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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2014 in all areas

  1. Just photoshop Hogan's head onto Savage, so it looks like Hogan is posing with his waxwork. But also shop a world title belt onto the real Hulkster. And have waxwork Hulkster holding a bass guitar. EDIT: Brother. Here you go, brother.
    17 points
  2. Roddy, should this AJ discussion continue?
    10 points
  3. My God. What an awesome moment that would be if Kharma went all Brock Lesnar on champ Bayley. Hah. Champ Bayley.
    7 points
  4. In an alternate universe Bayley is the conquering hero and Lana brings in monster after monster like Aja Kong or Bull Nakano to try and destroy her.
    6 points
  5. Good thing he didn't get busted for pot.
    6 points
  6. Quick! Everyone look at this instead!
    6 points
  7. Sigh, or because she's attractive? Keyboard playaz up in this mug!
    6 points
  8. Everything everyone just fantasy booked in these last few posts is the best and deserves my money.
    5 points
  9. Hey, cut out the DVDVR bashing. If you don't like it you can amass a cult somewhere else.
    5 points
  10. So thats a whole other argument. Why didn't Elgin rep ROH? I understand the whole its an indy blah blah blah. On the other hand why would I spend money on said indy if the champ is disinterested? And I have no qualms with AJ protecting the IWGP belt. The whole argument is stupid to me. "Its just the indies who cares if you protect a championship the fans are in on it". Thats the most bass ackwords thinking and reasoning I have ever heard. Thats like Brad Pitt while promoting a film going "who gives a shit about the plot im in it and thats all you wanna see anyway". Just cuz wrestling is predetermined and more entertainment based doesnt mean that it can't hold some prestigious and should hold some pretigious. I was trying to stay out of this debate cuz I didn't want to leave a long winded rant plagued with sentence fragments but fuck it. A peacock has to fly.
    4 points
  11. Kamala, Botswana Beast, and Abdullah the Butcher in the same place at the same time? With all due respect to Demolition and the One Man Gang and the Faces of Pain, but that would have been the scariest KOT team ever.
    4 points
  12. I thought Law & Order: SVU was the one that covered crimes involving seamen?
    4 points
  13. Claiming NXT is anything but an unmitigated success has to be a joke. 1) They've already produced a lot of top-quality guys. Roman and Rollins spent some time in the early days of the current version. The Wyatts came to life in the Full Sail incarnation. Those guys are already quasi-main event guys and combined have been in a ridiculous amount of the best matches of the past two years. Say what you want about their booking now, but NXT developed those guys into main roster stars. Rusev's probably next at the main event level, too. Bo Dallas could get there, too. 2) They've given a lot of hope for a woman's division that isn't filled with partially-trained trash. Paige is great. Emma and Summer were relegated to comedy act stuff (which made sense, since their comedy match work in NXT was amazing), but both can really work. Charlotte and Bailey are on their way at some point and are also top notch. 3) The mid-card guys they've produced have all worked. Not everyone will be a huge star. That's just the nature of wrestling -- what 600 nerds in Florida like might not translate to a 20,000 seat arena and PPV audience. But they're all at least solid workers. The least impressive guy from NXT to get called up is Xavier Woods, but they're experimenting with him as a stable mouthpiece and, since he's a real-life PhD candidate, will get trotted out for newspaper articles and appearances. That PR stuff has a ton of value, too. 4) The only miss they've had is Adam Rose. And that's not even that bad of a whiff, since he fits a decent comedy slot and his entourage can give us things like Heath Slater and Titus chasing bunnies. 5) They're starting to figure out how to rebuild main event guys. Cesaro was sort of the first -- he got to have PPV caliber matches with Sami and Regal, and that no doubt helped him get some top card play for a bit. They've definitely done that with Tyson Kidd, who has become a magnificent bastard. 6) They also built something for nerds like us. NXT might not always have the best quality of matches, but it's at least always interesting. I love being able to watch these characters from and the workers figure it out. Bo Dallas went from being a DOA babyface into one of the most sublimely entertaining acts imaginable. I've gotten to see Bailey grow in confidence. Aiden English went from a jobber to an entertaining singing act into one hell of a tag worker. Tyler Breeze went from comedy heel into a great sneaky piece of shit (with his own theme song) and has poor man's Shawn Michaels potential. 7) NXT is also just fun. It's good, simple storylines filled with really great characters. The crowd is awesome -- it's like a mix of Chikara and ECW in the best ways possible. They have really funny chants ("Bailey's Gonna Hug You") and shut down stuff like CM Punk or Leo Kruger chants. It's my favorite thing in wrestling. I'm really positive about the WWE in general, but NXT is the most fun to watch, and it's not even a debate. I love that HHH sees this as a new WCW type of thing. I've never seen Kenta or Steen and whoever else. I'm so excited to see it continue.
