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7 points
I'm going on a limb but that guy probably lurks the board. And now you all made him cry.6 points
A. She shouldn't even have to come back to class again for the semester.In similar news I was teaching a match lesson the other day, and tried to see how over Daniel Bryan was. We were doing functions, and I wrote a graph on the board and told the kids to tell me if it was a function or not. I said write it on your dry erase board, Yes or No. So when the majority of them wrote yes, I started doing the yes chant softly with the arms. A few caught on to it. I will make it mainstream soon. Shit I got a kid in public school.4 points
I can almost hear Tenay in my head. "We know who that is... Goddamnit."4 points
3 points
3 points
"More people may watch WWE, but then again, more people like Myley Cyrus than Emmylou Harris. These men are by gawd ath-a-letes, not sports entertainers!" If it's so wrong to wanna see angry, bitter J.R. treat Impact like a two-hour YouShoot against Vince and the WWE, I don't wanna be right.3 points
3 points
per Deadspin, a WWE-themed Fantasy Football Draft. http://deadspin.com/wwf-themed-fantasy-football-draft-features-impressive-c-1301138783?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow Jake the Snake is pretty great.3 points
A. She shouldn't even have to come back to class again for the semester. In similar news I was teaching a match lesson the other day, and tried to see how over Daniel Bryan was. We were doing functions, and I wrote a graph on the board and told the kids to tell me if it was a function or not. I said write it on your dry erase board, Yes or No. So when the majority of them wrote yes, I started doing the yes chant softly with the arms. A few caught on to it. I will make it mainstream soon.3 points
If she keeps winning the title, she'll end up looking like Victor Zsasz.3 points
Triple H vs Chris Jericho -Last Man Standing Match Fully Loaded 2000. Man I hate Last Man Standing matches. The concept is great in terms of everything but the finish. I've never seen an LMS match end without being somewhat deflating because they big spot finish is great but the ten count kills the crowd. And normally these matches devalue every finisher because they use multiple as near falls. Anyway the story to this match is that Jericho is the cocky upstart taking on the big dog. The feud is built around Jericho kissing Stephanie, then ruining a bunch of Hunter's proper rivalries by costing him matches. He also gets Hunter stinkfaced! Yes! Anyway Hunter asks for Jericho, then he and DX beat the shit out of him, and give him the sledgehammer to the gut. This means that Jericho has the "internal injuries" gimmick going on, including the mythical "bandages around the midsection". Early on, that's the story of the match, obviously. They brawl into the crowd, with Jericho perhaps unreasonably holding his own in that situation. It's amazing the difference between Jericho and Hunter in everything. Jericho looks a rung beneath Hunter in everything, slower and looser and just less threatening. At the time, 14 year old me wanted a Jericho title run as much as the next guy. Looking back on this, and a few other related videos, it's clear why that didn't happen. He just doesn't feel like a star, the way Ziggler doesn't. Anyway Hunter eventually cuts him off and there's an extended heat section mostly based around Jericho being pugnacious and gutsy and Hunter beating the shit out of him. One of the reasons I think I liked Hunter so much back in the day, is that his offence was based around his own body part rather than his opponents. I wasn't watching the pro wres critically back then, but I was always a big fan of the knee attacked Hunter did. The running knee, knee smash, dropping the knee on a downed opponent etc was different and stood out. It helped that he was so crisp with the timing too. This heat segment is pretty great, Hunter is kneeing(~!) him in the gut over and over, then hooks in a pretty neat abdominal stretch that twists somewhat in the wrong direction and yet still looks worse. Jericho gets more or less nothing in here. Hunter gets a sleeper on Jericho, which is great because he hooks in a body scissors and basically engulfs Jericho's tiny frame with it. It's like the giant squid alien thing in Prometheus. Jericho gets up from the resulting ten count, gets a flurry, then hits the Lionsault onto Hunter's knees(~!). He gets up again and starts calling Hunter out, not fighting back just getting beaten down. I believe this is what you creepy Japan watchers call fighting spirit? This leads into a good old fashioned American Pedigree. At this point in the