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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/12/2016 in all areas

  1. He expected a match with The Miz. Why would he be prepared to wrestle?
    9 points
  2. Kane portraying a cop [in the new WWE film] makes it so much closer to my dream of him being cast as Bull in the WWE reboot of Wrestler's Night Court. Of course, Charles Robinson gets to replace Charles Robinson, as Mac.
    8 points
  3. I would love to be a fly on the wall for the creative meeting that took place prior to Shane "running" Raw the last two weeks. "Ok, we need to make this different from what's been on TV for the last couple of years, so let's develop characters, emphasize the importance of the titles, debut new talent, focus on wrestling matches and have feuds that actually make sense."
    6 points
  4. Cena going against type as Dan Fielding FTW.
    6 points
  5. God damn it. I was fully expecting him to calmly walk to the other ring, strut, and then flop right on his face.
    5 points
  6. Roman's new catchphrase can be easily paraphrased into my thoughts on him: I don't hate the guy. I don't love the guy. He's just a guy.
    5 points
  7. 5 points
  8. Because what we need is *another* nWo rehash.
    4 points
  9. Taker is the weirdest Harry Anderson ever
    4 points
  10. Not nearly enough love for Maryse bitchsplaining things to Jojo and the assistant. That and "DOMESTIC!" *spit-take*
    4 points
  11. I am sad that it took me so damn long to get into Skyrim, it's everything I ever wanted in a RPG and more.
    4 points
  12. Who washes a suit? Dry clean only.
    4 points
  13. DEAN IS 50 TODAY!!! I AM SHOUTING SO HE CAN HERE THIS!!!! Man - I am going to have to do the "Members of the NFL Hall of Fame Older Than Dean" list Hugs and Kisses Me
    3 points
  14. Yes - JT's tactical skill were so helpful when we would hear Dan "I am doing barrell rolls in the Titan" "Oh I crashed..."
    3 points
  15. He'd have to get unfrozen first
    3 points
  16. Did it suddenly become 2008 without me looking? Christine Sullivan is Nattie. This really is not up for debate.
    3 points
  17. I do want to add, though, that fuck JBL was probably worse than he's been in a few shows. Needs to be shuttled off to, I don't know, Velocity.
    3 points
  18. "Jihad, get the tables! LELELELELELELELELELELELE!"
    3 points
  19. Then y'all went off to play Destiny, and our mission attempts devolved into "let's see what happens if we try Extradition using an ambulance with 5 guys on the roof. What could possibly go wrong?"
    2 points
  20. Vin Scully just went on a tangent about Socrates' suicide. He's currently explaining what hemlock is to his audience. He's the best.
    2 points
  21. My journey through NXT Takeover events continue (I'm not ready yet, aka I'm lazy, to do a big write up) but there's one thing worth mentioning: - These motherfucking smark crowds with dueling dumb chants spending most of the time jerking themselves off instead of paying attention to the matches. Motherfuck they get on my nerves sometimes.
    2 points
  22. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x43jclv_katsuyori-shibata-vs-hiroyoshi-tenzan-10-04-2016_sport Shibata says "FUCK YOU OLD MAN" and Tenzan says "BRING IT YOUNGIN", in an era where their power roles are reversed. FUTEN level headbutts abound.
