Dog Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 I don't think the company needs a 3-time champ in its third year of existence. Put the belt on Dragon. 5
Craig H Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 52 minutes ago, For Great Justice said: Should have been Darby. But whatever. This is just me guessing, but if Darby weren't doing the Nitro Circus stuff or all of the other crazy shit he does, I would imagine he would have been the guy to win the title. Unfortunately, more and more TK is like a baseball manager and is trying to manage all of the personalities on the team while putting together lineup cards and doing his best not to fuck up the bullpen or step on anyone's toes, so that means stuff like, you know, letting Punk go off during a press conference and not telling Darby what he can and can't do. And funnily enough, like a lot of baseball managers that are good at first, after a few years, they all start to lose their handle on things. 1
The Natural Posted September 14, 2022 Author Posted September 14, 2022 18 minutes ago, Zakk_Sabbath said: I read this way too fast and expected @thee Reverend Axl Future to appear with a shirt that says "I Broke Natural's Hip" -- feel better man! Cheers, mate. Appreciate it xxx. 1
Casey Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 19 minutes ago, Dog said: I don't think the company needs a 3-time champ in its third year of existence. Put the belt on Dragon. Put the title on Sammy Guevara. If Punk isn't coming back, I want to go scorched earth. 2
S.K.o.S. Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 I'd support doing Bryan vs. Sammy and giving everyone heart attacks with some very near falls for Sammy before Bryan wins. 6
JLowe Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 If you're going to put Sammy over Mox, who has been carrying the company for months on the mic and in the ring, who just set the tone for the future of AEW after all the bullshit from the weekend, it better be a damned good story with 5 levels of interference because in term of the current storyline by all rights Mox should be taking out his frustrations on smarmy Sammy. 3
S.K.o.S. Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 1 hour ago, JLowe said: If you're going to put Sammy over Mox, who has been carrying the company for months on the mic and in the ring, who just set the tone for the future of AEW after all the bullshit from the weekend, it better be a damned good story with 5 levels of interference because in term of the current storyline by all rights Mox should be taking out his frustrations on smarmy Sammy. You're right. A Bryan-Mox final is clearly the most obvious path to take. Deep down I'm just a little frustrated by the idea that they so blatantly telegraphed the winner of the tournament, and it's making me try to come up with plausible alternatives. 1
JLowe Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 4 minutes ago, S.K.o.S. said: You're right. A Bryan-Mox final is clearly the most obvious path to take. Deep down I'm just a little frustrated by the idea that they so blatantly telegraphed the winner of the tournament, and it's making me try to come up with plausible alternatives. If the timeline was just one week longer, they could have Jericho or Guevara win it only to be immediately challenged by Eddie Kingston for a title match at Grand Slam. 1
Jiji Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 Like I said in the dynamite thread, they gotta stop with the pre tournament angles that makes either the finalists or winner so obvious. It sucks and Khan seems to do it most of the time. 4
Matt D Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 It looks like they're doing some pre-show angles on social media to try to keep things interesting. One was a Jungle Boy open contract which Jay Lethal accepted. 2
Matt D Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 Double posting but... is this a cry for help from Tony? Is he in a hostage situation: Look, we're sorry we were too lazy to google Mance Warner and Kyle Fletcher.
John from Cincinnati Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 His previous tweet is promising all the social media stuff this afternoon will be recapped on the show tonight with video packages. He's finally going after the casuals!
Leonidas Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 Mox / Sammy will be a glorified squash, I see Mox battering the granny out of him inside 12 minutes. We're getting Danielson as champ for when the network situation needs a well known face. 1
GuerrillaMonsoon Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 Danielson beats Jericho as I feel like you don't have him lose to Jericho three times in a row. Mox beats Sami. Can probably do the result either way in the final. Have MJF cash in straight after and win. His guys put a beating on the BCC. Garcia saves Danielson. JAS reluctantly saves Garcia. You do a redux of Horsemen reluctantly teaming with Sting/Luger to fight the NWO. 1
Craig H Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 1 hour ago, Jiji said: Like I said in the dynamite thread, they gotta stop with the pre tournament angles that makes either the finalists or winner so obvious. It sucks and Khan seems to do it most of the time. At the same time, this shit is the best when it is obvious. When you stray away from the logical path you start going down the WWE morass from the last, christ, 10 to 20 years of subverting expectations just because you want to keep fans guessing and don't want a logical path from A to B to C. I would say that probably 90% of the people commenting on AEW since it started, you included, have praised them for delivering what is the obvious result. I think the only way you could have freshened this up at all would have been to have Darby win, but again you had Darby doing his dumb as fuck Nitro Circus stuff and constantly experimenting with finding out if Final Destination is a thing or not. 3
JLowe Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 Having Ethan Page, The Ass Boys, and Lee Moriarty beating down the BCC would be...something... 1
John from Cincinnati Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 30 minutes ago, JLowe said: Having Ethan Page, The Ass Boys, and Lee Moriarty beating down the BCC would be...something... Don't worry, W Morrissey will pitch in his fair share to make the medicine go down easier.
