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I do believe we have our first openly gay WWE superstar ever: Darren Young. Good on ya, Darren! http://www.tmz.com/2013/08/15/darren-young-wwe-superstar-gay/12 points
That TOTALLY fits his gimmick. He didn't say how many kids he has after all... that could just be from this weekend's mandatory visitation.9 points
The key word is "openly". Pat Patterson was well-known backstage to be gay, and on the internet, but was never "openly" out there. Right, that's why Jim Ross said stuff like. "And he's single, fellas!" Still...that's not really "openly" gay. Especially in light of wrestling's history of denigrating heels as homosexual (I mean, Goldust turned face by revealing he wasn't "queer"!), Ross insinuating that Patterson, a heel, is gay, isn't really declaring someone as openly gay. I mean, you could use this same line of reasoning to say that John Cena was openly gay because The Rock said as much. Or how many heels John Cena has suggested are gay. Also, to people saying "So what?", "It's not a big deal", etc. etc. It IS a big deal. It certainly is STILL a big deal. Hopefully, one day, it won't be. Hopefully one day there will just bs some people who are straight, some who are gay etc. etc. But you need only to look at the upcoming Olympics in Russia to see that, yeah, it IS still a big deal to come out as openly gay. And hopefully Young isn't punished for this. And hopefully Young has the courage to stand up and go "Yeah, so what?" And, hopefully, in the not too distant future, media won't have to ask wrestlers, athletes, celebrities and the like this question, because it isn't a question anymore and people are just gay like other people are not gay, and it's no big deal. But, yeah, at this moment in time, this is a big deal. Nice work, Darren!9 points
Wait one second. This is PG WWE/F we're talking about. He's the first openly "Bizarre" superstar in the WWE. Nope.6 points
I actually hope they don't make his character gay because it's pigeonholing the guy. IE Neal Patrick Harris is gay but he plays straight characters and gay characters. Just because a wrestler is gay doesn't mean his character suddenly has to come out too.5 points
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Good on Darren Young. More tolerance and acceptance of others makes for a better world.4 points
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What I hope happens from this: PTP are turned face, and pushed as 2 friends with no damn flamboyant awkward Rico/Haas stuff. Just two guys who are friends with the sexuality difference not being a factor. If they Rawhide Kid this I'll punch something.4 points
"I got ups! WAKKA WAKKA WAKKA"I like that he's doing the old Steve Martin arrow through the head bit.4 points
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To people saying NBD because of Pat Patterson...he was winkingly acknowledged as being gay in the most sneering, condescending, gay-panicky ways possible. Sure, he had backstage power and wasn't held back on the basis of his sexuality, but guys like Jim Ross went out of their way to make sure everyone knew it was Not Okay. See also: Goldust, Billy and Chuck, the Rock implying every opponent he ever faced was a nancyboy. If they handle the DY thing right, it will be a big deal. As for what they should do, I'd say acknowledge it in passing and then move on. If they have to turn it into a story, the best bet really might be to turn them face by having some obnoxious heel (any of 3MB would work) pull out one of good ol' JR's shitty lines and letting Titus beat the ever-loving shit out of the guy and ask if anybody else has a problem with his partner. Biggest actual Be A Star move they can pull off.3 points
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Thanks to everyone for the kinds words. Actually had a mini-meltdown yesterday at work when a girl made a "your mother" joke for no reason. Everything hit me like a ton of bricks, but I called my mother and got a lot of shit off my plate. Cathartic.3 points
@RebySky: This wkend: Ric Flair accidentally walks into girls locker room & quickly closes the door, reopens & yells WOOO ! Then quickly closes again3 points
Ugh, that reminds me of that awful sitcom with Harry Anderson playing someone who was supposed to be Dave Berry.2 points
