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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2016 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. I was in a great room earlier. Only 3 others in it for a long time. I got another shitty cargobob car delivery. This one didnt go so well. It was way off the shore this time. I landed on the ship and got shot to shit, died and guess my cargobob went boom cause i failed the delivery. First fail. I'll back up. When i left the ceo building an ass hat tried to shoot me with a homing rocket. He missed and i let it go. After i died and blew up my special car i found the bastard. He was in the ahhh shit i knew the name but forgot. Where you get the cargobob. HUMANE LABS i knew i knew it dalmit. Anyhoo dude was in a car. Pause menu. Ate the heavy sniper a couple times. He was registered as a ceo so he couldnt go passive. He was in a pause menu trying to leave or unregister for a loooong time. I was on the hill sniping his ass. Shooting after shooting dude finally started running. Taking cover. Nothing worked, for him. He finally started shooting back and using the ol' mary lou! That didnt work either. I was having a shit ton of fun but heard the boss lady come home. I finally quit beating the chained up pole cat. Yes he stunk. Final score 61 to 0! Ass hat may never get out his homing rocket again!
    3 points
  3. I bottled him like he was Piper. The worst is when you have the "take [this car]", and it's the one with no enemies. Because somehow something makes you wreck it and pay insurance. This time, I had to steal a Mamba from Sandy. As I'm backing out, I bent the door back and off, like that Tommy Boy scene. $4000+ in one second of asshattery.
    3 points
  4. I can't wait until the snow comes back in a few days (here, not goddamn NJ). I'm a different player than a year ago and intend on using that to an advantage in my third year of combat deployment. Plus, we get that new Porsche. Downside, the car missions are gonna be a bastard in the snow. All of that slip-slidin' will wreck and cause some damage to these greasy cars while on delivery. Upside? Snowball fights!
    3 points
  5. I totally believe that Corey Graves is the closest thing we're going to get to another Jesse Ventura. There are clearly moments where Graves is being told what to say and it seems forced, but you can always tell when he's letting loose, especially on NXT. The only positive to Percy Watson on NXT is Corey's passive aggressive nature towards him. Percy tried to be cute and called him "Gravy" and Corey just sat there and took it. And then out of nowhere later in the match he let out a "And if you EVER call me GRAVY again..." Total Jesse move.
    3 points
  6. So long and thanks for all the ladders.
    3 points
  7. If the Mayor wants everybody to get along, they better dalm well get along. His staff has been teaching that lesson in several rooms lately.
    2 points
  8. Now that I think about it, he does seem like a dude no one thinks is important but himself. I remember a few years ago there was a story about how really minor politicians basically spend millions of taxpayer dollars on security details and other shit, just because they can. It is something that supposedly happens all the time. The mayor of Paducah, Kentucky takes his family on an international vacation, hires ten security guards and charges it to the city. He acts like a big shot, his family thinks he's a big shot, but no one else on the planet gives a flying fuck about him. Bail got Leia outchea thinking her dad is hot shit, but really he's just a self important blowhard.
    2 points
  9. I did the same thing last.night. Here was a new one - I'm delivering a car last night and look down and the back of the car is engulfed in flames. My damage shot to $32,000 immediately. I dunno if I hit something or if one of the NPCs shot the gas tank, but the damage didn't matter because I knew the car wouldn't make it. Sure enough, it blew up a few seconds later. Here's something to note: I did a car delivery in an empty room and had tons of NPCs chasing me around. I'd never had NPCs chase me on a car delivery before that. Damaged the hell out of the car. It was just dudes in cars, no helicopters.
    2 points
  10. Damn, you finished the hardest one already. I finally got it done last night. Helped that the car was a Zentorno, so they couldn't shoot me from behind in the Buzzards. You do get to kill the guy on the checkpoint race anyway. He comes at you with a baseball bat. I explained to him that if he wanted to play, he needed to bring better toys. Like the combat SG for instance.
    2 points
  11. University released an 80 page document including saying there are a lot of videos Players immediately go "Hey would you look at that. We are going to play" http://deadspin.com/minnesota-football-team-ends-boycott-over-suspensions-1790225879
    2 points
  12. I actually got a little car stealing shit done this am. In a public when i started. Room dump = success. First one though was the cargo bob one. I think 6 or 8 buzzards showed up. About 8k damage later i finally got it delivered. One i hated the most was that checkpoint to checkpoint race where the dude gives you the car. I woulda rather went up there killed the son of a bitch and stole it. Why get morals now. Got 6 this morning before i had to turn it off. Now time to actually go to work and make by gawd merica' money. Wish i could make a living playin gta. Stupid ass adulthood and its responsibilities. If i dont crash out tonight from bein up since 4:30 i'll be in my home away from home. The beloved los santos.
