepsi Twist. Even though AEW is the Pepsi of wrestling. We're spoiled with Dante Martin. Dante Martin having a generic Dante Martin match, it's mindblowing to fresh eyes, because his off the chart athleticism allows him to hit moves and do feats of movement that are unbelievable. But because he's on TV a lot, and does a lot of his spots in every match, they become less spectacular and more routine. It was a good match, between himself and Jay White. Not sure why the Bang Bang Gang have kept the Pink scissor Acclaimed belts for the AEW Six-man titles, instead of the old trios belts that The Elite and House of Black used. But keeping both sets of straps as two different sets of straps, that's a better look than unifying the titles to have them be represented by a single set. Speaking of being a good promo in multiple languages, RUSH does a good promo in English and Spanish. Did RUSH vs Kenny ever happen? They should do that, as and when they can. It would probably be really good. Rocky Romero made a tactical miscalculation, he targetted Kylo's healthy left arm, and not his withered right one. He is unfortunately Orndorff'ed out there now. Perhaps it will grow back in time. And then Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale had a banger of a match to send us home happy (and revive a crowd that had to have been pretty burned out). Skye's bladejobs continue to be more crimson trickle than crimson mask, but better to bleed too little than too much. If she keeps wrestling in this style from time to time, she'll get the hang of it. If this was her last time going to this extreme, at least she's going out on a high note (other than losing, obviously. The tacks bump looked gnarlier on Willow than it did on Skye. And Fite cut the ending off because the overruns confused them. Skye put the Barbed Wire Board on the table, and the show ended. Thank fuck AEW put the finish on YouTube.
    1 point
  45. Maybe it's a kink...like he keeps everyone waiting, spending 8 hours in his trailer just pounding waters to get to the 30 seconds of unfathomable pleasure that is voiding himself into a Gatorade bottle.
    1 point
  46. He had a good TV match with Sting marred by nWo interference, I think the Hogan match on 6/6/98 was good, the match against Saturn at Spring Stampede '98 was good IMO, and he had a handful of squashes that were great television. I don't think I was watching WWE at the time, but I saw a couple months ago this match he had against Brock Lesnar from I can't remember when that is one of the best squash matches I've ever seen: Two huge dudes with legit KO power, and one of them KO's the other in about a minute. LOVED IT. Everyone does these boring thirty-minute epics with lots of 2.9s because that's how a lot of these workers and bookers think you have a good match. Yeah, that's one way, but another way is to have two hosses with impactful wrestling moves hit each other with said moves for only a minute or two because they should be finishing their opponent off pretty quickly just from the impact of their best stuff.
    1 point
  47. Nothing makes me go colder on a match than when someone goes "let's go out there and put on a great match". I literally could not care less, to me that phrase is code for "this match doesn't matter and we're just doing it for ratings from Meltzer". How does that help someone get a title shot? How does that help someone get paid more? Why should I cancel all my plans to watch? Your example about how the Red Sox signed the Padres' best player is actually a great example. That first game's going to have intrigue. Then if the Padres' pitcher beans the guy who used to be on their team, hey I might just watch the next game to see if someone else gets beaned in response. Which is impressive for me because I think baseball is boring as heck. But if the tension doesn't carry over, then I might only check in when I get a text from my partner about how a game has been delayed due to a bee swarm so I can look at all the shots of cute bees. But yeah. Little things like "this match can help you earn more money" or "this match gets you closer to this title" or whatever. It's not hard. It's easy to do. It doesn't detract from the meat of the match whatsoever. I have literally no idea why people are so resistant to the idea.
    1 point
  48. I've done a cruise once in my life, and I kind of wished the Cruise was just going out to the middle of the ocean and doing nothing but eating and drinking by the pool. Roaming Nassau for a day was neat, but it's kind of hard to enjoy that stuff in less than a day because you boarded a port. I think staying on the island is always the better move. I say that as there's a high likelihood a cruise is in my future again within the next 365 days.
    1 point
  49. I've only been once when I was 15/16 and I was bored that there wasn't much to do but sit by the water. Now I'm 42 and cannot wait to go and not do much but sit by the water.
    1 point
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