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So after Raw, Zeb tweeted that Rusev had been added to the deportation list...

Poor, poor Swagger...


Zeb wants Rusev out of the way, so Lana can go for a moustache ride.


I like that Zeb tweeted the wrong Rusev.  


I also want to say, Dean Ambrose as barely-holding-in-the-rage psycho is glorious. I want to see him reading a phone book and telling each person why and how he's going to murder them. He's like Trevor Phillips brought to life.


It sounds like they're blowing their wad with HHH-Reigns this month instead of waiting til Summerslam which I remember reading was the original plan. 


And the remaining 3 slots for MitB, I'm guessing are going to Cena, Bray, and ?.   I'm guessing that has to go to a face since it's pretty heel heavy right now.


Actually, now that I think about it, HHH should continue to fuck with the Shield by putting Reigns and Ambrose in a match for the final slot. Have Reigns win through Seth fuckery, sets up Ambrose-Rollins, have HHH cost Reigns the belts when he has it won, which delays that showdown for another month or two. 


What a shock. Anything involving the Shield were the best parts of Raw. So, I'm in the minority, but man, I love Rollins' theme. Really awesome promo from him too. He's going to be a great World Champion in the near future.


Good to see I didn't miss anything of consequence after I fell asleep around 10:15.


Ambrose's promo was an absolute killer and you could actually hear Cindy's eyes rolling for it two zip codes away.  :lol:


Ray totally nailed Cesaro's "Have I mentioned I'm immense and immortal?" Steve Reeves/Hercules/MST3K walk to the ring. Gives me the giggles every time now.


Seeing they already had the belts above the ring despite the doctor's clip from "that afternoon" saying Bryan couldn't make it to the PPV makes me think Bryan "still has the originals." Not happening in a million billion years, but I'd love to see him show up with his belts once he's healthy and demand a match with "HHH's paper champion" to unify the titles.


What was with Cena making so many obvious spot-calls during his match? He is normally pretty loud, but last night he was yelling "uppercut" to Bray all the way across the ring and mouthing that dance/suplex throw sequence right at the hard camera.

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JBL can be so polarizing...one moment he'll drop a random Dick The Bruiser reference, the next he'll obnoxiously shout over the other guys with his pro-Authority talking points and buzzwords.


I don't think JBL would be nearly as counter-productive if he just had an able foil.  When he shouts his pro-Authority stuff, he does it so well, and argues his points so convincingly but if he were calling the matches with JR (As much as I was genuinely tired of him by the end), JR would hold up his end of the arguments much more effectively than Cole does.  As it is, Cole comes off like the whiny heel commentator saying "That's not fair" while JBL's points are usually well-reasoned, even accurate.  In short, everything would be better without Michael Cole.


I loved last night when Cole said "Brock Lesnar standing at ringside" and JBL just ripped him to shreds: "You've got to get your head in the game, Maggle."


Bryan being stripped of the title was supposed to be this huge injustice, but it was for a valid reason(30-day rule, Bryan being injured and unable to defend).  The best Cole and Lawler could say was "he should have been here to surrender the championship instead of having HHH and Stephanie announce their decision in his absence".


When Lawler started talking about the Authority always smiling, I was positive he was going to tell us it was because Hunter and Steph love to have fun with the WWE Universe.


Is there historical precedence for neck problems resulting from hitting one's head on the glass ceiling?

(Okay, I'm kidding.)

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Is there historical precedence for neck problems resulting from hitting one's head on the glass ceiling?


(Okay, I'm kidding.)




He just speared right through it and screwed his neck up even worse though.


That guy who held the World belt between Triple H and Orton had some neck issues too.


I suspect they reinforced it after Austin broke through.


Not much of a show. Cena's calling of the match was a bit too visible and audible for me.


Lana's pro Russian speech went on a bit too long for me


.Sandow's gimmick is really creative, did you notice JBL compare his dance/wrestling to Ricky Starr, but I think he called him Ricky Storm. 


It would be nice if Cesaro would up with the belt but I think Orton will probably get it again.


Out of the current pool of contenders(Del Rio, Orton, Sheamus, Cesaro), the only one I'd really like to see win it(Cesaro) is the least likely to get it.  Hope the rest of the field gets better(think there are three more spots?).


Cole is great when he makes snide little comments mocking JBL and Lawler, which probably only happens when Vince takes a piss break.  Last night it was when Lawyer was like "Hey JBL, would Rusev be Russia's greatest export?!?  Ha ha, get it, I made a reference..." and JBL said he couldn't think of a better one.  Cole calmly followed up with "He was actually imported to Russia.  He's from Bulgaria."


Meltzer says Cena & Bray Wyatt will both be in the Money in the Bank match, I guess that leaves one slot.

I'd be really surprised if Seth Rollins isn't in the last spot.


Unfortunately, Kane would fit in just as well from a storyline perspective. It kinda looks like they're building up Rollins/Ambrose, which would no doubt be good, but I really hope they wait on that one. I'm at the front of the "put the belt on Rollins" bandwagon. They can always do him and Ambrose for the title later.


Unfortunately, Kane would fit in just as well from a storyline perspective. It kinda looks like they're building up Rollins/Ambrose, which would no doubt be good, but I really hope they wait on that one. I'm at the front of the "put the belt on Rollins" bandwagon. They can always do him and Ambrose for the title later.

I can see Rollins in the match, but I see Ambrose & Reigns getting involved to cost him and further The Shield feud.

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