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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2013 in all areas

  1. Y'know what I was thinking after that really great promo where Cena brought the intensity and invoked Make-A-Wish, just the thing to drive his fans wild, and Bryan brought the intensity and invoked Japanese wrestling, just the thing to drive HIS fans wild, and Cena slapped Bryan and Bryan refused to slap Cena back and that sleepy Sacramento crowd had finally been woken up and was going nuts? I was thinking "I hope HHH comes out. That's what this needs."
    11 points
  2. I was hoping Mark Henry would stand on the steps, pick up the ring, and dump the other 19 guys out.
    6 points
  3. Tenryu punched him so hard he turned him into Akiyama.
    4 points
  4. Season 2 will be the way that the WWE introduces Mike Bennett and Maria (well reintroduce Maria). INSTANT HEAT~! I will now spend the rest of my night reflecting on the fact that I just was fantasy booking Total Divas
    3 points
  5. Or, you know...have Punk get his skinny fat ass kicked terribly and actually be humbled and act like a fucking human being that needs to overcome adversity instead of an entitled twat Godmode sue that acts like he's above it all and easily dismisses every opponent and cuts promos where he calls himself "the best" 50 times. It's a character growth moment. Of course, since he got the upperhand right before the ppv, I'm pretty sure Brock's gonna snap his arm with a kimura.
    3 points
  6. I would have aced the post-video test if we got to watch Demolition Man in class. "Ooh! I wonder if I can play the accordion too!"
    3 points
  7. Everyone is sleeping on JBL comparing Khali/Natalya to the Missing Link and Dark Journey.
    3 points
  8. Let's wrap this whole thread in a neat little bow and declare now that whoever wins the March Madness pool gets a Ribera replica jacket.
    3 points
  9. But it means we get to see him start a match with headlock take downs and monkeyflips while JBL says something like "John Cena can wrestle when he wants to, Michael." Shit he may even do a missile dropkick if we're lucky.
    3 points
  10. 2 years ago, nearly everytime I embedded a video of WWE guy the video would get pulled at their request in 48 hrs. Just long enough to cast a vote. So I figured someone was participating and then after a poll would close they'd act like they were doing their job.Oh how I wish the'd pull people posting recordings of their WWE video game matches instead. That shit is the running for most annoying part of March Madness. So many fucking video game matches.
    3 points
  11. Man, my kahagas are sweating like crazy
    2 points
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPxXcQ77DDM Big Sean feat. Kendrick Lamar and Jay Electronica - Control (HOF) The first verse is the best Big Sean verse I recall, but you can skip to 3:00 and get to Kendrick. This is the song of the day. I've heard people who don't think Kendrick dropped one of the greatest verses in rap history, but I think he did. And I think it's a calculated step to get people to actually, you know, try. I adore the verse and I eagerly await the responses; far more than the current trends, hiphop is about battle.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Wrestling: You can work as hard as you want, but you'll never get past a certain point without fortunate genetics or friends in the right places.
    2 points
  15. I love that one of the tags is for Tina Turner. Now I gotta go listen to the Thunderdome song.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. My guess would be Magneto. He did have the line about Stryker being the only other man he met who could manipulate Adamantium like him. Oh how I'd love to see this on the big screen
    2 points
  18. When I was twelve, the WWF had the likes of Sparky Plugg, Doink the Clown, Tatanka, and King Mable. I don't want it to go back to that.
    2 points
  19. Oh, and HHH's heel turn is so being telegraphed his Maddox Pedigree should've been sponsored by Western Union. Just stay the fuck out of my main event McMahons. Jesus. The two of them are doing fine as "faces who don't respect each other" (Randy's oncoming heel turn is enough overbooking). As it is, the finish is 100% going to be: Bryan has the match won, HHH pedigrees the fuck out of him, drags Cena's lifeless corpse over, 1, 2, 3. "I hear voices", RKO, kickout at 2, Pedigree & RKO, 1, 2, 3. New corporate champ. Yuck.
