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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2023 in all areas

  1. I’m glad Punk isn’t lurking. He’d lunge at you guys violently for spending the last ten pages not talking about him.
    12 points
  2. Telling Bill Simmons that 2009 was only a couple of years ago is probably good for Bill’s ego since Bill Simmons hasn’t been good in the 2000s
    9 points
  3. Mox is still a fairly new dad. Probably just getting parenting advice from Christian.
    8 points
  4. I've been sucked into record collecting. I use Spotify to sample, listen in the car, at work, etc. If something really grabs me, I'll buy the record. My collections is sitting at 1,206 releases right now (LPs, box sets, singles, 10" records, double LPs, all count as a "release"). I've listened to every record I own at least once. I don't keep anything sealed or buy multiple versions of the same release. I'm in it for the music, maaaaan. Luckily, my wife not only tolerates it, but encourages it. Both of my kids have started their own collections, too. My daughter's is mainly Taylor Swift. She does not adhere to my rule of not owning multiple versions of a record. My son just mainly wants Kiss records. I buy a mix of new and used stuff. I'd say my new stuff leans heavily into indie rock. With used stuff, I like to go down rabbit holes, especially when it's something I can get affordably. Like, a few years ago, I was on the lookout for any Mike Nesmith solo albums (or with the First National Band) that I could find. Right now, I'm all about Willie Nelson's 70s/80s output. The only single record I've ever spent $100 on was a used copy of The Blue Nile's "Hats". Of course, like a month after I ordered it, one of my local stores had it for like $60. I try to keep my stuff pretty organized. I have the majority of my collection in a 5x5 Ikea square shelving thing in our guest bedroom/office. Down in our tv room, where my record player is, I have this three-tier little vintage-looking display rack where I keep my current listening. We have a smaller record player in the living room where my wife/daughter do most of their listening, so there's always a few Swift records sitting there. Of course, I wish I had more time to sit and listen to records. Luckily, the whole family enjoys putting stuff on when we're eating, cooking, playing video games, or just hanging out, so I do get to do it pretty often. I've spent more than I'd like to know on records over the years, but I do love my collection. I used to joke that my kids could sell it as soon as I'm gone, but now I think it's more likely that they end up taking it themselves and continuing to grow it. That makes me happy.
    7 points
  5. i have just shy of 500 vinyl records. i was bought a super cheap console record player maybe 18-19 years ago and grabbed a few cheap vinyls from a garage sale. In the next few years, my collection really started from a base of my mom's, her sister's, and her brother's records. Then my (at the time) boss gave me all of his. That was probably ~200 between all of them. Almost entirely 70s and 80s rock. So i've continued that trend, piecing together a really fantastic collection that centers on classic rock. Although my wife will occasionally pick up a new one, we both prefer used. https://www.discogs.com/user/twiztor/collection?sort=artist&sort_order=asc feel free to critique. i read recently that 51% of vinyl buyers don't listen to them. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM?!? there's no better feeling than chilling in my basement, beer in hand, and spinning an old record. just a whole different set of vibes. and streaming? hell nah. my mp3 player is loaded with like 50,000 songs. why would i ever pay somebody else to play music for me, when i can select exactly what i want to hear? i've spent decades curating this digital collection, procuring music, and creating bomb ass playlists. ain't no way a Spotify or YouTube algorithm can top that.
    5 points
  6. Luckily there are numerous homie-o-pathic remedies for Achilles tendon recovery, so he has options. (I know it's not spelled that way, but he's earned that special spelling)
    5 points
  7. Rude might just be actually under rated as far as goat lists
    5 points
  8. I see Attitude Era fans in their late 30s now, who do really enjoy good wrestling, but who will sill say they don't watch half of AEW because it's "just good matches." Motherfucker, do you know how many people had to die to track down good matches in 1998?! The scummy people we had to deal with!!!
    5 points
  9. It's finally time! It's finally here! You probably thought I was talking about NWA, but nope, I'm talking about AEW Dynamite motherfuckers! Tony Khan brings us another week of wrestling. Yes - punching, monsters, bad acting, overacting, explosions of color, a plot that gets dropped. But who cares?! You fill your face with wrestling you dumb fat cows. Eat the slop before the slaughter you fucking pigs! There's like wrestling and stuff tonight, but much like Orange Cassidy, I'm too lazy to look up what's happening. However, I did feel like ripping off Red Letter Media's Batman v Superman intro for that first paragraph just to amuse myself. ENJOY THE WRESTLING AND MAY AEW RULE THE FUCKING WORLD!