    4 points
    3 points
  15. Come on guys, only post stuff that appeals to Rovert's higher form of message board discussion. His opinions are unrefutible facts after all, and I eagerly thank him for saving us unwashed masses.
    3 points
  16. Hitting kids with carrots never helps, I agree.
    3 points
  17. I think they'll be releasing that tomorrow, Matt. I hear it's 2 hrs and 46 minutes of scissor holds.
    2 points
  18. Is there any KENTA vs 1950s Verne Gagne? I'd be all over that.
    2 points
  19. I would suggest anything in which KENTA goes against Takayama. Their singles are short, so those who aren't puronerds don't have suffer long. They bring lots of hate too. AND I think it'll give everyone a teaser for what to expect when KENTA goes up against larger wrestlers in the WWE. He's one of those guys that isn't big, but acts like 10 feet tall and made of adamantium. I think he's got a shot at a decent career in the states, and I haven't been this excited about a wrestler making it since Daniel Bryan, and it might even be more so.
    2 points
  20. I don't have enough likes to show how incredible that Terry Funk headline is.
    2 points
  21. RG3 apparently doesn't need surgery. He was quoted as saying "He was watching over me." Religious people drive me up the fucking wall. Yes Robert, He wasn't watching over women and children getting beaten or the multitudes of players sustaining career shortening concussions yesterday and every week, He was just watching over one overrated player who can't even run without hurting himself. SMFH.
    2 points
  22. "Someone likes something different than me? This is the internet, so that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!"
    2 points
  23. Does that end with Bayley bringing in her friend Kharma to end Lana once and for all?
    2 points
  24. Just photoshop Hogan's head onto Savage, so it looks like Hogan is posing with his waxwork. But also shop a world title belt onto the real Hulkster. And have waxwork Hulkster holding a bass guitar. EDIT: Brother.
    2 points
  25. Football can die in a fire for all I care
    2 points
  26. There's a place in the middle where you're just a parent. Not a buddy and not physical threat.
    2 points
  27. Hello, kid. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. On the outside, you’ve got a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of: ‘God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.’
    2 points
  28. For those keeping score at home one point goes to Rovert for using malarkey in his reply. We need more posters to use great words like malarkey........and cat pictures, Pete we need more cat pictures.
    2 points
  29. whoever said Taker is turning into Mike off Breaking Bad a while ago was spot on
    2 points
  30. I don't think I've seen an episode of any TGIF show (wait...was Family Matters one? I used to watch syndicated eps of that sometimes), mainly because Friday nights in the early 90s were Brisco County Jr and The X Files for me.
