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5 minutes ago, Belgian_Waffle said:

For the second week in a row Dynamite goes off the air with a new star being born. Last week it was Garcia, this week it was that dude nervously holding up his dumbass sign. 

It's been a year since we lost Norm so I do this in his memory:

I don't want to come off as harsh here but I sincerely hope that fan just dies.

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Posted (edited)

Gosh darn that was an entertaining and enjoyable professional wrestling television show.

BCC esplodes!

Quite the "heel" move with Jericho going after Danielson's injured foot. Anyone else think Danielson is pretty good at the "selling" part of being a professional wrestler? Imagine the pop Dragon is gonna get in Seattle!!!!!

If they wanna make Hayter into a massively hated heel they should have her come out to fight in baggy pleather shorts. 

Joe vs Woods, Hausen vs Ethan, Darby, Willow... Oh boy Rampage gonna be fun too!

Good booking with those Sammy near-falls. Must be casual Wednesday (cuz he came out with no Tay).

SioG vs Lucha Bros was a pretty darned good last-minute addition to the show. New tag champs The Acclaimed gonna get a massive pop in the tennis stadium.

Some excellent lariat bumps and cool reversals on today's program.

Athena and Deeb hit pretty hard in there.

Is MJF/Stokely's stable called "The Firm?" Not sure if I heard that correctly.

 Pizza-making guy is ALL ELITE! 

Joe vs Woods. Dragon vs Mawks. Oh boy.

Spine... BUSTED! Prob the highlight of that dude's career.


Too much fun.

Edited by Gordlow
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2 minutes ago, Gordlow said:

Must be casual Wednesday (cuz he came out with no Tay).


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Posted (edited)

Danielson vs Jericho tonight was a gazillion times better than their ppv match. Like maybe "calling it in the ring", rather than being a cool and impressive example of how great both guys are, actually just lends itself to a lifeless exhibition of wrestling holds with a flat finish. 

Edited by Belgian_Waffle
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The Firm, you say?

See the source image

Anyway, all the matches on this show were great but there was some little twinge with all of them that kept them at bay from being seriously great. That was probably on purpose, and I applaud it, despite my personal interests. What I want above anything else is Serena vs. Toni in a No Time Limits match. Also, Jay Lethal is a great TV match worker and if you get three fingers in the face from Penta, how do you not just kick him in the nuts? 

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I feel AEW is pretty cold right now with their on-screen product. The first hour was a chore and it's a lot to do with Tony treating his day 1's as stars. That's not typically going to be a bad thing but Sammy Guevara and Jungle Boy have both either regressed or are treading heavy water with no clear direction. 

Other talents such as The Acclaimed, Hobbs and Starks etc are way hotter right now and deserve more TV time than they get. The Acclaimed has a huge match at Grand Slam so that will be great for them.

Jericho is colder now too. It's time to really start elevating the aforementioned as well as Miro and probably even get Wardlow in a bigger spot.. they badly need to transition some guys out and shift them down the card. Jericho should only be there to elevate guys now.

That said, Grand Slam should be a really fun show. Hopefully they can gain some momentum off the back of that.

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Tag title match was a fun sprint. Knew there couldn't be a title change with the Acclaimed challenging next week, but still a great near fall coming off Pentagon's huge Destroyer on Keith. Enjoyed the women's tag as well, Britt/Serena work well together. Sammy/Mox was solid and Jericho/Bryan ruled for the main.

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Posted (edited)

I actually liked that this was a "boring"-er show than usual. It's like the Sullivan booking post-Russo. Back to basics/damage control. Healthy predictability (as mentioned by some others previously in this thread). 

Hopefully Deeb getting the pin on Storm tonight doesn't mean she's only in that 4-way next week to eat a pin but I suspect that is the case.

Exciting to see how over Starks and the Acclaimed still are. Hopefully they don't fuck em up like they have Sammy and Darby. 

Other big thought coming out of tonight is that after his loss to Danielson last week and then absence this week I suspect Hangman is being cycled out for awhile to downplay his presence in the Punk/Kenny/Bucks bullshit. I mean Wardlow wasn't on tv tonight either so it's not like Page was the only top guy not there but he hasn't been announced for anything upcoming either as far as I've seen. 

