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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2014 in all areas

  1. And then for Lana to bury Capitalism and Bradshaw's wife for the reason America is in a recession still.
    6 points
  2. If that happens I want Rusev to no sell it like Taz did King's piledriver.
    5 points
  3. You know Speed Force is doomed the moment Cole says it on tv and JBL shits on it
    3 points
  4. And just like Wally West in the DCnU, they've disappeared from WWE tv continuity.
    3 points
  5. Best. Stable. Ever. "Where's Wally?" #fowlerized
    3 points
  6. Denial Anger <---- Bargaining Depression Acceptance
    3 points
  7. They should be using Orton to put Rusev over, not the other way around.
    3 points
  8. Rusev holding the US belt needs to happen soon. Not only would the matches with Sheamus be awesome but the promos by Lana would make that belt seem important for the first time in years. The guy that eventually got the belt from Rusev would be over like Rover.
    3 points
  9. Started in on things that showed up thanks to hoarding B-day Amazon gift cards and cashing in my "Hey, it's almost my birthday...I can order stupid stuff, right?" card: 1) The new HALLOWEEN box set 2) last year's FRIDAY THE 13TH box set 3) the CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIES set Popped in the 1st disc of F13th, the uncut original. It looked really great. The thing that makes that first movie work so well is just how real and ambient all the locations are. Everything from the small-town diner to the various cabins. Such great set dressing, I guess is what it's called. And of course directing that takes a little time to let you drink it all in. The great moving camera shots that sometimes look like POV shots and sometimes are just there to give it some realism way before that became such an expected thing. The little bits of POV that keep shifting from counselor's view to "killer's" view to a "fake killer's view" (where the killer isn't there, but we get a POV shot anyway)...it's all just a little disorienting without being overdone and annoying, or even calling attention to itself. And just the right amount of claustrophobia. So much of the time the camera moves so freely in big spaces, and then when it suddenly forces you into tight shots, (like when the guy is in the generator room) it really heightens the tension. I swear most horror movies today has so much in closeup that they miss that change of anxiety-level. Even after all these years, it got three screams from my wife (Kevin Bacon's death, body crashing through the window, and the Jason-in-the-lake shot). Watching it this time, maybe because her scenes looked so great in this transfer, it really felt like the story of poor Annie stands out...the girl who never makes it to the camp. She apparently hitchhiked and backpacked all the way there from who knows where because this was her best shot to actually get real experience working with city kids and she has big plans to be, like a social worker or a teacher or something. That's pretty amazing that we are able to build that much backstory for her in the minutes she's on screen. She's the one that hears the story of Camp Blood along with us. She's the one who hears from crazy Ralph and is warned. She tells us about how she's following this dream of hers to work with kids. The actress is so great. They clearly cast her so that we would think she was the final girl...and even though her story never even crosses the main story, we end up knowing more about this one girl than about any of the other characters. Since they draw her up so much, and trick us into thinking she's the main person we'll be rooting for, her little section is like a little complete short story prequel to the real movie. And I feel genuinely sad when she looks up from the ground at her attacker and whimpers "No!" shaking her head...like "This can't be how my journey ends...I'm supposed to do all this stuff I've been planning." It's like we're seeing what it would look like if the final girl didn't survive, but instead just tripped...and died. And even she can't accept it. The only thing that lessens the effect is that we've already met Alice before we go back to Annie. But, still, none of the other victims feels quite so sad. Like, she was supposed to be a final girl, in a different movie maybe. But she accidentally ended up in this one and so she never made it to her movie. She's also the youngest and most enthusiastic character. There is something about this genre that is bound to the idea of destroying youth. It's such a corrupt thing for a story to do, to set loose a force that seems, for whatever reason, to be compelled to find the people farthest from death, the people who are the strongest and fastest and most full of energy and excited plans...who are just coursing with life an emotions and hormones and racing through the world...and slaughtering them...cutting them down and watching them slowly crawl toward their final breath. I know this isn't exactly a new observation and they made a big thing about this in A CABIN IN THE WOODS, but the older I get, the more perverse it seems...the more horrific. It was always sort of there. Like, say, Mina and Lucy in DRACULA. In the 19th century popular engravings: and even back to the 16th century caution: Renaissance boobs within: But it was only one part of Victorian (and earlier) horror. In these movies, it's