    4 points
  10. still kinda sticks in my craw that they had a two hour preshow for a show that had one women's match and they couldn't squeeze in a womens trios somehwere
    4 points
  11. That's pretty much how a lot of fear-mongering in the 80s regarding AIDS was as well. https://ryanwhite.hrsa.gov/about/ryan-white Fuck Ronald Reagan.
    4 points
  12. I ended up playing till 7 in the morning yesterday. I was completing a personal quest for a companion who might not be revealed yet, as well as continuing the Vanguard story, and I literally voiced to myself "Man, this game is really fucking good" like 5 times because it just needed to be said, even it was me to the void. So I'll post it here too: This game is real fucking good. Joined Craig on the "having done the Mantis mission" train. Loved it loved it loved it. Enjoy the Razorleaf, but I've invested so so much into the Frontier I just can't change it out as my regular ship. I'll eventually upgrade it to the way I want, but well, I've turned Frontier into such a beastly machine I can't change now. On other ship news, I got into a fight with a Va'ruun Eulogy with my Frontier, and managed not only to defeat it, but capture it. That thing was a behemoth and had a crew of at least 25, and I barely got out with my life.... but I did. And that ship is a machine, can't believe I took it down with so little ship weaponry investment.
    4 points
  13. Simmons really is the ultimate example of the prototypical over-confident white male who will talk authoritatively on any subject no matter how little he really knows about it.
    4 points
  14. Wrestling tapes and CDs were a majority of my ebay purchases from 2000-2005 or so. For both things you'd often see people offering lots where there were two or three selections you'd really want then one or two other shows or artists that you weren't really familiar with but just took because they came with the rest of the pack and hoped they'd be good. I still have one of those 120 sleeve CD binders that's half full with wrestling DVDs of various quality and dubious origin and a shelf of tapes. A lot of stuff I haven't watched in forever but is still decent stuff I'm not going to part with quite yet. There was an independent video store down the street from my college that sold all sorts of cult movies (and in the pre-torrent days they had a bunch of bootleg DVDs of currently running movies behind the counter if you knew how to ask), porn, anime, and other stuff you couldn't find at Suncoast. They had a pretty decent collection of indy and Japanese wrestling there as well and I still have my clamshell tape set of the 2000 Super J cup. Being Gen X (1981) I am also attached to my physical media and have no intention to stop buying it. I think part of it is that so much of my CD collection I bought on ebay, a long defunct music store that specialized in metal, or overseas distros and with all the trouble I went to I don't want to just get rid of them. I remember one ebay seller from Russia that I bought from several times where the CDs would take at least a month to arrive and come wrapped up in thick paper and tied with twine and covered with customs stamps that I always thought looked really retro. That and I like to actually own a physical piece of whatever it is. Not to mention the process of putting on an entire album/CD/tape and listening to the whole thing, which it seems streaming music services are pushing by the wayside. My vinyl buying is either 1. all time favorite releases I want a copy of 2. new stuff from artists I really like that I'm going to enjoy an immersive listening experience instead of background music 3. low priced used stuff I happen to find. I still buy new and used CDs but am not terribly big into the recent trend of cassettes making a comeback. I've got fond memories of making mix tapes and still have plenty of my old ones, but overall it's not as good a format as CD. I'll buy stuff on bandcamp if the digital release is just the best option but have no interest in using spotify. My phone has my entire music collection on it (probably close to 1000 albums) and I use that in the car, which is a 2015 and would have cost an extra $1000 for the next trim upgrade for a CD player.