Yeah, I hated Super 8. I didn't see the logic of the kids trying to help an alien whose mission in the film was to secure enough human beings to serve as a daily source of protein and iron for its diet while heading back to its home planet. The whole "It's as frightened of us as we are of it," bullshit didn't keep it from stalking and trapping townsfolk to use as human lunchables. Scared of us, my ass. I could not fathom the depth of sympathy this alien generated with the kids. It was fucking eating the people that lived in their town. We were cattle to that goddamned spider critter. It did not need to be communicated with or reasoned with or understood; it needed to be set on fire. I don't care how much you hate the town drunk, the asshole bully on your bus that takes your lunch money, or the strict dad on the corner that doesn't like you hanging around his daughter. They don't deserve to be eaten alive by a giant spider alien. Maybe the mysterious US government folks the movie tries its best to demonize were in the right when they wanted to dissect that thing like a frog in science class? And the ending? Holy shit. You've got ET Go Home triumphant symphony music playing while the alien is delivering the final Fuck You to humanity by setting off tank shells and making the town explode. Fuck that alien and fuck that movie. We shoulda fired every nuke we had at those assholes as they left orbit. You don't try to make The Day The Earth Stood Still with The Thing From Another World or the Ymir from Twenty Million Miles to Earth.2 points
Or they can go the route of remembering that wrestlers play characters and he can keep chanting MILLIONS OF DOLLARS I haven't exactly been chomping at the bit for them to justify why the rapey fire demon is a Libertarian.2 points
The seeds may already be in motion for that. Titus just posted this:I'm VERY PROUD of @DarrenYoungWWE He's been like Family 2Me&My Kids And that won't Change! #ImInFullSupportOfDarren Dude, Titus is like 6'6" and that kid on the right who looks about 9 is up to his armpit. Forget the FCW roster, sign HIM.2 points
This is going to be a cross genre, possibly convoluted comparison, but I think the same thing that happened with Puroresu happened with rap after 2pac and Biggie died. Instead of trying to find new unique talents that brought something new to the table, they decided to try to fill the vacuum with imposters and substitutes. They should have been looking for young guys who are talented, fundamentally sound, and unique. Instead they watched 90s NJPW Jrs. and AJPW Heavyweights and focused on the flashy dives and suplexes and missed everything that held them together and made them special. So they basically shaved a couple guys heads, put bandanas on them and just assumed it would work. Thankfully, it seems like there are some guys are beginning to see that the most important parts of wrestling are the parts that are unseen. Sometimes taking an extra second or two to sell the last suplex makes the next suplex mean more. Doing a moonsault after being in a figure four looks good, but makes no sense based on the story being told in the ring. Hip-hop suffered from believing that people liked 2pac and Biggie because they were thugs or ballers, and not because they were extremely charismatic, talented songwriters who could make good music. Puroresu suffered from thinking that people watched because they were flipping out of the ring and dropping each other on their heads instead of the fact that they had wrestlers who did everything to tell a compelling story in the ring. Hopefully that makes some sense to someone other than me.2 points
I don't see why they can't keep the Prime Time Players together with them swimming in a sea of women AND men. That's even more awesome.2 points
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Somewhere, Orlando Jordan is throwing things, saying this should be his spot.2 points
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I haven't watched this movie in eons, but it turns out the original PIRANHA is really packed with awesome character actors. Just a huge amount of history there. They pop up and disappear at a startling rate. I'm guessing this is a Joe Dante thing. To the drugged out "turned on" hippies of the 1978 drive-ins they were just a bunch of funny-looking "geezers" and "narcs" and "squares." But if you look past that you see deep careers that stretch back across a century. So, here is the first installment in a series I'd like to call "AWESOME ACTORS HIDDEN IN THE CAST OF PIRANHA" (Also why does everyone in the movie pronounce it "Piranya"?) Installment #1 Richard Deacon. Barely minutes in and we get a 1 minute scene with this wonderfully awesome looking dude. Here he is in his cameo scene from PIRANHA: How do you not love a face like that? His voice is massively familiar-sounding if you see the movie. And it turns out for good reason. He was part of Jack Benny's old radio crew who made the transition to t.v.. Here he is as a salesman in an excerpt from one of the greatest comedy bits of all time, where Jack Benny