piranesi Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Gregg has lost it. Even reading his list of things that happened, I'm bored by my memories of them. I just have no idea what the heck people expect from Raw. There was a ton of really good stuff on tonight's show. You're nailing it with the Ambrose commentary. That match was another great Raw main event and it served a purpose -- The Shield don't need Seth Rollins to be The Wyatts, their biggest rivals. Sheamus/Wade was great. I know people might be sick of Sheamus, and I'm not a huge fan, but those dudes beating the hell out of each other and flying to the floor is really great. Cesaro beat RVD, so the dude we all love is going into MITB and might walk out with the belt for all we know. And we got a killer Dean promo. I just don't see what the complaints were? There wasn't an earth shattering moment but everything moved along. The only stuff that bored me was Fandango/Layla/Summer and Swagger/Santino. It just seemed like too many things are in utero and not moving forward enough to care about yet. A looot of time spent watching stuff that you've seen before and isn't part of an actual story yet...just spinning wheels or setting something up for later. Right now too high a % of time is spent on that: - Rusev is still in his pre-storyline squash period...same schtick every show - Bo Dallas is still in his pre-storyline squash period...same schtick every show - Alicia Fox is still in her pre-storyline whatever period...same schtick every show - Another Golddust + uber-jobber vs. Rybaxel match? The match itself was bad and teh story is nothing...unless it leads to Cody in a new gimmick next week..but that didn't help us this week. - Another Santino match with Zeb/Swagger going nowhere. - Another Sandow outfit going nowhere - BNB is apparently going to follow the same pattern as every other IC run. Storyline-wise, there was one thing on this three-hour show that was engaging and moving forward. Watching this show live when you know everyone else is watching other better stuff was like spending Halloween with Linus. Don't be mad. If you stay you'll get to see The Shield be friends with John Cena!!!! DON'T BE LINUS ON HALLOWEEN< GREGG! 1
Jenalysis Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Getting more of an modern day Eric Embry vibe out of Dean right now. I'm hoping they continue to slowly turn Barrett face as well, they need a strong face right now, and he's the best choice.
ebbie Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 So, Wade beats his top challengers in Big E., RVD, and Cesaro (for lack of better words) but can't get into the MITB match. What do they have against Wade? Is it because he exceeded expectations his rookie year on the show, something so few people have ever done? Then proceeded to get better at a ridiculous pace?
Greggulator Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Gregg has lost it. Even reading his list of things that happened, I'm bored by my memories of them. I just have no idea what the heck people expect from Raw. There was a ton of really good stuff on tonight's show. You're nailing it with the Ambrose commentary. That match was another great Raw main event and it served a purpose -- The Shield don't need Seth Rollins to be The Wyatts, their biggest rivals. Sheamus/Wade was great. I know people might be sick of Sheamus, and I'm not a huge fan, but those dudes beating the hell out of each other and flying to the floor is really great. Cesaro beat RVD, so the dude we all love is going into MITB and might walk out with the belt for all we know. And we got a killer Dean promo. I just don't see what the complaints were? There wasn't an earth shattering moment but everything moved along. The only stuff that bored me was Fandango/Layla/Summer and Swagger/Santino. It just seemed like too many things are in utero and not moving forward enough to care about yet. A looot of time spent watching stuff that you've seen before and isn't part of an actual story yet...just spinning wheels or setting something up for later. Right now too high a % of time is spent on that: - Rusev is still in his pre-storyline squash period...same schtick every show - Bo Dallas is still in his pre-storyline squash period...same schtick every show - Alicia Fox is still in her pre-storyline whatever period...same schtick every show - Another Golddust + uber-jobber vs. Rybaxel match? The match itself was bad and teh story is nothing...unless it leads to Cody in a new gimmick next week..but that didn't help us this week. - Another Santino match with Zeb/Swagger going nowhere. - Another Sandow outfit going nowhere - BNB is apparently going to follow the same pattern as every other IC run. Storyline-wise, there was one thing on this three-hour show that was engaging and moving forward. Alicia/Bo/Rusev are new/just started their shticks. Bo's 6-0. It's probably time for Rusev to get to a serious feud but he's not at least got a lot of dominant wins for his first major feud. The Dusty/Rybaxl match was pretty bad. But they're telling a story with this angle. You can't have the surprise reveal of the payoff without setting up some disappointments first. How many mystery partners has Goldust had so far? I think 2? They're right in not giving us the payoff for this year. If this drags on for like 9 weeks than, yes, it's a problem. But it's just really started and let's see where it goes. I wish Barret went over Sheamus, too. But that match was really friggin' good. And now on the table: Sheamus, World Champion, against the returning Daniel Bryan, the man he beat in 18 seconds at WrestleMania. Instant hot angle right there. Santino/Swagger was pointless. And Sandow's doing a comedy act. I don't think it's supposed to go anywhere aside from him looking ridiculous. And that's fine.