    4 points
  15. As the board knows, I just moved from Austin to Philly. I moved 9 record boxes (each supposedly holding 90 records) full of my and my wife's record collection, along with an old LP carrying case that holds 40 or so. I also moved 4 comic short boxes full of 7" records. My collection is all over the map but heavy on 90s punk and indie and classic soul/R&B, while my wife's was mostly horror movie and video game soundtracks and Christmas records with the new addition of Taylor Swift. I had a perfect place in mind for my record/stereo shelves only to discover that there were no outlets in that location (along the stairs). I still have a couple hundred CDs and a couple hundred tapes. As an example of my variety, I went to Sit and Spin records while I was in Philly for my house closing and bought a Code of Honor LP (classic early 80s Bay area hardcore), a Two-Tone comp, a sealed (but damaged) Bill Withers LP, and a second copy of John Denver and the Muppets Christmas because it had the poster included. The cashier even commented "this is quite the variety". My first wrestling tape was a lucha comp from Bob Barnett after my first exposure to Eddy and Rey in WCW. After Ultimo Dragon and the Toryumon crew showed up in WCW, I got a best of Toryumon comp, BOSJ (with Benoit and Eddy), a Survival Tobita comp, and a joshi comp from DEAN~!. I eventually gave them to a friend after I lost interest in wrestling in the mid-2000s; he now lives in Louisville I think and is still a big wrestling and music fan (I ought to invite him here, one of his collections is wrestling-related records). I got several of the Goodhelmet 80s sets, and those are either still at the bar I used to frequent or with my friend Josh who is a huge territories fan. Only tape I still have is the WOW PPV I taped. There is still a lot of garage/punk wrestling crossover fandom. The Inspire AD promotion in Austin is booked by a guy who booked/managed the punk club Beerland, and the crowds are about 60% punk/garage/metal folks.
    4 points
  16. I love every picture of Kawada that we're getting out of Chicago. It's just photo after photo of people thrilled to meet a legend and in every one Kawada looks like someone just farted in an elevator. Magnificent.
    4 points
  17. Christian : Yeah Jon, skydiving is a great idea
    4 points
  18. I'll be over here waiting for cd's to become popular again. I still have a three disc changer in my house. I'm not getting rid of my cd's.
    4 points
  19. I don't watch WWE, so I can't comment on Rhea Ripley's shocked face, but you know whose shocked face bothers me, Ruby Soho...and she does it just about every time her opponent kicks out. I wish it didn't bother me so much because I really enjoy Ruby's work.
    4 points
  20. Mailing out a money order and waiting a month and a half for tapes to get delivered, then watching them and being like "fuck, this match isn't THAT good"
    4 points
  21. We watched WWF Championship Wrestling on a Philly UHF station, then held the rabbit ears antenna just so to re-watch it in half-snowy quality on WOR-9 to see the different house show interview inserts, and that’s the way it was and we LIKED it!
    4 points
  22. - Bill/Mox was solid as a rock. Of course Mox was gonna juice because it's Cinci, and he made sure to do it right on camera too. Then Bill USES HIS BLOOD AS LIPSTICK, kisses at the crowd and does some mincing. Sir, I salute you. (This was all in the picture-in-picture so sometimes it pays to keep watching.) The Bossman Slam didn't look great because Mox took it on his tailbone but everything else was fine. I guess because there is no shoe thrown tonight, Ricky batters Mox with his, yes! After the match they cut to Renee; of course she is wearing a dress with the leather, but she should have gone with a kilt or plaid to punk out the look more. - Speaking of fashion it has been decided that Lard Lad needs a full black leather duster to wear shirtless. He also needs a big-ass hat like Vampire Hunter D. Callis brings up Seiji Sakaguchi as an ace which I argue he was always a #2 but geohellraiser on the Discord argues he was perhaps 1b and that Inoki was actually bigger than the company, which I can support. - Nyla did not get pinned. There's that. - Instead of the Jericho Show or MJF/Cole I decided to enjoy the 35th anniversary of Ice-T's Power. Congrats! - Cage/Page we've seen before twice and I bet this one was the same as those two. Page won with his secondary finisher which was nice for a change. Nana not being able to get down to Cage's music but immediately getting busy to Swerve's theme as hard as possible was absolutely hilarious. - I need to know how many wrestlers are now wearing white pants in this fed. - Joe/Strong was good with Joe shutting down almost all attempts at Strong being... well, strong. Especially liked him getting lariated right out of the air. The result could have been seen through an opaque fog but next Wednesday is gonna be awesome.
    3 points
  23. why would he listen to music? he's got Elias!
    3 points
  24. Since we don't have a weekly AEW tv thread yet. This is whats on tap for tonight
    3 points
  25. Hell yes. Emi on various show having violent awesome matches and maybe showing the less experienced workers how it's done would be amazing. I keep thinking back to that incredible match she had with Hayter. Shiiiiiit.
    3 points
  26. I bought a copy of Radiohead’s Creep EP on 12 inch in 1992. I still have it. I think it might be worth more now than the 99p sticker implies.