John from Cincinnati Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 Super late addition to the show: Lucha Bros vs Swerve/Lee for the tag belts. 1
Gorman Posted September 14, 2022 Posted September 14, 2022 1 hour ago, GuerrillaMonsoon said: Have MJF cash in straight after and win. His guys put a beating on the BCC. Garcia saves Danielson. JAS reluctantly saves Garcia. You do a redux of Horsemen reluctantly teaming with Sting/Luger to fight the NWO. Have they said that the poker chip works like the Money in the Bank briefcase? Because it would be funny if MJF thought it did and it turns out he needs to schedule the title shot in advance, fill out forms, get the contract notarized ... 2 4
Valcourt Posted September 15, 2022 Posted September 15, 2022 Main was fun. Almost thought something was wrong with Jericho the way Dragon was rag dolling him at first. It Jericho still brings it. Looking forward to Dragon Mox 2. No JR again and I loved it. 10
DragonZombie Posted September 15, 2022 Posted September 15, 2022 Another good episode. I liked the way the main event was worked. 7
DEAN Posted September 15, 2022 Posted September 15, 2022 I am SQUEAKY CLEAN and ON TIME! Let's watch some wrestling, shall we? Sammy Guevara accepts his ass beating from Jon Moxley! I love that they are booking this around MOX going on vacation for six weeks. So Bryan Danielson is sooo winning this. Sammy is without Tay Melo! He is focused! Sammy IS Larry Zbysko! They lock up and the crowd chants PROFANITY! Sammy beats down MOX! Sammy takes a Lariat like DBS! @Matt D would probably note that Sammy is wrestling to MOX because MOX is the new Stan Hansen- but then Sammy hits a Tope Con Hilo after trading shots with MOX. Sammy channeling Takeshi Ono, the wiry little fucker from BattlARTS, is really great. Sammy is going for the five star match and MOX might supply it as the beat the fuck out of each other in picture in picture. Guevara takes the crazy ass bump on his head on the apron. Sammy fucking rules. Sammy sells BIG on the top of the turnbuckle and then MOX RegalPlexes him to the mat. Sammy's trunks channel Dragon Lee's trunks and the world gets a heapin' helpin' of Sammy's buttcheek! Cutter by Sammy FOR TWO! MOX decides to OPT to KILL SAMMY! That's almost it until Sammy hits a Spanish Fly FOR TWO! This match is fucking GREAT! Sammy takes a full rotation after MOX catches him at the top and suplexes him to the mat. TAY MELO COMES IN LOWBLOWS MOX! SAMMY IS GONNA STEAL IT! FOR TWO! Regal explaining how ascend your testicles is solid gold. Sammy misses a Swanton and MOX covers FOR TWO! HARLOTS! THEY ARE SLATTERNLY! Sammy kicks MOX in the head! MOX counters out of the Go To Hell and gits a Death Rider! FOR THE WIN! Sammy was fucking awesome in that match. That match was fucking great. BattlARTS Sammy is my new favorite Sammy. MJF is upset! Will there be ruckus backstage! He shoots on Jon Moxley! Stokely Hathaway is his best friend! This is leading to MJF versus MOX so that will be good. Until then, I guess we have to put up with this endless talking shit. This is like Edge on RAW. If this was RAW, I would have fast forwarded through this. Oh wait! I got six minutes of fast forwardness left! Thank GOD. I guess MJF is ratings so you can watch while I fast forward. He's good in the ring so I look forward to that. It's Jungle Boy versus Jay Lethal. MAAAAN, Dynamite is so much easier to watch with JR doing Rampage. Lethal is fucking great in the ring and he is always in the right place. SATNAM PROTECTS LETHAL! HE IS VERY TALL! Sanjay Dutt is fun as a more hyperactive Jim Cornette. He needs something to hit people with. You know, like a tennis racket or something. Maybe a Jai alai wicker cesta. While are in picture in picture, Jay Lethal beats on our babyface, getting the crowd to get behind his STRUGGLE to escape the veteran wiliness and evil offense of Jay Lethal! Jungle Boy is a budding Ricky Streamboat so let's how this live crowd in Albany gets behind him, and they DO. Jungle Boy CHANNELS Steamboat by chopping Lethal and goes into a flying elbow! If only he hit a two handed