a main running sort of Jungian theme: the perverse slaughter of the young. Not children. That's a different kind of horror: But, people at the prime moment of strength...the "Malcolm MacDowell in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE" moment of maximum restless energy and potential to do...good, bad, whatever. Like, when I was younger I didn't really understand the power of that moment in life. I was just like "Fuck those other kids HAHA!!!! Get 'em Freddy!!!" But it's a dark theme. And every now and again it really stands out how dark it is. There was scene in HALLOWEEN: H20 where Michael is chasing the sarcastic goth girl. She was a strong character, in that early 2000s, post-SCREAM smart teenager kind of way. The new generation of "we've seen it all" horror characters. And after he wounds her, he just slowly follows her as she crawls across the floor, scraping and clawing hopelessly as her life ebbs. Every October that movie is on AMC and that scene always makes me cringe a little at that notion of destruction of youth. And now I get the same thing from poor Annie: RIP, Annie. You are causing me an existential crisis. Also: Listening to the commentary track, Betsy Palmer is so great...she invented this whole backstory for Pamela Vorhees...and she has the whole fantastic point-of-view "I was a good lady...who went a little wrong..."
    3 points
  10. Yeah, fun times with the DVDVR crew on PS4. I hope to have many more in the weeks to come. PSN is being weird. I've sent friend requests to Craig, Chaos, and Brisco with issues ongoing. We'll sort it out eventually.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
    2 points
  13. Could Regal have been the last one to use knucks? Also, Chris Hero needs to go full on Mac-circa season 7 where he attributes his weight gain to just cultivating mass to impress HHH, wears shirts a size or two too small and thinks he's almost a muscle-head.
    2 points
  14. Remind me to never upset Steve Smith.
    2 points
  15. You f*ck with Steve Smith, he will f*ck with you. He's a bad man.
    2 points
  16. This officiating crew for GB/CHI are straight up making shit up. The only good thing about them is that they're doing it both teams. It's ruining my enjoyment of the game.
    2 points
  17. WCW booked Goldberg as an unstoppable monster. when Goldberg came to the WWF, he was a top face. That means he has to both take and give in matches/feuds. Since he wasn't used as an unstoppable monster, people say he was misused. But if the ONLY style you can work is "nobody ever gets over on me and i crush everybody", then i'd say maybe you should learn to work.
    2 points
  18. I am a god damn moron So I still haven't completed a strike without dying. Since I have the Phogoth bounty I go back to the Summoning Pits Me and the two other dudes are wrecking shit They die a few times but I make it through the whole thing alive. During the 30 second mission end phase - one of the guys motions to me and I realize he wants me to follow him. He runs over to the ledge and jumps off. I then see that there is a treasure chest down there that he was showing me. What I didn't see was the fucking gap between platforms. So yup - I died with 3 seconds away from finishing without dying
    2 points
  19. Ok...pics or it didn't happen. Here be the pics and other nonsense to demonstrate the insane push I'm getting from my current employer. (Pics spoilered for size)
    2 points
  20. Every time I hear Bob Ryder's name, the only phrase my mind associates with it is "beefy, Ecstasy-addicted Abyss"
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. If Meng/Barbarian collision was so disastrous, I don't even want to imagine what happend after this:
    2 points
  23. I was going to ask "how the hell do Comcast and company still have any customers?" Then I realized not everybody downloads a shit tonne of wrestling every month, streams the Network, and watches Netflix. Still, if given the choice, why wouldn't you go with Verizon or AT&T? There's a trade off. One reason is that Verizon and AT&T aren't available everywhere. Lot of homeowners associations, apartment complexes/buildings, townships, etc have sweetheart deals with the local cable guys and won't allow the other guys to run the cable (Verizon requires a fiber to coax media converter somewhere on the property as it runs fiber right to the house), and it costs to dig the cable trenches, so they won't put it in areas that they're allowed unless there's enough interest to make it cost effective. So, they're not wide spread. My old association didn't allow FiOS run to the house (but they did allow the trenches to be run.), so I was stuck with Cablevision. They weren't horrible (they're really good on cutting deals for retention, in fact their CS guys tell you to call them in a year to do a retention deal again) and they did up their 1st tier bandwidth cap to 15/5, which equals Verizon/AT&T's intro tier. My current has FiOS allowed, and local is Comcast, so it wasn't a hard choice. Verizon has me at 50/50 for my bandwidth, and no data cap (which I wanted, considering how much I d/l for PSN, Stream Video, and online game) Verizon's not as good on retention, but they're starting to fight if you say the right thing. Only issue with them is their packages kick up hard after 12 and 24 months (my $150 package will clear $225 next July, but I'll likely get them down to $150 again with a threat to jump to Comcast.)