match, Hunter is doing a great job playing the dominant veteran. He grinds Jericho down, kisses the old lady a few times, sits back and watches the count. After the Pedigree he lays along the top rope like Michaels used to, and watches the count. Jericho starts getting up around 8ish and Hunter gets mad and goes outside for a chair. This is where the match picks up the pace and really gets going. Unfortunately it's also where Jericho starts getting offence in. After another count Jericho finally gets the momentum and really if this was anyone less bumpy than Hunter, it would look gash. He throws one neat charshot leading to a standard crimson mask for Hunter then starts doing his spots, notably the bulldog that implies that his one handed shove can force a 260lb man into a chair face first. He gets the LIontamer on, which quite frankly looks like a quad popper at this point because Hunter is about four times Jericho's height. Maybe a lift fell out? Hunter sells it like death, getting to the ropes and then climbing to the second... which surely increases the pressure on his back? Anwyay Jericho pulls him in again and JR says something about the mean streak Jericho has always needed. Steph hits him to break the hold and gets a Liontamer of her own. Jericho has basically turned the tide at this moment and to be fair both guys are doing that part of the story really well. Jericho comes off as fighty and tough, Hunter comes off as a guy struggling to hold on and a little bit underprepared for the amount of fight Jericho has brought. Man I love Hunter's punches. I know you guys like the real ones, but Hunter does these cool downward "precise" ones that look badass. The end basically comes as Jericho is on top. He sling shots Hunter into the ring post on the mat, gets the sledge and hits him in the gut because turnabout as we know is fairplay. Hunter ends up on the table, Jericho sets up for a Lionsault from the wall to Hunter on the announce table, Hunter low blows him, then backdrops him through the table. Hunter pops up at 9 1/4, then falls at 10 and wins. I feel like most of what was good in this match was Hunter. It's by no means a showcase for him, or the match I'd put as the best example of Triple H's 2000 being great, but it's a pretty good showing for him. The story of the match is really well done. Jericho, shitty moves aside, is really good as the upstart babyface trying to prove himself, and the switch in the match, pretty much exactly half way through, works well with both guys. Arrogance costs Hunter what was looking like a routine win for him, but Jericho's cockiness lets Hunter back into it periodically, and also results in the finish too. It's a pretty great elevator match for Jericho, moving him up from Eddie, Road Dogg and Chyna etc in the midcard. Hunter definitely does most of the work here, and really gives Jericho a lot considering he didn't rate him, at all.3 points
Young Bobby Heenan The Fabulous Kangaroos. Pro wrestling is sharp dressed guys with boomerangs. "Exotic" Adrian Street "Superstar" Billy Graham3 points
2 points
"More people may watch WWE, but then again, more people like Myley Cyrus than Emmylou Harris. These men are by gawd ath-a-letes, not sports entertainers!" If it's so wrong to wanna see angry, bitter J.R. treat Impact like a two-hour YouShoot against Vince and the WWE, I don't wanna be right. Only if this is how he debuts: Who would be Dr. Death's replacement in TNA? How did they do that? I remember them bringing lumber, cicular saws, and hammers out during one segment. They then unveiled the completed table in the next segment. This was all done in about 10, or 15 minutes. This makes me want to see a Secrets of Carpentry EXPOSED! special with Mike Holmes in the Harley role2 points
2 points
I didn't really get Meltzer's point about AJ being such a mark when he's such pals with Bret Hart, the King of All Marks for Himself. He was making fun of AJ for being so excited to hold a title held by such "greats" as Kelly Kelly, but it's the only title AJ can win. She can't help it if the booking's been crap. It was just a little too condescending for no real good reason.2 points
2 points
I am thinking too much about that Hip Hop movie because at first glance, the title of that JK Rowling dealie looked like Fantastic Beats and Where To Find Them. I was like, "Get the fuck outta here!"2 points
2 points
Love Johnson running in with a full head of steam only to immediately put the brakes on and put his dick back in his pants as soon as the Marlin cavalry shows up.2 points
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2 points
Don't look for anymore leaked videos guys. This guy is getting revenge by posting story spoilers now.2 points
