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Along with a massive fine, Selleck should be forced to cut his mustache like he did in the mid-'90s... but FOREVER. "No mustache for you!"

I'm sorta wondering how much water you have to steal for a city government to get annoyed enough to spend $22,000 - no, that's not a typo - on a private investigator to track you down. That's a lot of water.

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Been blowing through Sleepy Hollow the last couple weeks (about halfway through season 2) and have been really enjoying it. The 2nd season isn't as good as the first, but it isn't the drop off that I'd been led to believe. They've kind of ruined a bit of the mystique of the Headless Horseman, but I guess there's only so much you can do with a silent, ghostly villain before it becomes repetitive. The Horseman of War has been a great big bad this year, though.


Nice balance between monster of the week/mythology and seriousness/comedy. Great chemistry between the leads (to the point that you kind of hope Crane's wife disappears and he ends up with Mills) and really good effects for a network show. It may be done to death, but I am a sucker for man out of time stories. Crane's continued befuddlement by modern culture is always good for a laugh.


While I was never able to get into Buffy (season 2 was really good, though), I suspect that I'm enjoying Sleepy Hollow in the same way fans enjoyed that show.

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Along with a massive fine, Selleck should be forced to cut his mustache like he did in the mid-'90s... but FOREVER. "No mustache for you!"


The mustache will then go on to have a successful solo career in Hollywood as the lead of a gritty, no-nonsense cable crime drama.

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I actually lowkey refuse to watch American Ninja Warrior.  It's just not the same.

There was a 72-year-old man on there the other night! 72! He fell on the first obstacle but still...

Also, I like that the American one is much more like cheerleaders for the female competitors than the Japanese one which generally goes "Isn't she cute? Oh no, women aren't very good at this!" vibe to it.

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Given who's making it, I hold out no hope Shannara will be any good - but damned if I won't give them a good shot to prove me wrong.

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T:TSCC is great but weird. The first season gets cut short by the writer's strike. When it started back up for season 2, they kind of abandoned all the smaller ongoing plots, moved, and did a semi-reboot of the show.

Then it ends on the worst fucking cliff hanger.

But when it's humming along, it was fantastic television.

The scene at the end of season one, with "When the Man Comes Around" playing, is one of the more powerful tv scenes I've seen in a long time.

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Currently watching Orphan Black.  We're a little more than halfway through season 2 and, yeah, the wife and I are both all in on the Clone Club.  Funny, because I've tried to watch season 1 before and couldn't stay interested enough to make it through the season.  OB's probably my favorite show lately.  Wife's an even bigger fan.


We've also been marathoning Once Upon a Time.  We finished season 3 before we started Orphan Black and we'll go back to season 4 later this month.  Eh....  not a huge fan.  We've been watching OUaT since season 1, but we've never watched a full season.  We watch for a while then drift away for months, then come back.  The show does a lot of things well, so it seems like I should like it more, but there's a lot to offset the things I like.  It just seems kinda;... there... for me.  I really dislike Jennifer Morrison on this show.  Not sure why, but I'm not a fan either of her or the character.

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It's really sad that I can't get my friends (most of whom are 5-10 years younger than me) into SCTV.  It just relies way too heavily on satire of what TV was like in 1980, and I'm just barely old enough to have caught the tail end of the era it's lampooning.  Most of the people I know have absolutely no frame of reference for shitty local programming or seasonal variety hours with completely inappropriate hosts trying to sing and dance. They never saw a Dialing for Dollars show or "Circus of the Stars" or any of that stuff, so it's not funny to them.

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Currently watching Orphan Black. We're a little more than halfway through season 2 and, yeah, the wife and I are both all in on the Clone Club. Funny, because I've tried to watch season 1 before and couldn't stay interested enough to make it through the season. OB's probably my favorite show lately. Wife's an even bigger fan.

I also just got into OB, burned through 2 seasons in about a week and a half. Season 2 was just bonkers, can't wait for season 3. I find myself worried that the show could go flying off the rails at any moment, which is easy for something with so many moving parts.

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"The Brink" tonight was a fucking blast. This show slays me. And it calls into question just how much "The Interview" hullabaloo was actually about another country being "mad" about it and if it was all really about other shit. Because you'd imagine India, Pakistan , and now Isreal would be upset over this, if other countries actually gave a shit about American movies and TV shows .

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Shit, I'm more in on Ray Donovan than I am on True Detective now. I was done with it last year and now they've pulled me back in. Ian McShane showing up as a drunk billionaire and Jon Voight becoming a pimp with a heart of (sorta) gold were better than any damn gunfight. 

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