    2 points
  31. If the NWO never happens, then neither does WCW becoming a juggernaut from 1996-1999, and we don't get the WWF taking as many chances and rolling the dice on Austin, anti-USA Bret, Foley, Shawn/HHH together as DX, The Rock's heel turn, amongst a host of other things. No Montreal, no Mr. McMahon... I mean, we could really go crazy with the Butterfly Effect type stuff here (which might actually be a really fun thread to make at some point). So with that in mind, I think it certainly wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to say that Hogan may have gone back to the WWF after the needle stops moving, and the heat from the steroid trial dies down. Had Hogan stayed in WCW without the NWO happening, then I think we would have gotten booking that looked like a hybrid of pre-NWO era Nitro, and like, summer of 1999 where you have babyface Hogan teaming with Sting and Goldberg against Flair, Sid and Steiner, and of course that crappy Nash feud (that, really, could have and should have been so, so much more). I hope this doesn't offend you, but I want to ask: how old are you? I'm like 27 now, so at the time, my friends and I (who, to that point, were total WWF New Generation kids) thought that Razor and Diesel (the guys from "our team" were the babyfaces, and thus, Hogan's "cool" factor really, really shot up with us. Watching it in retrospect, it's easy to see how corny and, as Nash said in a shoot, how "wrestling" it is, but we loved it. I'm 36. I was in college when the nWo debuted. I started my (ugh) online fandom via Prodigy when I was a teenager and went to ECW in person so I was at my most smarky at the time period. I liked the first stuff with Hall and Nash doing bat attacks and spray paint but Hogan got so stale so fast, with his awful evil laugh and the like. The nWo were supposed to be the coolest guys in the room and here's Hogan with his dumb look and trunks with lightning bolts on them talking about his nWo-ites bowing at his feet and the like really didn't fit. Mind you, I wasn't a Hulkamaniac even in grade school and always leaned towards rooting for heels. I also liked NWA/WCW more (despite living outside NYC), so Hogan coming in and seeing Flair and Arn and those guys get pushed aside and Hogan and the Booty Man and the awful Dungeon of Doom nonsense was really sickening to me. So, I never liked Hogan. I never will. He's always bored me to tears and/or aggravated me.
    2 points
  32. An anti-New York bias from ESPN? You have GOT to be kidding.
    2 points
  33. Who wants to bet me that Phillip Rivers will have another kid born nine months from today, give or take one week?
    2 points
  34. Luke Harper was wearing an eye patch for some reason this weekend: Should wear it full time. AND THEY SHOULD NEVER EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS EYE
    2 points
  35. Oh, so you're married?
    2 points
  36. I may be a bit prejudiced because it was one of a small handful of movies that my grandpa made me go see with him. It was rare, but every now and then the old man would show up and be like "Gleason has a new movie. The boy has to go see it with me." I was his excuse whenever he saw a movie commercial for something that got his attention. So, the ride home was my grandpa doing a Gleason impression and making fun of everyone he saw while driving around in his mammoth Buick Regal. This also happened with THE STING 2, and among non Gleason movies GHOSTBUSTERS ("I don't know what this ghost shit is about, but the boy has to go see it with me." and PALE RIDER ("Eastwood's got some new movie out. The boy has to go see it with me.") GHOSTBUSTERS in particular led to some moments of him driving past someone and yelling "Hey, that man has no dick! And that guy...he's got no dick!" It was also the first time I can remember cussing around an adult without getting in trouble. "Hey grampa...that guys dickless too, right?" "You got it, boy! No dick! Let's go get some fried fish!" It was a great day.
    2 points
  37. Three weeks ago I joined the Dad ranks. Meet Simon Lucas
    2 points
  38. 1 point
  39. About 15 minutes later, both of these were deleted and he tweeted: Larry Bird later said Paul George was told in those 15 minutes what a massively stupid idea it was to tweet the above. Why does he feel the need to capitalze the word "victims?" He's adding a line of demarcation that still allows him to hold the bullshit position that there are some situations where striking a woman is appropriate behavior. He needs to have a chat with Andre Rison. Some women will set your shit on fire if you push them too far. Because there's an unsuprisingly large amount of people that think that Rice was in the right, the mob is wrong, and that because Janay married him right after and is defending him, that it makes it all ok and that she "forgives him and moved on". I say unsuprisingly, because there's a large amount of people that went to University in State College PA that believe that covering up rape to avoid damaging the rep of a Football Team is acceptable. And that a large section of our population are still backwards fucks that think women are inferior to men in every way and should not be treated equally.
    1 point
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