    2 points
  13. Glad I got to raise some hell with you guys. Sorry I didn't hop on chat, but the lady friend wasn't feeling well and was napping - I knew it would be about 3 seconds before we started cutting Foghorn promos and I'd wake her up because I'm a loudmouth. I went back and forth last night between "holy shit am I rusty" and "there are just too many of these fuckers." I would tag a couple in a row with the heavy sniper and start to feel good about myself, then I'd get a boot up my ass. It felt like the raptors in Jurassic Park. Just when you've got your sights on the one ahead of you, the bastard hiding in the bushes to your left gets you. Anyway, despite it being pure chaos, it was damn (sorry...dalm) good to raise hell for a little bit. I'll catch you guys on again sooner instead of it being forever. Edit: Also, I forgot how hard it is to stay together. I'd roll up on Stout to try and give some support, then one of us would get killed, then respawn and get in a fight with 2-3...next thing I know I'd look up and we'd be like 6 city blocks apart. Maybe that was just due to the sheer volume of assholes we were dealing with.
    2 points
  14. The ending was fabulous, straight out of a Sam Raimi-Bruce Campbell movie. I wanna fantasy book some more: 1. When the planted fans got taken out during the Lashley-Edwards match, I wish they would've started mumbling and groaning in pain "holy shit." 2. To follow on my Lashley-Edwards continuation theme, I wanna see pretaped segments showing their fight from North Carolina to Florida, including a segment where one says: "whoa, whoa" "what?" "You hungry?" "I could eat" And they fight their way to a nearby Waffle House, where they sit down to a calm meal together - "how's the family?" - followed by paying the check, getting out to the parking lot and starting to brawl again.
    2 points
  15. Fun Fact! Bryan asked HBK to wrestle at the Hammerstein, but HBK said the ballroom is to small for him.
    2 points
  16. You know, had this been the final episode ever of TNA it would have been a perfect series finale. The Hardy's standing tall. A new baby on the way. What more could you ask for. Hell, a no-contest in the world title match where the World champion sort of just disapeared off into the North Carolina woods would have been the most fitting TNA ending ever.
    2 points
  17. Which makes me think of what could've been had Hogan joined. And now I'M sad.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Same here. Which makes me think of Flotsam & Jetsum... which makes me think of Jason Newsted
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. I'm afraid I've got some bad news...
    2 points
  24. I don't know if it is the wrong size as it is he shouldn't be in the UFC just yet. It's crazy that the other day I was watching Tom Duquesnoy, a guy who probably could be beating top ten bantamweights in the UFC (or just about everyone in Bellator at 135), still in BAMMA. Mickey Gall and Sage Northcutt are having a co-main event on Fox when both should be in feeder leagues working on their game. Even if he was at HW, I still think it takes 18-24 months for him to beat anyone decent. There are bad heavyweights, but MMA has gotten to the point where a ton of bad fighters are competent enough to pull off upsets.
    1 point
  25. This movie basically reestablished how much of a badass Vader is and why everyone shit their pants at the mere sight of him in the OT. Far as what the extraction plan was, there was none. The fleet were basically winging it since the Rogues went on their own and the fleet showed up to grab them, or the plans, or anything. They basically got lucky they managed to take out the shield and the plans got transmitted. I'm thinking Leia just happened to be along as a last ditch way to get the plans out, and figured while she was out, swinging by Tatooine to pick up Obi-Wan, which would be smarter than heading right back to Yavin. Tarkin's Death Staring the base was more "I don't know if anyone got the plans off", and "I don't want anyone else taking another shot at them", and "Fuck it, Krennek is useless, don't care if he's vaped". Vader's whole slaughterhouse run was him making sure the plans didn't make it out of the system.
    1 point
  26. Jouban is doing a way better job dealing with Mike Perry's stalking tactics than Danny Roberts did.
    1 point
  27. Are you denying you did? Asking for a friend.
    1 point
  28. Can't believe this is over a month old and I didn't see it here...
    1 point
  29. Same ref that said Sienna couldn't face a drone probably said Grado couldn't face a kangaroo. The golden opportunity missed was to have Allie Impact show up, get thrown in Lake GimmickTonka, and suddenly realize she's been feuding with Rosemary/Courtney for over a year.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Speaking of newer wrestling - for those of you who haven't seen the WWE has started putting up a lot more recent matches in full on their Youtube channel For example - this went up today
    1 point
  32. I just got done watching Tom Duquesnoy vs. Alan Philipott, the BAMMA 27 headliner. Tom Duquesnoy may be the best prospect I have seen in years. That's gotta be his last BAMMA fight.