2 points
The SportsCenter twitter says Da Sanchize will likely get surgery that'll end his season. He'll need a place to coalesce, Burgundy. And some cockapoopy paper to write his hate mail to Rex Ryan.2 points
2 points
Better Call Saul aka "Vince Gilligan Trying His Damndest to Get Giancarlo Esposito That Emmy He Should Have Gotten in 2012".2 points
2 points
2 points
I was pretty amused that they brought out Tony Chimel to do Edge's entrance and do that weird thing he does when he announces Rated R Superstar. I think he even went out of his way to exaggerate it and Edge almost cracks up when it's announced.2 points
2 points
2 points
1 point
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1 point
None of the guys in the new class could touch the charisma of Zach Morris let alone the moves of AC Slater. The girls they brought in were pretty attractive though.1 point
That sounds like me. Popsicles, trips to Dollar Tree? Yay! *pushes parental figure into dubious work*1 point
1 point
1 point
Oddly enough what I remember most about Wrestlemania 17 is Kane, Raven, and Big Show chasing eachother on golf carts during the Hardcore Title match. Raven later mentioned in a shoot interview that when he wrecked his cart it came within inches of taking out one of the main power cables of the arena.1 point
1 point
Just cos it comes up a lot, I searched wrestling + cocaine, and somewhere down the page - just after a Disco Inferno pic I wouldn't inflict on the board - there was this...1 point
Aren't most people in wrestling marks though? I mean, Shawn Michaels is a big mark. Didn't stop him from being a great performer. I don't think there's a video of Shawn Michaels meeting Lita & breaking down into tears or getting his title wins tattooed on his body but whatever. That video of AJ meeting Lita, which feels like it was from about three years ago, is precisely what killed AJ in my head. I just don't get it. I'm not into her, can't suspend disbelief in any way, she just doesn't do it for me. Not a woman-hater here. Perhaps its a function of my age, as I'm 40 now. But to me, AJ is that 12-yr old girl who was crying because she met Lita at the aut contograph signing.1 point
I have no problems with the Miz on any show because I change the channel when he comes on.1 point
Super impressive how growing out his beard makes him look like every Jewish mother's dream for her daughter. My sweet romantic teenage years were spent attempting to date/dating Jewish girls into pop-punk. It was great. I grew up as a total nerd (duh) in an Irish-Catholic neighborhood where people had jobs like "teacher" or "housewife" or "fire fighter." It was also very much a jock neighborhood. The handful of us who were into comics and wrestling eventually got into punk rock. The Jewish girls we hung out with got to piss off their parents by dating us because of the unique sociology of my hometown, we were considered "bad boys." We met these girls in things like SAT prep classes and debate club. My favorite ex-girlfriend was Natalie. I ruined things one summer because I thought I was too cool for school. But she forgave me because she was awesome. We both liked each other for a really long time but could never get the timing right -- I was away at college or she was living with her mom in England or etc. On my Top 5 High Fidelity list, she ranks as number 2, right behind the first girl I ever was in love with. She should actually be number one because I have a lot of hate in my heart for the girl who ranks as number one and have nothing but fond memories over Natalie. I ended up trying to reconvene with her a good five years or so after our relationship faded away. It ended up with one of the truly great embarrassing moments of my life, when I gave her dad a mix tape and letter to hand to her. There's no way that didn't end up right in the trash. Anyways, Facebook now indicates that she's now married to a Jewish doctor who looks a ridiculous amount like the dude CM Punk beat up on Monday.1 point
1 point
Why does everyone want Hank dead? Hank is fucking awesome and has been awesome throughout the entire series. He's a true badass. Sure he's a scumbag DEA agent but fuck.. who ISN'T a scumbag on this show? I'd be happy if Hank killed every last one of them... but... I think Gomie dies and I DO think Hank dies in this also. I can see why people would think it was a fake out but I don't know.. I still think this comes down to Walt vs. Jesse which leaves Hank dead... Intense shit. Incredible fucking television.1 point
If feels are evil, then I don't want to be good. Aaaaaaand, on a somewhat related note:1 point
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