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To get this back on track, not sure if this was posted before but Sami Zayn's band shirt is an absolute must buy.  http://shop.wwe.com/Sami-Zayn-%22Underdog-From-The-Underground%22-Authentic-T-Shirt/W09069,default,pd.html?dwvar_W09069_color=Miltary%20Green&start=1&q=Sami%20Zayn




EDIT:  WWE Shop has some vintage shirts that I might consider.  The Ambrose one is wacky enough to work.



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Jeez, the more I look at the Cena vintage shirt the more I like it.  That is far superior to the crap he's worn the past few years.  Now I'm thinking back to the cool as fuck shirts that he had that played off old WWF logos.  It was in his Word Life phase and you'd have the block WWF logo and WM logo used to make that work.  Two of my favorites.  They should try to go back to that.

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Three killer shirts in the span of a couple weeks.  The Sami, Cena and Ambrose shirts are must buys for sure (unless I can wait for clearance, which I'm not sure I can)  And that's not counting Prowrestlingtees or similar sites.


It's like they're saying "Fuck your money, give it to us!" and I'm all like "Okay"

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