    2 points
  23. My old quickly explanation on Daga was "take a Mexican indie luchador, lock him in a basement with nothing but Davey Richards tapes for twelve months, and you get Daga". He was the indie Mexican name of note of 2010, the guy they'd build promotions and iPPVs around. He won an AAA talent search contest of the indies in 2011 - it's unclear if the contest was worked or what, but he was clearly getting signed and pushed in a big way whatever happened (and had actually been put on TV prior to winning.) Daga was clearly the golden boy of the moment, but had trouble taking the next step. AAA/Konnan was high on him because he works that sort of psuedo-MMA realistic style combined with lucha libre, termed Mexican Strong Style (which the AAA announcers hammer home every time he appears.) Daga got pulled into the Perros del Mal as Perro's protege, something they never really did much with, and has gotten start/stop pushes for the last few years, plus has been out with knee issues (and at least one absence where it seemed he just quit for personal reasons.) There seemed to be an internal division on how good he was - Konnan kept creating super rudo worker trios to put Daga in to create great midcard matches, and then others would just have him in filler rudo sides with the Perros. Really, as late as a couple years ago, AAA overall seemed much higher on Daga than Pentagon Jr., and now he's just another guy in the Perros del Mal. Daga can do showcase indie style matches, probably can more easily adapt to working with US wrestlers, has been good working with lucha highflyers and has some good highspots. His superman dive is underrated, IMO, and he should fit in very well with Lucha Underground. I think he would've been part of the first season if he didn't have a knee injury and maybe if he had a mask. (Like, maybe instead of Argenis.) Daga's biggest problem is his lack of color - he doesn't have a lot of charisma or show much emotion in wrestling, and his look and name (Dagger, a short deadly weapon for a short man) feel purposefully generic to fit into his MMA Bro personality. He's a guy who's not going to bring a lot of name value from his time in Mexico and would've benefited from a LU character design to give people something to latch in onto, so I was surprised when he just came from AAA with no obvious changes. On the other hand, I think he's going to get over in LU if he gets in the ring enough, enough so that he might be able to pick up some US indie bookings since he's under the name he owns and he wouldn't be able to do those with a LU name.
    2 points
  24. In 2016, Squirrel Girl is way higher up "the list" than Namor is.
    2 points
  25. Shit, but you were definetley squad leader. My tactical abilites consist of a sticky bomb on a car then go off radar.
    2 points
  26. I love the way Sami sells his molars.
    2 points
  27. Pretty soon the opening of Impact Wrestling will be the loudmouth from Storage Wars yelling YUUUUUUPPPPP
    2 points
  28. Dean (and his wife) told me before I got married basically "you won't remember what your life was like before being married" Dean told me before I had my son "you won't remember what your life was like before having kids" My wife and I still joke about how those are the two truest things we were ever told.
    2 points
  29. Yeah, those moments were few and far between. I definitely became a better sniper trying to compete, but I was no where in the league of the crew hawkeyes.
    2 points
  30. Being outshot by Stout and Melraz is something I do not miss.
    2 points
  31. Did anyone else shit their pants for that millisecond that Sami was literally on the top of his head during that sunset flip spot?
    2 points
  32. Yes they were on the Toronto show They were also on the Takeover show wearing full red tights. And that England Takeover show where they wore white trunks. Of course - Dash Wilder has a full head of hair So.... EDIT - Oh and I should mention that Gallows is around 6'8"
    2 points
  33. The best part is if that suit shrinks in the wash they can just give it to Aries.
    2 points
  34. Dean's character is growing on me too ... he dusts Jericho in a fit of rage, then remembers, "Oh yeah, I was doing a show" so he grabs his tie and does a cliche talk show send-off. You can almost hear him think to himself, "Nailed it."
    2 points
  35. Call this crazy, but long-term, the rash of injuries might have been a blessing in disguise.
    2 points
  36. "Nice place you've got here."
    2 points
  37. I'm like that fucker in the geico commercial, gotta be quicker than that!
    2 points
  38. Jason Kincaid may look a bit silly but he has one of the raddest movesets that you wish your No Mercy CAW had back in 2002.
    2 points
  39. I don't think his reality series "Crippler's Crib" is going to be picked up.
    2 points
  40. Jon being physically dead does not stop Ghost from becoming a Warg and going on the Westeros throat ripping world tour.
    1 point
  41. I can't believe I'm going to say this... I hope the Neutrinos are in it.
    1 point
  42. So AMC have a released a picture of a rather recognizable character from Preacher
    1 point
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