Spaceman Spiff Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Greggulator gets on camera. (C'mon, nobody went w/ this joke yet?) 8
Overly Critical Man Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Aksana knows she should leave Alicia...but Alicia always promises she'll treat her better. These are storylines people can understand and relate to.
MADCAP Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 The fireman's carry/press slam thingy that Bray did was pretty tight. 1
piranesi Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 The Dusty/Rybaxl match was pretty bad. But they're telling a story with this angle. You can't have the surprise reveal of the payoff without setting up some disappointments first. How many mystery partners has Goldust had so far? I think 2? They're right in not giving us the payoff for this year. If this drags on for like 9 weeks than, yes, it's a problem. But it's just really started and let's see where it goes. NINE WEEKS!?!?!???! That's as long as a season of GAME OF THRONES! I get the idea that the main event angles should be given time, but junk like this should move faster. Rusev has done the same entrance/match I feel like since I was in high school. I think the problem is not just the "introducing the gimmcik" phase, but that, like so much else with WWE right now, they think they have to establish a pattern and then stick to it exactly show after show. There's no reason that just because we're getting used to Bo Dallas that he has to do everything the same every week. Golddust and Alicia too. It's like they think we can't process anything more than the simplest repeated patterns without losing the big point. It usually doesn't bug be because I look for nice little details, but tonight it was just exhausting.
JRGoldman Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Was I the only person that was confused as to how the belts were hanging above the ring when Bryan was stripped today and not at the arena? I liked basically every promo on this show, but none of the matches met my expectations. Sheamus/Barrett came the closest, it was a good to great TV match.
piranesi Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 As far as nice details go, vacationing Orton is the best Orton. That picture was aces. 1
Skelemania Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 RAW was so bad that even this thread is more dead than normal. 1
HumanChessgame Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 The Digiorno Pizza social media person was killing it on twitter once again - DiGiorno Pizza @DiGiornoPizza · 2h UGH WHATEVER SETH ROLLINS. I WISH HALL AND NASH WOULD COME OUT OF THE CROWD AND SHOVE A SLICE OF PIZZA IN HIS MOUTH #NWO4LIFE #RAW ReplyReplied to 0 times RetweetRetweeted 114 times114 FavoriteFavorited 109 times109 More 2
ebbie Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 And anyone miffed that they are so hard pressed to get Rusev heat by hammering the fact that "Hey, he's Russian!" with any visual to remind people "Hey, he's Russian!" He ain't getting the heat. Worst, he isn't slamming shots of vodka. What kind of Russian doesn't slam shots of vodka?
