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I hate to disagree with Fowler on all things liberal, but as the most liberal person on this board, I have no problem with a Repo-man being a face.  If you don't pay your bills, you're breaching your contract with the company you bought from, and they have the right to reclaim their property.

I think its more complicated than that. I had to watch Lizard Lick towing when a friend was living with me. Its like seventy hours of the blond fat guy trying to calm the dark haired fat guy down. As he acts like he is mad enough to fight, but stays a safe twenty feet away at all times. "Bobby, Bobby, don't hit that raccoon Bobby!!!!"




It's the perfect storm of exercise-induced medical conditions. A lot of contributing factors combined with doing way too much physical exertion, and ignoring every single warning sign your body throws at you.



And if you're going to be a mark and work out, then you've got to do it right like this: http://instagram.com/p/deie9moh6f/


Thanks.  It just sounds like one of those "too disturbing to be true" kind of things, but ... yeah.  Ugh.


And given that all those shows are so fucking fake, it's not about anything but "look at at this, fat stupid America!" I had a roommate a couple of years ago who was a nice guy, but kinda stupid about what was fake and real on TV. He'd watch that Repo show with the giant fat broad and be all into it. I'd have to point out, because I couldn't take it, that "wasn't it odd that 905 of these involve a hot almost naked chick, and do you really believe that the giant fat repo woman was really chasing people down?" 


I am watching Battlebowl 91 and I am loving it. The look on Abdullah's face when he gets selected, and the look when he walks down to the ring is priceless.


I also liked Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker doing everything he can to make it to the ring after being attacked by Abby only to eat the pinfall.


Early 90's WCW is number 1 and the best.


I am watching Battlebowl 91 and I am loving it. The look on Abdullah's face when he gets selected, and the look when he walks down to the ring is priceless.


I also liked Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker doing everything he can to make it to the ring after being attacked by Abby only to eat the pinfall.


Early 90's WCW is number 1 and the best.


Anyone who thinks Terry Taylor was overrated in the ring needs to watch his match from that show.


I hate to disagree with Fowler on all things liberal, but as the most liberal person on this board, I have no problem with a Repo-man being a face. If you don't pay your bills, you're breaching your contract with the company you bought from, and they have the right to reclaim their property.

In the postmodern wrestling universe, the repo man character is a non entity. Property is an abstract that does not exist, thus he cannot repossess what is inherently unattainable. The repo man is an outmoded archetype, and the saddest and most sympathetic of all the gimmicks. He would be a babyface, but ultimately is too pitiable to elicit a positive response.

You know, talking about Repo men being heels or babyfaces or whatever.  In all fairness, there are no true babyfaces on television anymore, wrestling or otherwise.




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For anyone that has yet to see it, this match is an awesome, stiff sprint & will be in the running for Match of the Year for sure. Thought I would put it here for anyone that might have missed it during the G1 Climax tournament.




The first G1 match I've seen so far, and thanx for making me watch it. Pretty fucking Fighting Spirit most of the time but overall this was really good. Proper length, fantastic selling down the end stretch, a Fujiwara impression that was awesome, and lariats that actually gave Shibata hangtime. Great finish too. I don't know if it's a MOTYC but it's really fun to watch. Also, Ishii has major heat as an underdog and the crowd response for him shot this one up several notches.


I hate to disagree with Fowler on all things liberal, but as the most liberal person on this board, I have no problem with a Repo-man being a face.  If you don't pay your bills, you're breaching your contract with the company you bought from, and they have the right to reclaim their property.

As the most 19th-century-liberal person on this board, you mean?

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I would like Miz a lot more if he went back to the baggy shorts. I know some folks knock Jesse Ventura as a worker. Because he really is not too athletic. But I think he was a really smart worker and a great promo. Would he have been an effective manager? I know he could not bump much. But that did not stop Gary Hart from being one of the best.  


I really like the way WWE is using Randy Orton right now.  He had a match with Miz on Smackdown that was one of the better Miz matches I've ever seen.  Then he and Cody had a really good one on Monday.  In both cases the crowds got really behind the guy he was wrestling, and Miz and Cody usually get little reaction.  The corporate champion thing suits him very well.



I hate to disagree with Fowler on all things liberal, but as the most liberal person on this board, I have no problem with a Repo-man being a face.  If you don't pay your bills, you're breaching your contract with the company you bought from, and they have the right to reclaim their property.

As the most 19th-century-liberal person on this board, you mean?


Given that most modern "liberals" are much more conservative than Ronnie Reagan... I guess so?  I prefer FDR Democrat, or Nordic-style Socialist

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I hate to disagree with Fowler on all things liberal, but as the most liberal person on this board, I have no problem with a Repo-man being a face.  If you don't pay your bills, you're breaching your contract with the company you bought from, and they have the right to reclaim their property.

As the most 19th-century-liberal person on this board, you mean?


Given that most modern "liberals" are much more conservative than Ronnie Reagan... I guess so?  I prefer FDR Democrat, or Nordic-style Socialist



Then why don't you go to Nordia??!!!


I'm waiting for my mother-in-law to pass* so my wife will finally deign to move away from this hellhole.


*She's currently in perfect health, so it may be a while


...I was actually kidding. I don't think there is such a place as "Nordia". But that's very morbid, my friend. I've been to Champaign, it's not that bad!

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