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That Dan Severn video got me thinking. What do you guys think of Severn's time in the WWF? I absolutely loved the guy at the time, and I felt like he wasn't booked enough like a legitimate shitkicker. Especially with Shamrock on the roster at the same time.

Looking back on it now though, without the fanboy rage lens, I don't know that his work really holds up. Awesome theme, great presence, but for a legitimate amateur wrestling legend his ring work was kind of just flat. 

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I think it's alot to ask of a live audience who is just getting wrapped up in the excitement and spectacle to keep track of "saves" too. Keep it simple.


Just have the announcer announce it like British wrestling announced public warnings.   That's another thing I'd bring into American wrestling if I could.

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What do you guys think of Severn's time in the WWF? I absolutely loved the guy at the time, and I felt like he wasn't booked enough like a legitimate shitkicker. Especially with Shamrock on the roster at the same time.


at the time, i just waited for him to do.....something. he never really seemed that interesting and his matches never showed me anything that really impressed me.

i'm looking forward to his debut in about 6 months (going thru the 97 Raws) to re-evaluate tho.

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I think I like this Ambrose fella.

"A lot of people talk about the attitude era being so great but a lot of it was terrible crap, sex jokes and over-the-top terrible bad comedy. It was Jerry Springer-like. They made a joke about a woman's breasts. Hilarious, but where's the wrestling? I look back on a lot of stuff now, and I'm like where's the wrestling? It's just a lot of crappy jokes." - Dean Ambrose

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A Rooty-Tooty Fruit-Booty Zooty Suity Riot.

Speaking of which, the Bound For Glory spoilers are up. Sounds... interesting.

Is there a new world champ? Oh wait, silly me, the world title wasn't defended. Are there new tag champs? Oh wait, silly me, the tag titles weren't defended. This is the biggest show of the year for TNA, right?

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Re: The Nastys: they had some fun falls count anywhere brawl type matches but unfortunately they had a lot more regular matches that were awful. Not to mention that I wanted to see Saggs get his teeth knocked out for being so ridiculously unsafe in those brawls.

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