    2 points
  20. For whatever reason when I look at the thread title I keep expecting scholarly wrestling conversations to be taking place. Where's mookieghana* when you need him? *The Jess Nevins of wrestling!
    2 points
  21. Wrestling will never be like it was when you were twelve. Get over it. /thread.
    2 points
  22. Whenever I think about what they should do next booking wise, my answer is always "they should make a faction!" it's what I thought they should do with Punk/Lesnar/Shield at Mania. It's what I think they should have done with Ziggler finally cashing in before that (with Flair turning on Miz, etc). I kind of think they should do that with Orton/Shield now (playing up the fact that the Shield wanted "justice" right up until they ended up in the suits as the new Vince-backed Evolution). I'm not sure what this says about me. I think it's that i grew up with the Dangerous Alliance or something.
    2 points
  23. I wonder what they settled on. Or if the fact that they scheduled a PPV was enough to satisfy Alvarez. Regardless, it's still extremely shitty that the dispute happened in the first place.
    2 points
  24. Not to bring up an old topic but I just wanted to point out what an enormous MARK Tommaso Ciampa is for watching a wrestling show that's not his own and enjoying it:
    2 points
  25. 2 points
  26. I'm so glad WWE added Triple H as guest ref for Cena-Bryan. I was getting so excited for that match that I was actually considering shelling out the money to order the PPV. Triple H's addition assures that I will be more than content watching a decent-to-shitty stream online.
    2 points
  27. Forgive me a brief aside: How could WWE put out their Attitude era set and not include a montage or some other retrospective on all the instances of Jacqueline's titties popping out by "accident?" Missed. Opportunity.
    2 points
  28. As for positive old-school wrasslin' game memories: Going to my cousin's house and playing (IIRC) RAW for SEGA Genesis and FINALLY beating the WWF Championship Tournament mode. Making up ridiculous move names in the first Smackdown. My best friend talking another friend into buying an N64 solely for WrestleMania 2000, and it being totally worth it (for us at least). No Mercy. Seeing my friends go from super excited for ATTITUDE to completely mortified when they discovered it was just a shitty "update" to WAR ZONE. I still remember the collective "WTF?" reaction when the two had a match, only for Vince to pop up on the TitanTron and reverse the decision for no reason whatsoever.
    2 points
  29. I was watching the "Panty Raid" edition of REVENGE OF THE NERDS after finally getting around to digging it out of the $5 bin at Wal-Mart, and aside from seeing that the movie holds up better than I thought it would and that it's dirtier than I had remembered, there were a couple bits from the director & cast commentary track that I found interesting: Curtis Armstrong didn't like some of the dirtier things he had to say, and apologized profusely to the college girls he had to grope during the party scene. A lot of the movie was improvised, including the Booger-Takashi card games and Pointdexter's fight with the cleaning robot. There was a subclot that got cut where Stan had a "secret nerd brother". The studio insisted that the movie be screened in the south before it was released, because they were worried about how the end with the black frat brothers backing down the white football team would be received there. Anybody else pick up some interesting stuff from commentary tracks? I'm always interested in where ideas came from and stuff that got cut out. Like in the box set/special edition for the first NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, Wes Craven talks about getting the basic idea after reading, months apart, two stories in the LA Times about Vietnamese kids who were in death camps there moving to the states with their families and refusing to sleep for a long stretch, only to eventually fall asleep, then scream bloody murder and flail around before falling stone dead. He also mentioned a subplot that got cut from that one, in which all the main kids were revealed to have not been only children, with the implication that Freddy had killed their older siblings.
    1 point
  30. Gary Young was one of the sleaziest looking dudes in the business, and think of how much ground THAT covers.
    1 point
  31. Season 2 will feature a Bella double wedding.
    1 point
  32. Reading the article, I loved that his great-grandfather actually FIXED a pro wrestling match. Is nothing sacred anymore???
    1 point
  33. In other Bellator news, the last few episodes of FIGHT MASTER are being moved to Thursday post-TNA. That is where it should have been from the start, but the geniuses at Spike felt it could stand on its own.
