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The Awesome/Annoying TV COMMERCIAL Thread


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This has been playing in rotation on Hulu lately and I hate hate hate it.  Annoying passive-aggressive condescending cunty customer who is complaining over the way that the worker says "hello" to her entitled ass which makes me glad I don't work in a call center any more.  This sort of crap reinforces that people can act like asshats to service workers to get what they want.  *retch*


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I'm really surprised elsalvajeloco hasn't come into this thread to rip this commercial.  

These are clearly two black people who have "sold out" and "abandoned their cultural heritage" (trademark Angela Davis) and have embraced white yuppie hipsterdom.  

Look at the woman: while to her credit she doesn't have any product in her hair, she isn't wearing it "natural style" (read: afro) and instead has it in a white, European style combover and ponytail.  Plus, she's wearing yoga pants and earbuds rather than Beats by Dre.

Clearly, when their fellow New York blacks were marching in protest of the choking death of Eric Garner, these two were sitting in a Starbucks in Brooklyn, working on their iPhones.  In fact, when the news of the protests started on New York One, the wife probably asked the barrista to turn down the volume on the TV in the Starbucks so she could hear the Jimmy Fallon monologue from last night on her tablet.

So I'm assuming elsalvajeloco doesn't have TV, because otherwise he should be in here threatening to beat these two actors up if they ever come to his neighborhood in Mississippi.

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On 8/27/2016 at 2:40 PM, Curt McGirt said:

I had to look up the cunt too. He's, well, just some fat cunt who made some beats for rich people. 

Excuse the language I'm listening to Hard Skin and they rub off on me

Mods, please delete this post due to Curt's use of sexist, mysoginistic language.

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20 hours ago, Jerome Miller said:

I'm really surprised elsalvajeloco hasn't come into this thread to rip this commercial.  

These are clearly two black people who have "sold out" and "abandoned their cultural heritage" (trademark Angela Davis) and have embraced white yuppie hipsterdom.  

Look at the woman: while to her credit she doesn't have any product in her hair, she isn't wearing it "natural style" (read: afro) and instead has it in a white, European style combover and ponytail.  Plus, she's wearing yoga pants and earbuds rather than Beats by Dre.

Clearly, when their fellow New York blacks were marching in protest of the choking death of Eric Garner, these two were sitting in a Starbucks in Brooklyn, working on their iPhones.  In fact, when the news of the protests started on New York One, the wife probably asked the barrista to turn down the volume on the TV in the Starbucks so she could hear the Jimmy Fallon monologue from last night on her tablet.

So I'm assuming elsalvajeloco doesn't have TV, because otherwise he should be in here threatening to beat these two actors up if they ever come to his neighborhood in Mississippi.

I hate all of those Liberty Mutual commercials with a passion.

"I wrapped my piece of shit car around a tree and now my insurance rates are going up and the insurance company won't pay for the full value of my car! Whatsupwithdat?!"

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23 hours ago, Pete said:

Go-Gos = win.

The one where the kids sing "I Was Made for Loving You" is so fucking creepy.  I think they pulled it pretty quickly after someone realized that singing kids inferring you want to fuck your car is not really a great sales tactic.

3 hours ago, cwoy2j said:

I hate all of those Liberty Mutual commercials with a passion.

"I wrapped my piece of shit car around a tree and now my insurance rates are going up and the insurance company won't pay for the full value of my car! Whatsupwithdat?!"

The "Brad" one is fucking awful.  That one above is bad because it's once again subscribing to the "husband/dad's an idiot" theory.

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I don't for one moment, believe the story of any of those liberty mutual people.  They are all like

"So after literally months of paying your insurance bill like almost half the time and only speeding through intersections when you're in a hurry or hangry, you slam into one parked van full of seniors and they're like, not going to give you the new car that you want in the color you want? Like, what happened to my second amendment rights? Anyway, I've set up a gofundme through my insta. If you don't contribute, you're, like, basically Hitler."

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Yeah dudes but come on.  Car insurance is bullshit.  You're calling out the extreme example of some entitled twit wanting a whole new great car for free after totaling their current one.  What about the fact that car insurance is the only insurance you're afraid to use?  As soon as you file a claim, your rates go up.  Shit, sometimes your rates go up without filing a claim because too many other people filed claims and the insurance company's profit projections got fucked for the year.

That happened to me.  My insurance went up so I called the company to ask why.  They literally told me, "we had a bad winter."  I said, "let me get this straight.  My rates are going up because too many other people had accidents in the snow and ice?"  Yep.  To reiterate, car insurance is bullshit.

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I had a relative that worked in insurance (more the home end) and between people trying to scam them for money (people LOVE upgrading the quality of their lost belongings), which was a regular occurrence, and the shit they were required to put customers through, it was the highest stress job they ever worked.

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 I think John Denver was a talented guy, and "Back Home Again", Take Me Home Country Roads", and "Thank God I'm A Country Boy" are moderately catchy songs. But if I hear "you fill up my seeeeennnseessss/like a sleepy blue ocean", again, I'll open up a vein. 

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