    1 point
  24. I, for one, would love to see Big Show do a Krusher Kruschev and join up with Lana. After all the labor/management troubles he went through with HHH, he just needs a little push to drive him away from decadent Western capitalism. A red butcher singlet with thee hammer'n'sickle and some Cossack boots would complement his Lenin beard and ushanka. dah, RAF
    1 point
  25. Don't know what the hell New Orleans was thinking trading Sproles.
    1 point
  26. Man, Megatron scoring is better for these "insert profanity in his name" posts.
    1 point
  27. So basically the Fins need to play in London and against the Raiders every week
    1 point
  28. I was never on the "fire Lloyd Carr" bandwagon. Because steady success with the occasional really good season (including a national title) is not an easy thing to replicate. You don't fire a good coach unless you have a great one already locked up. Period.
    1 point
    1 point
  30. Well, there is only one team that plays in "New York". . . . Man, two weeks ago, I would have thrown a Toronto joke to drown my pain here....
    1 point
  31. In the random opinions probably only I share department, WWE is so intent on making Rusev a contender that they're blind to the fact that Swagger and Rusev had a unique chemistry that was massively benefitting both of them. Now that they've moved on, the buzz is gone.
    1 point
  32. Brakes are done. Pep Boys charged me $190 after the 15% coupon, and I can do this rebate business. So whoo-hoo to that. Inspection Monday morning.
    1 point
  33. You know he's going to the casino that Eddie took Clark to so he can figure out if they'll let him put it down as a bet.
    1 point
  34. If it belongs in this thread, then my response is "Body slam? That was clearly a belly-to-belly."
    1 point
  35. I do not have enough likes for you Cristobal
    1 point
  36. That Ohio State assistant coach sort of looks like a smaller Batista.
    1 point
  37. That year-long Diesel reign was brutal. The thing about 1995 WWF is they have lots of top faces (Diesel, Bret, Undertaker, HBK by April, Razor, Bulldog, Luger) and no good top heels (Sid, Jarrett, an overweight Yokozuna, and Owen were the best they had). Someone needed to turn, and that someone should have been Razor. In fact, having Razor beat Diesel for the title in the early summer and drop it to Bret Hart at Survivor Series '95 instead would have been better. That way, you can run Razor/Diesel in a rematch, Razor/Bulldog or Razor/Luger (before Bulldog turns and Luger leaves for WCW), Razor/HBK, Razor/Undertaker (did they ever even cross paths at any point?), even a little Razor/1-2-3 Kid feud for a month. Then, you still have time to put the title on Bret in the fall. It might not have made any more money than Diesel did on top, but it would have been much more fun to watch.
    1 point
  38. The money mark Indy horsemen!
    1 point
  39. Apple didn't fall far from the tree, eh?
    1 point
  40. Lance looks pretty damn good too, considering he's pushing 90. Speaking of awesome old guys...
    1 point
  41. I saw that and couldn't believe how long he's been on the show. Feels like he's been on maybe 4 years, tops. And I'm sure I'm completely alone on this, but I dig the hell out of his Steve Harvey.
    1 point
  42. I would presume that he had recently undergone some Chinese cupping therapy. It's somewhat controversial as some believe the process helps heal through mobilizing blood flow and others feel that it's just a load of BS. In related news...
    1 point
  43. http://i.imgur.com/paNG79y.jpg My now 3 month old brindel colored teacup poodle Maggie.
    1 point
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