chop! Lethal goes for a LETHAL INJECTION and JB counters with a decent Lariat and very nice Brainbuster! JB is the American Konosuke Takeshita but he doesn't hit stuff as precisely as Takeshita. JB sells the lower back and Lethal concentrates on it - as Lethal hits second rope Russian Leg Sweep! SWEET Tope by Lethal! TOPROPE ELBOW DROP FOR TWO! SNARETRAP! Great fucking counter by JB back into the Snaretrap for the win. That match was really fucking good. HEY! DANHAUSEN vs ETHAN PAGE! RAMPAGE IS GOING TO RULE! It's Powerhouse Hobbs! Will Matt DeMartino pull the upset? And a Spinebuster says, "No, there will be no upset." WARDLOW! WARDLOW! Ricky Starks is WAAAY OVER in ALBANY! I guess we aren't getting Wardlow versus Hobbs yet. It's PENTA! It's Rey Fenix! It's Shane Strickland! It's Keith Lee! PENTA and Strickland are awesome in together! Strickland and Rey Fenix are even AWESOMER in the ring together! Keith Lee tags in and he doesn't play to the crowd because he is trying to catch up with the heelishness of Swerve. This match is strange, Lee is our Face/Heel is Peril while we wallow in picture in picture! Swerve tags in and we get Rey Fenix to be our PROPER Face in Peril. Strickland is so fucking awesome cutting off the ring. Lee throwing Fenix from outside the ring to break up a pin was fucking great. WHOA! KEITH LEE TAKES A CANADIAN DESTROYER! THIS MATCH IS FUCKING INSANE! Keith Lee then fucking CRUSHES Penta with a Jackhammer for the win! That match was fucking great. Orange Cassidy heats up his feud with PAC. Serena Deeb! From OAKTON! D!M!D! ATHENA, THE BEST WRESTLER IN AEW! TONI STORM! This match should totally rule. Oh man, Deeb and Storm should wrestle forever. Oh man, Deeb and Athena should wrestle forever! As we head to picture in picture, Deeb is mangling the knee of Athena. Athena assumes the role of our face in peril! Deeb and Britt Baker are a fun heel tagteam. They beat the crud out of Athena as the crowd gets behind her STRUGGLE to ESCAPE the cranky heel offense of Deeb and DMD! Oh man, Athena lays it in against Deeb, A bunch of stuff happens and Athena is COMPLETELY AWESOME! REBEL DISTRACTS THE REF! DMD HOLDS A CHAIR! DEEB DRIVES STORMS HEAD INTO IT! DEEB PINS STORM! Postmatch, Athena attacks DMd and Deeb! DMD Is going to hit Storm with a chair! JAMIE HAYTER MAKES THE SAVE! Or does she? SHE ATTACKS STORM! SHE YELLS AT DMD! HAYTER HATES EVERYONE! That was fucking awesome. Put the fucking strap on Athena. It's Jericho! It's Danielson! Danielson beats on Jericho early, I'm guessing Jericho vs Moxley would have the most blood. Danielson and MOX would actually have a lot of blood. Man, Jericho is taking an assbeating like a CHAMP. Jericho dropkicks and Silver King Moonsaults to offense! And THIS match is fucking great. DOUBLE CROSS BODY! I first saw when Brian Pillman wrestled Marcus Bagwell back in 1994. GREAT Frankensteiner from the top by Danielson. CATTLE MUTILATION! Man, Danielson is lighting up Jericho. This match is fucking great. Danielson sells the ankle and Jericho makes a GREAT face when he realizes he suddenlhy has an advantage. Jericho is fucking awesome mangling the ankle of Danielson. Danielson is AWESOME selling the ankle ion the Walls Of Jericho. JERICHO TAPS! That match was fucking GREAT. JESUS CHRIST, WHAT A NIGHT OF WRESTLING! AEW RULES THE ENTIRE FUCKING MOTHERFUCKING FUCKING WORLD. 16 5
Zakk_Sabbath Posted September 15, 2022 Posted September 15, 2022 Jericho/Danielson slayed. Shout out to Jericho for being able to deliver at his age, he's in so much better shape than he was a year ago it's insane. Great bout. Really stoked to be in the house next week for BCC Explodes 14
dorfus malorfus Posted September 15, 2022 Posted September 15, 2022 (edited) For the second week in a row Dynamite goes off the air with a new star being born. Last week it was Garcia, this week it was that dude nervously holding up his dumbass sign. Edited September 15, 2022 by Belgian_Waffle 1 5
For Great Justice Posted September 15, 2022 Posted September 15, 2022 Point to the si…..look at the title! 2
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