drives Mel Blanc insane buying a christmas present. He's one of those guys who spent his life playing one part..uptight salesman, business man, doctor, beureaucrat and mean boss on everything from THE MUNSTERS (and THE ADAMS FAMILY) to GET SMART, BURNS AND ALLEN, THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES, THE LOVE BOAT...all the way up to his final role in GROWING PAINS as "mean ticket seller" which I assumed meant he caught Mike Seaver and Boner trying to sneak into a R-rated movie...until I looked it up to find that it was the alternate title of a B-movie originally called BAD MANNERS and starring a teenaged Pamela Adlon [aka the hottest woman on earth as of this writng or so] from LOUIE). In the process of all this he ran with some of the greatest comedians of all time (Benny, George Burns, Lucille Ball, Dick van Dyke, Red Skelton, Bob Hope, Jackie Gleason, Phyllis Diller, ....) and was a regular part of a number of important comedy "cliques" in the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s. Some comedy nerds will remember him best from is recurring role as essentially the Ted Baxter/Dan Fielding of THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUnO__-Onzo Or as the mean neighbor Fred Rutherford on LEAVE IT TO BEAVER. But most awesomely, Richard Deacon was a regular panel member on all the best game shows of the 70s: $10,000 PYRAMID: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aadYDIsB17o MATCH GAME '77: not to mention HOLLYWOOD SQUARES. As a kid, he was stricken with Polio and almost lost the use of his legs. He rehabbed by taking dancing lessons and ended up trading lines with Bob Barker, Nipsy Russell, and Rip Taylor. This automatically makes him 1000x cooler than hippie icon James Franco who will never be on any of those. So FUCK YOU, JAMES FRANCO! This man: > James Franco (Yes, that is Richard Deacon clowning around with Mary Tyler Moore)2 points
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But we love you! I'm more of a well-wisher, in that I don't wish him any specific harm.2 points
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em0dVXX51kw I think this is probably my favorite angle of all time. Jake is SOOOO amazing at this time. He comes across as so crazed and sadistic yet totally in control of everything. The camera guys did a great job here conveying the chaos of what's going in the ring. Elizabeth and Piper on the outside losing their minds. Just perfect.1 point
I agree that The Grandmaster looks unbelievable and I am definitely looking forward to it. I just think that it is odd that the marketing for most modern wushu epics makes it seem like that particular movie is the first time that particular story was ever told. It's also kinda funny when you think about sequence. Fearless becomes unofficial the prequel to Fist of Fury or Fist of Legend and Iron Monkey becomes the prequel to every movie made featuring Wong Fei Hung as an adult.1 point
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Just do what they did with the The Todd for that one episode of Scrubs...1 point
The idea that Ziggler doesn't need the WWE and can be a movie star is the weirdest comment I've seen on these forums since the time someone said Laycool were at the level of Flair/Arn at their peak.1 point
It's Cooper Black, which would be one of the greatest wrestling names ever. A big rawboned fellow with hands like legs of lamb. Cooper Black would always be up for some good clobbering.http://www.bluecotton.com/visual-history-cooper-black1 point
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You have to do that at summer camp, guys. Especially if a lot of kids are into Pac-Man.1 point
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I love good punches. It's such a simple move - punch a guy in the face - and yet it's so difficult to get right. Some guys should never punch ever. That being said, good punches don't make the wrestler or the match, but I like seeing good execution - that has a value with me. If a wrestler isn't good at executing something they shouldn't do it, but there's exceptions within context. Cena's hurricanrana worked for me because within the context of the match he was trying something he'd never done before to beat a tough opponent. If it was a consistent part of his arsenal like Dragon Kid and his huricanranas, I'd expect better, but for a one off it worked. HOWEVER, Cena's STF is a whole other story.1 point
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@KaitlynWWE: SMACKDOWN is in my home town tonight. Title match. It's my house, my rules, AJ. #PrisonRules @WWEAJLee: @KaitlynWWE Prison rules? Promise?1 point
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