    3 points
  27. That's like Herb Abrams saying he was going to have Brody in the UWF.
    3 points
  28. It's funny you say that because I am a hostage/subscriber of YouTube Music, and I'm always jealous of the stuff Spotify puts together for my girlfriend. Our whole interface is traaaaash. When it was Google Play Music, I feel like the 'similar artists' function worked way, way better. With YTM now, its pretty bare bones - just as an example, Im a huge Sabbath nut (obviously) and whereas the former Google Play Music would feed me all kinds of cool, semi- obscure (to me) stuff in a similar vein, the new YTM is content to just feed me Pentagram and Witchfinder over and over and over. But they hooked me by including YouTube Premium - there's simply no going back for me, I can't sit through a 60 second ad for a :30 video again
    3 points
  29. True! And honestly, he could have been caught in a trap, and couldn't walk out.
    3 points
  30. ‘There’s endless choice, but you’re not listening’: fans quitting Spotify to save their love of music | Music | The Guardian An interesting article about the perceived negatives of spotify , I definatly think their is something to the idea of owning and physically playing media
    3 points
  31. Roderick's mic work and character work are finally catching up to his in-ring work because he's been awesome since the Generation Next days when he was having 60 minute classics with Bryan Danielson, a classic Pure title match with Nigel, or a classic in James Gibson's last ROH match. I'd throw Roderick's name into the hat for Danielson's last match.
    3 points
  32. I love what this thread has turned into. I've got some facts to keep it going. I was born 10 days early. My birthday is 11/28/80. I was supposed to be born 12/8/80, the day John Lennon was killed. On my 14th birthday, 11/28/94, Jeffrey Dahmer was beaten to death in prison. So, happy birthday to me?
    3 points
  33. That sounds similar to how back in the 70's we watched Mid-Atlantic while living in Florida. Except, instead of rabbit ears on top of the TV, we had a pole antenna outside the trailer that my dad would spend a good 10 minutes adjusting while we shouted out his progress through the window.
    3 points
  34. I may have never seen a man who balanced credibility with wonderfully over-the-top selling the way Rude did. I say that as a Funk and Kamala and Big Show and Harley Race and Brock and Roman appreciator and I'm straining my brain hard enough to type NJPW Scott Norton so I'm probably good for the night. EDIT: Is Rhea Ripley getting there?
    3 points
  35. Man, I'd love to tell kids bitching about resolution that, hey motherfuckers, did YOU ever watch something recorded in LP on a VHS tape so you could squeeze 3 to 4 hours of comp matches in one gone? Yeah, I didn't think so. Now shut the fuck up.
    3 points
  36. Having a child cosplay Adorable Adrian Adonis in a toy commercial was certainly a choice
    3 points
  37. I would love to see this production team develop a better look for ROH on Honorclub. These empty arenas and the extra reliance on the ringside cams makes for a much less enjoyable presentation. I'd love to see a lighting scheme to make the ringside area even darker than it is. Not unlike the look of a bygone era house show. It could benefit from not looking a poorly attended Collision. I've been working on three weeks of 'Late Stages AWA Championship Wrestling' on Honor Club. I am very thankful to have the FFWD option when Tony Nese breaks out his same schtick every week. Tho, part of me is proud of his effort. The Outrunners are the team or wrestlers I look forward to most when seeing their name on these ROH cards. I also look forward to Leila Grey matches. She's getting better and better. Her charisma really stands out. Lee Johnson promoing poorly, and being destroyed by Claudio felt like a talent exit. I like Lee, but I wonder what an excursion might do for him? Set him free Tony. Lady Frost is consistently good. And worthy of an ROH push. I'm really pleased to see so many promos in between the matches. Mic reps are every bit as important as match reps. Looking forward to Sabre Jr v Metalik, v Daniels, and the Outrunners v Angelico/Serpentico. Also, very curious what Cutler v Blake Christian might look like. EDIT: So pleased to see the change most needed happen - At All Out, Shane Taylor finally switched from the unflattering (and job guy looking) spandex to a looser short! And looked so much better for it. Push that man!
