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In the back of his mind, I'm sure Tywin was thinking, "thank the gods you're not a complete retard like Joffrey."


Tommen being the anti-Joffrey isn't exactly good either.  The kid is very naive and Tywin is on point trying to toughen him up in preparation for taking the throne.   Being in power means having to make the odd shitty decision every now and again because 51% of the cititzens will benefit while others get the shaft.


With Dany and her dragons to the East, the White Walkers to the North, and Stannis still apeshit insane,  the Iron Throne is a dangerous place to sit.



I think it's perfectly ideal. Every time Tywin tried to manipulate Joffrey, you could see Tywin grit his teeth and want to put Joffrey's head on a stake. With Tommen, you could look at Tywin and see him light up realizing he can be the one to pull the strings...until Tommen quickly figures out that boobs > everything else.

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Man...these Che Dany sequences are getting a little tiring. I'm now trying to understand the economics of freeing all these slaves, who then follow her. Is it all volunteer or what? Food's gotta be getting scarce in the desert, no? How are we feeding all these free men? Manna and Quail? I need these questions answer more than I need to know what's going on with the White Walkers.


First half was the Jamie show, which means he's probably due to die soon. I love Bronn's call back to Tyrion naming Jamie as his champion. I forgot about it, but when he said it I remembered exactly how it went down, with Tyrion being so fucking proud his brother was the baddest dude on the planet, who was going to whip everyone in the Weird Breast Feeding Lady's palace. Y'all remember that shit with the kid still drinking from his momma? 


Big Gal getting an upgrade was needed as was her new squire Pod the Bod. Jamie looked so Melrose Place in that scene it hurt. I hope the trial of Tyrion ends with him pushing Cersei in a pool.


My first thought when Tommen heard something in the shadows was Varys popping up and saying "Oh don't mind meeeee." This show perverts people's imaginations. How quickly did Tommen regret saying the name of his fucking cat to the hottest broad in Westeros?


Jon Snow is the best fighter in the watch. So of course he has to have some 1 dimensional character who hates him with more than enough motivation to use him instead of ostracize him. So dumb. "There's a war coming, so stop training these men to not suck and clean up my piss! HAR HAR HAR I'M DA BOSS."


The only good part about the whole Bran Stark business was Young Willem Defoe yelling "I WAS A FOOKING LEGEND IN GIN ALLEY." 


Oh and the end credits should have been:




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Dany finally listens to her advisor. That only took forever.


Also, Jon Snow out there shish-kebabing rapists and trying to turn whores into working class women. Heart of gold.

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The Hound with:


"I bet his hair was greasier than Joffrey's cunt!"


Extra points for innovation and for trumping Bronn's labeling of Joffrey as a cunt by attributing to him a synechdochic cunt.

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The more The Hound talks the more I can't ignore that his head is the shape of a Simpson's character.


I was also kind of taken out of it when I heard that the "Most Dangerous Knife in Gin Alley" was actually named Carl.



Fucking CARL!????


Okay, fine, Karl...or maybe CARRL...but still...it's fucking Carl.

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It's about time he used his size to do some damage although you had Bran pulling the strings. Tommen cannot go ten seconds without staring at Lady Tyrell but that's still nine seconds more than me!


So the Lannisters owe a gazillion dollars to the Fed. Time to stop feeding the poor maybe?  


The Hound is awesome.


Sansa cannot catch a break. Now evil psycho aunt is in the mix and I guess she's expected to marry that little shithead...

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It's about time he used his size to do some damage although you had Bran pulling the strings. Tommen cannot go ten seconds without staring at Lady Tyrell but that's still nine seconds more than me!


So the Lannisters owe a gazillion dollars to the Fed. Time to stop feeding the poor maybe?  


The Hound is awesome.


Sansa cannot catch a break. Now evil psycho aunt is in the mix and I guess she's expected to marry that little shithead...


The Tyrells are feeding the poor.

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They reveal that Littlefinger started the war of five kings and no one has mentioned it yet? Pretty big deal.

Aidan Gillen has to be loving this season so far. So many evil smile opportunities.

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I guess the Tyrells are feeding the poor but it's all money coming from King's Landing that could be going to something else..  or whatever. 


Yes, the Littlefinger reveals were huge but I couldn't remember what we had known from past seasons..  Shit, didn't she just reveal they poisoned her husband? I don't remember that being revealed in the past..

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Yes, the Littlefinger reveals were huge but I couldn't remember what we had known from past seasons..  Shit, didn't she just reveal they poisoned her husband? I don't remember that being revealed in the past..

Agreed, if that reveal was so important they needed to do a better job reminding us what happened as a result of those actions. That didn't feel like a particularly big moment to me aside from that it established that yeah, the crazy lady is really crazy, and yeah, Littlefinger is really devious and ruthless. Which we already knew.

That episode wasn't as bad as last week but was still pretty blah. I did thoroughly enjoy the call back to Arya's trainer though, who I can never remember the name of, but was one of my favorite characters in the show. I'm always holding out secret hope that he'll make a surprise return at some point (book readers, please don't tell me if that happens or not).

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Unless I'm forgetting something major, Syrio was basically presented exactly the same in the book as he was in the first season of the show. Without delving in to spoilers or what has or hasn't changed from book to show, there are some fan theories about Syrio floating around that are interesting.

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Yes, the Littlefinger reveals were huge but I couldn't remember what we had known from past seasons..  Shit, didn't she just reveal they poisoned her husband? I don't remember that being revealed in the past..

Agreed, if that reveal was so important they needed to do a better job reminding us what happened as a result of those actions. That didn't feel like a particularly big moment to me aside from that it established that yeah, the crazy lady is really crazy, and yeah, Littlefinger is really devious and ruthless. Which we already knew.




Littlefinger has sort of moved from devious and ruthless to psychotic.  Is he doing all of this just to get into the Tully family because of his obsession with Cat and his humiliation in that duel?


At least Aidan Gillen is playing him as a psychopath.  The way he looks at people now is different.  He's not trying to figure them out anymore, like how Varys looks at people.  Littlefinger looks past them...toward his weird dream where he is cutting Sansa's hair to look like her mother's.  It's fucking terrifying.

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