    1 point
  33. Corey Graves is the best commentator they've had since the heyday of Jesse and The Brain.
    1 point
  34. I dunno if I've ever been as confused by GTA as I was last night. Hopped on and got put into a room with Stout, RUKered and Dolfan. Saw an Insurgent, so I figured I'd have a go at that real quick. Turned out to be a turret one, so I shot both guys outta it and took off. The rest of the crew was in a scrum near the old parking garage glitch, so I hauled ass over there. Got shot outta the thing as soon as I got there, and I finished it off with an RPG just as some body else was trying to get in it. That was when I noticed just how many motherfuckers were in this fight. It was the four of us and maybe 9-10 other dots. Also, about 100000000000000 cops. They were mostly in two MC clubs or CEO orgs, never did have time to figure out which. It quickly devolved into who are all these assholes, and what the hell did the rest of the crew do to piss em all off? And who is this asshole with the tank? And why are there all these Insurgents outside this apartment garage? And why are half these assholes transparent like they're in passive, but they're shooting guns, but they can't hit me, and I can't shoot them? And why the hell are we fighting outside this damn parking garage again? I swear, next time I get on and find y'all in a scrum at that garage, I'm gonna be tempted to go play Pokemon or something. Or go help melraz make virtual Sushi. Anything but that. Next room's competition was much more amenable, cept for one guy that was a little too good with the Marksman rifle. We ran just about all of em off, then went back to CEO car missions. I got the damn grab a car off a barge right off the bat. Failed it again. Accidentally dropped the car from a couple hundred feet while trying to avoid the buzzards. Amazingly, t didn't blow up, but it did come to a stop upside down on the fucking railroad tracks. Fucking train hit it and dragged it about a quarter mile before I could get it turned over (the constantly respawning buzzards didn't help). Finally it caught fire and blew up as I rammed it with a station wagon to try to flip it over. Rest of the car retrievals went smoothly, except when one of the two remaining dots on the map went after me as I was returning the car from the top of the map. The dot and I traded kills before I got the car dropped off, then we went to work on him. Killed him from Grove Street to the mall downtown, till he finally left. Up to 28 on my car count now.
    1 point
  35. Every time I see "FloSlam," I think it says "flotsam."
    1 point
  36. If they ever decide to do this again which I am not sure it needs to be like a traveling circus kind of thing. I mean one of the things that I enjoyed was seeing the Mid Atlantic guys getting their shine. While it is kind of shitty that John Skylar and Arik Royal was a few second thrashing, at least people got to see more of the Bravado Brothers who really should be used more and more. Imagine an east coast version with CZW and New York indies and a mid west version with IWA Mid South and Freelance wrestling guys The 3 Count stuff was hilarious if you watched old CWF Mid Atlantic because Trevor Lee before he became the caveman that he and his partner (I think Rex Tyler) was a more feminine version of the Backseat Boyz or every other pretty boy indy tag team from 2000-2003. Which was even weirder given that he was under 18 doing it. Hell it wouldn't surprise me if the team was loosely based on 3 Count.. The other funny thing was when Eddie Edwards bumped through that awfully flimsy door it looked like someone was frying a turkey in the background. I mean was the concession stand at the Hardy compound that little fryer in the corner. It does explain why they sell turkey legs at the Impact zone
    1 point
  37. They give him Jojo as his mouthpiece and they can go running around as... MOJOJOJO~!
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Vince looks like he just got busted by an undercover prostitute ring.
    1 point
  40. It's sad that Kofi had to explain it but that's the world we live in,
    1 point
  41. Other things from Talking Smack: - DBry opens talking about the original Smackdown set and says "I guess Smackdown is really into fisting" - AJ redoes his Chinfluenza joke and DBry points out to AJ that making fun of Ellsworth's chin is bullying and that this company is anti-bullying. - I think Jey has the ankle injury. They do the heavy lobby for the title shot. Segment also features them naming great tag teams and Jey getting pissed when DBry shakes their hands as Shawn (Jimmy) and Marty (Jey) but brings up that Marty was an IC Champ. Also features Jimmy passing a break dance move to DBry and then everyone goofing on Renee's broken chickenwing dance. - Alexa comes out and is selling that she really hurt her leg despite that they call her out on throwing kicks with her hurt leg before selling it again.
    1 point
  42. Dan Marino went through the dojo?
    1 point
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