Parties Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 I agree that you don't necessarily have to be redundant in the matches and finishes themselves, but the case against establishing someone's gimmick for three weeks (or even three months) is surprising here given the history of wrestling. Watch old World Championship Wrestling eps where they had Koloff's Russians work the same squash every week for a year, or even ECW - considered a wild, Crash TV company - in which the stars had the same matches against jobbers for months to establish them as threats. The contrast is Memphis - where they'd set up angles on Saturday and blow them off on Monday - but that was usually just when Lawler was working a sub-par Monster of the Week. WWE's trying to fill, what, seven hours of TV each week? More if you count NXT? I'm not making excuses for lazy, repetitive writing, but I think that if Bill Watts, Kip Frye, or Jerry Jarrett had to book seven hours of TV every week, they might have gotten a little stale in the undercard too. Typically, successful undercards have come from companies that pushed a variety of titles with relative success, so that you had fresh programs in the tag division, women's, cruiserweight, Intercontinental/secondary, etc. Some blood feuds, some comedy, some flyers, some boring friends of the booker. Or, as in WCW, you hire a mix of guys working different styles to create variety. Modern WWE is successful and enjoyable for many reasons, but variety of worldly styles and emphasis on undercard titles aren't what they're into. (And I say all of this as someone who thinks Rusev sucks, never needs to see Van Dam work again, and fast forwards through much of every show.) 1
CastleVania Rey Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 So Raw was kind of crap other than SHIELD, Rollins, the main event, and Sheamus/Barett, but that's okay. I'm just having fun clicking "Like This" on posts that compliment AMBROSE and I don't even bother reading the rest of the posts. All I see is Ambrose and his entourage. And when maniac Ambrose dropped the microphone after his GREAT promo? Reigns looking at it and Dean picking it up, followed by the smiles between them...? Cutest moment. I condemn anyone who didn't love it. 1
Tim Evans Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 I used to like the JBL/Cole/Lawler team but they have gotten so bad lately. I have to watch most of the show on mute these days cause of the non stop bantering and bad jokes. I"m also sick of the non stop rematches. Do we really need to see Alicia/Paige, Cesaro/RVD, Rhodes/Rybaxel or Shield/Wyatts every week? I know the roster is thin but still. Only thing I liked about the show was the Shield/Rollins promos, the main event, Sandow's dancing and Sheamus/Wade. 2
Greggulator Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Also, keep in mind, Daniel Bryan was the focal point of Raw since last spring and commanded a lot of TV time. He gets the best crowd reactions. And he's gone because of health reasons. That's going to have an effect on the writing, too, especially since they weren't able to really settle on a direction of what to do with the title until this week. Things are going to be a little stale when the most over dude in the company is out.
CastleVania Rey Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 I did like that Sandow was getting surprisingly large babyface reactions to his ribbon gymnastic stuff. Has the audience embraced Sandow's zaniness? I don't know if management wanted that.
piranesi Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 I thought it was cute how Vicky is delusional and equates her own little personal story with the main event storyline: "I though we could celebrate. There's no more Brad Maddox and Daniel Bryan!!!"...like they were a team or something. 1
MORELOCK Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 7 hours of programming a week and they can't put something as great as this on TV? 2
piranesi Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 I just hope FSW got to see Cesaro try to shoot the titles down off the hook with his arm cannons.
pipGofern Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 As great as Ambrose was on Raw, his post-Raw promo on the aftershow was even awesomer. From him asking Renee to check out the gash on his chin to him and Reigns reminiscing about driving cars off the road and punching each other over disagreements, it was like the 12 minute Raw segment condensed into an even better 3 minute interview. Of course, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Every promo Bryan has done on the post-show the past 3 months has been about a billion times better than the shitty verbiage the failed soap opera writers give him on the main show. I wish just once in awhile they'd stop with the scripts and let the guys who can actually talk, you know, talk. 5
Victator Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Next week Cody debuts a facepainted persona or brings back the mask persona.
Jimmy Trump Posted June 10, 2014 Posted June 10, 2014 Next week Cody debuts a facepainted persona or brings back the mask persona. Nope. Sandow as Stardust... a Goldust impression. They win! Then Sandow dummies Goldust to introduce CODY'S new partner! Rhodes Scholars reunited to feud with Goldy and whomever.
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