Edited by Belgian_Waffle
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This was a good show tonight. Had some really good matches. I kinda was hoping Sammy would some how swindle a win tonight just to see the nuclear heat would get next week in Queens. The match with Mox was good though. I didn't mind the women coming out for the interference since I knew it had to happen. It was amusing to see Renee sniping at Tay on Twitter over the low blow. Regal had some line about a defense for low blows that had me cracking up.

The Firm looked pretty good. I'm sure other names could have been used, but I liked Stoakley's explanation about why they are all together.

LUIGI PRIMO!!! That was random even for AEW.

Swerve/Glory vs. Lucha Bros was good. Didn't expect it to be that good though. Keith Lee shouldn't be taking Destroyers. There's a lot of things Keith Lee shouldn't do but he does them.

The women's tag match was good. I was surprised that Toni took the loss, but it set up a 4 way for next week.

Bryan vs. Jericho was really good. I'm gonna say Bryan is really good at selling cause I thought he messed up his ankle too. I'm surprised they're going with Bryan vs. Mox. New York City is going to be split down the middle. Bryan always comes out the heel tunnel, so maybe that will be a hint to how that match goes down.

Overall a good show. Can't wait for next week especially since I'm supposed to be going.

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Well I didn’t get Mox just beating the smirk out out Sammy, and it was possibly my least favorite Mox match of 2022, but he got the win as expected.

Dean was wise to FFWD through the second half of MJF, it went off the rails, and The Firm was such a convulted explanation that went on forever and lost the crowd (likely at home as well).

Lethal-JB was excellent and probably the best JB match I’ve seen. His strikes were looking good, but I’d like to see him add some new moves.

What was next, the Hobbs squash? My wife was confused about the concept of local jobbers and a squash. Having Ricky come back is cool and all but like I kinda wanted to see Hobbs do something else for a bit.

Not sure why they’re continuing with a Lucha Brothers push when they got the damned trios belts already and there are a dozen other tag teams who could use a boost. Lee as FIP was different, and while taking the Canadian Destroyer was damned impressive, save that shit for a shock pin rather than a kick out. I don’t know, it was a fine match and Lee’s jackhammer was nasty but why have this now? I guess I’m just salty because I’m so so very tired of Penta.

Women’s tag was really great, Deeb and Athena matched really well. Athena has some strange style moves ala Swerve, and is so clearly a better wrestler than the rest of the division. Not sure where all this is going and the whole Hayter thing was weird.

Main was leaps and bounds above the PPV match, i could even say MOTYC. Jericho is having a career year and tonight he took a hellacious beating, looks like he spilled an entire jug of wine on his chest. Danielson is Danielson and delivered a hellacious beating before shifting into story mode centered around his leg and wrestling half the match without a shoe. Nasty looking submissions, both guys looking like they were about to break with Danielson finding that one last push to victory.

The backstage stuff was very tight, set up the show, Rampage, and more excitement for next week. Very well paced for once!

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Swerve has another level of sleaze to him, and Lee needs to sell less. Be a total brick wall, and Double Super Vader. Let everything bounce off you and crush kill destroy. 

Rampage looks even better than this card! Let's goooooooo

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If you don't watch on Fite you are missing out on some A+ commentary during the PiP.  Tonight's highlights were, during the tag title match, debating whether Penta's dropkick hit Keith Lee in "Yambag Jones" or just in the perineum and, during the women's tag match, Taz and Schiavone trying to figure out if doctors and professors were the same thing.

How are you going to have a stable called The Firm and not license this for their music?


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I thought it was a good show as far as needing point B to get to point C and Grand Slam last week.

That said, the constantly interrupted promos is a trope that AEW needs to badly downplay or get rid of. Like every promo segment is a false start.

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Thought Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho was much better than their All Out 2022 match. I'd also say it was Chris Jericho's best AEW match, previously it was Jericho vs. Eddie Kingston from AEW Revolution 2022.

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This crowd was dead as shit. Has to be top 5 all time worst for dynamite. Womens tag match was GREAT. Lance storm sure isn’t going to like the trios champs challenging for the tag titles. 

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