    1 point
  34. What kinda batteries does this goddamn thing run on, HAL? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE RADIO SHACK~?
    1 point
  35. According to MMAJunkie, Eddie Alvarez has reached an agreement with Bellator to fight Michael Chandler on Nov. 2.
    1 point
  36. Watching coverage of the circus that is the Winnipeg Blue Bombers this week, the immediate question that came to mind was, just how many people can you throw under one bus at one time? To wit: - upon being demoted from starting QB to THIRD in the rotation, they interviewed Goltz, whose best comment was, "I'm still young, and have the best years of my life as quarterback ahead of me, so I'm not going to say anything that may jepoardize my career". Yikes. He was PISSED. - Buck's best quote: "I've never seen anything like this in pro sports". When you're starting to make the Oakland effing Raiders look like a paragon on sanity, you're in trouble. - on who made the decision to put Hall as #1 QB: Goltz:"I have no idea. Ask anybody around here... nobody seems to have an answer". Offensive co-ordinator Gary Crowton: "This was a decision we came to as a team and as a coaching staff...". Head coach Tim Burke: "This was a decision made completely, enthusiastically and whole-heartedly by the offensive co-ordinator and his staff". Yikes. The buck is getting passed so fast (yuk yuk... double entendre!), the friction is setting it on fire. The Bombers are in free fall, and we're only 8 games in. I'm putting my money on the U of M Bisons to be the first Manitoba team to get a win at the new stadium (which has a laundry list of complaints all its own).
    1 point
  37. Congrats Elsalvjeloco, just don't get as snippy as the previous mod.
    1 point
  38. Twitter: *various unsourced rumors about Ronaldo taking his private jet to Manchester* Paddy Crerand on MUTV: "I'm hearing rumours about Ronaldo in Manchester. No confirmation, there." Twitter: "CRERAND CONFIRMS RONALDO IN MANCHESTER" Muppets...
    1 point
  39. Big Show oversells superplexes to the point where he causes the ring to explode. Davey Richards still hasn't figured out how a superplex is supposed to work.
    1 point
  40. Chris Chetti killlllllllls Davey Richards. I was so fucking perplexed by that. And so was everyone in the building. His debut was like the last match on that RAW, can you imagine if that happened today? I don't think they ever filmed anything with him, which is a shame. I have no idea what you'd do with that, but my plan would be doing a Name of the Rose mystery angle starring Friar Ferguson and Friar 123 Kid. But I will say this, I'm kind of turning around on him and his Bastion Booger bit. It's all dumb as shit, but he really goes full throttle with it. He's like The Road Warriors of Bastion Boogers.
    1 point
  41. I will shoot for the record. It's all been building up inside. Wait...
    1 point
  42. The build was better and more engaging. The payoff was awful.Contrast the massive death orgy with the sheer awesomeness of a lineup of goons clapping you through to Joker who turns himself into a monster and tries to make you as well, only for you to fight to not be that...to fight him as yourself with the tools that make you who you are. It was a better payoff to the story and the characterization to that point, which also had the benefit of being a relatively satisfying end boss battle rather than...well, the last throwdown in AC. I didn't care for it as much as you did because the whole point of Joker is that he's someone Batman can't just pummel into submission. Joker finally and permanently undone not by any action on Batman's part but by his own trickster nature going awry is the ultimate payoff. Also Clayface was way the fuck harder than Venom-Joker. The Ra's ending was a typical Ra's ending: He probably died but he's been whisked away for another Lazarus spa treatment. As for Hugo...I'm sorry, but in a game with Joker and Ra's Al Ghul, you can't possibly have believed that Hugo Strange was the big bad...
    1 point
  43. ... I thought the story was far better then the first game, but whatever.
    1 point
  44. I caved and went to see it tonight. I had a good time. I mean, it's nothing ground breaking storywise, but the effects are great, the monsters were awesome. I wanna say it's probably the best possible Independence Day.
    1 point
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