    3 points
  38. Emi Sakura is clearly amongst the 2-3 most talented ladies in Division. When she fights on TV she is consistently great. I would love to see her better utilized. Can we all band together and will an upset TBS Title run for Emi. If not a title run, I’m fine with a string of TV losses, but on TV more frequently. Weekly. I’d also like for her to be allotted some promo time. And let’s not be afraid of Japanese with English subtitles. I’m happy to see everyone loving Toni Storm. It’s all coming together for this wonderful performer. Some of the video packages this week were fantastic. The Ricky Starks promo was good. I’m not so sure about ‘MIKE’ Santana as a solo act. But am game to see. CJ Perry delivers a helluva promo. And I love Roddy Strong and the Kingdom. Speaking of Roddy, I suspect everyone was reminded what a great pro wrestler he is this week. Both bouts with Trent and Darby were so fun. Darby is maybe the best professional wrestler. Some good Town Halls this week: specifically Joe-MJF,Danielson-Starks/Bill, and Swerve’s breakout and much beloved performance opposite Hangman. Not that it was all that remarkable, but I liked the Bunny/Anna/Taya v Hikaru/Skye/Britt trios bout on Rampage. I’d like to see more Trios matches. The Trios matches that used to appear on Dark were often better than the bouts that made TV that same week. Everybody needs the TV time, and it’s a great way to showcase. More, more, more Ladies trios. And pre or post match promos. Everywhere. I wasn't against the amusement, especially the first time around, but Cardblade Jay White feels like a reminder that Jay White isn’t present and that maybe the show isn’t so important. That said, Juice Robinson seems most worthy of ‘Collision Cowboy of the Month’. He's come a very long way in a short time. Kinda inspiring. Nigel McGuinness is one of the best signings AEW has ever made. So to Renee. I can’t remember if it was this or last, but loved her and Roddy getting into it over her line of questions. I liked Joe v Jeff Hardy from Rampage. I especially like Hardy taking some losses and moving down the card. I suspect his connection the audience will allow him the fall and (potentially) eventual rise. The Schiavone Sitdown should be a regular feature on Collision. Claudio-Eddie was a nice one. That said, a couple of really bad cuts here. Some nice bouts announced this week that really didn’t play out all that well. The Bullet Club Gold v Luchadores bout and especially Rey Fenix v Angelico were both pretty forgettable. Can we also WILL TOGETHER a rebuild of Angelico with an eight month ROH Pure Title. I can’t remember the Bucks v 2.Oh. I’ll revisit before adding it to this list. I’m game for an FTR Open Challenge series. And sure, yeah, I’ll take that Savages bout. Wow, this run of Hook Videos has been glorious WRESTLECRAP! But Comedy segment of the week, maybe my favorite moment of the week: Andrade watching on smiling and then serious, smiling then serious. And twice! Fucking awesome!
    3 points
  39. 1000% this. NJPWWorld is getting an update soon, but people would constantly complain about video resolution. I'm sitting here going "Are you kidding me?! Watching puroresu in low-res is almost the only way it feels right to me. I started off on bootleg VHS tapes. That's my pro-wrestling equivalent of a cozy blanket." There's a part of me that still can't believe it's possible to watch stuff like New Japan in high-res. It still feels like I shouldn't have access to it, if that makes any sense. There's that "generational sea change" concept again.
    3 points
  40. 3 points
  41. He looks like someone stuck a tube up his ass and inflated his head with a bicycle pump
    2 points
  42. I can't remember if it was iTunes or the Zune software (which I'll defend to the death, I LOVED my Zune) but one of them ended up having to create their own 'shuffle' algorithm because they found that a truly random shuffle lead to user complaints of hearing the same stuff too often - wonder if any of that is in play here
    2 points
  43. So of course yesterday after saying all that stuff about Sarah - I ran into a point where to finish a quest, I had to do something she HATED Thankfully it wasn't that far from my ship so I ran back, swapped to Vasco, did it and then went back to Sarah
    2 points
  44. It doesn't matter. Sarah is never happy with anything you do. She's a terrible game wife. She's always with you and you can always tell nothing you do is good enough and it always feels like anything you say is going to get the "Sarah disliked that" message in the upper right corner. Or, worse, "Sarah hated that," which is the case when I just decide to take someone down. And then at other times, when I decide to spare someone, she doesn't like that either. Look, Sarah, just tell me what you want! Oh, and as you'll come to experience the more you play and I'm now 30 to 40 hours in, she will not hesitate to reference your past decisions. SUPER COOL. THANKS BETHESDA...
    2 points
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