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As great as Ambrose was on Raw, his post-Raw promo on the aftershow was even awesomer. From him asking Renee to check out the gash on his chin to him and Reigns reminiscing about driving cars off the road and punching each other over disagreements, it was like the 12 minute Raw segment condensed into an even better 3 minute interview.


Of course, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Every promo Bryan has done on the post-show the past 3 months has been about a billion times better than the shitty verbiage the failed soap opera writers give him on the main show. I wish just once in awhile they'd stop with the scripts and let the guys who can actually talk, you know, talk.


Yeah, this is the best. Roman calls Renee "Sweet Pea" and talks about how you don't get to the end of the movie right away. "It's about torture now. We're going to take that black heart of his and carve it out." Dean makes the most .giffable face of them all, with this insane "Ohhh, I didn't think of carving out his heart! I like that, Roman!" reaction.

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Finally heard Seth's music. Fuck, that's brutal. It can't be that hard to get one of those weird screamo bands Seth likes to give him a song. If the company doesn't act like the guy is a star, then the fans won't think he is.

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The Shield needs superhacker Solomon Crowe so he can stop WWE from showing those useless backstage shots of someone watching a match/segment.

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Liked what I watched from RAW: the Authority announcing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is vacant and will be decided in the Money in the Bank Ladder match. Hopefully Daniel Bryan can take the time to fully recover. A rollercoaster year for the guy. Sheamus vs. Bad News Barrett was a really good match won by Sheamus to qualify for the MITBLM. Good promos by particularly Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns on Seth Rollins, Triple H and Randy Orton. Show ended on a great main event between John Cena/Dean Ambrose/Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt/Luke Harper/Erick Rowan.


I thought Wade held his own and that match was a corker until the end. Oh well, what can you do. 


Ambrose KILLED IT. Piper would be proud. So did Reigns, in a different fashion. 


Fell asleep before the end so no opinion until Wednesday

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I didn't think Raw was GREAT, but I did watch all of it and nothing sticks out as obviously terrible.


BNB's tornado suplex thing was nifty, and that suplex-throw Bray did to Cena looked really impressive.


I was really impressed with Rollins tonight and I actually LIKED his theme music. He came off as a star in the suit and carries himself like a big deal. It's nice to see he can back it up in interview segments and he has been killing it in the ring. I'm curious to see if he changes up his ring-gear or move set at all. Ultimately, I dug his explanation and thought it was simple and believable.


I also like how Bryan was stripped. I think it adds a lot to the PPV actually. While this rein hasn't been what anyone probablly wanted, Bryan will always have Wrestlemania and this has a chance to freshen up the main event scene a little bit.


I also like how Bryan was stripped. I think it adds a lot to the PPV actually. While this rein hasn't been what anyone probablly wanted, Bryan will always have Wrestlemania and this has a chance to freshen up the main event scene a little bit.

Imagine the pop when Bryan makes his surprise return attacking the new champ.


I haven't heard Seth's yet, but the Cesaro one really pisses me off because his singles music before the Real Americans was great! Shoulda kept that.


I've always felt the same.


Absolutely loved Dean's promo, i was getting some strong Piper vibes from him tonight. This was the best part of the show imo.



Also liked Seth's promo. When he said "I bought in" i instantly thought of Alex Shelley saying the same when he went into The Embassy, dying his hair half blonde/half black soon after.



I'm starting to enjoy Sandow's random gimmick. Can't say the guy phones it in.



Bray felt like a complete afterthought tonight, that Cena feud really elevated him heh?


It's also a line from SLC Punk.


Stevo: Wait, time out. I just wanted to ask real quick, if I can. You believe in rebellion, freedom and love, right?

Mom: Absolutely, yes.

Dad: Rebellion, freedom, love.

Stevo: You two are divorced. So love failed. Two: Mom, your a New Ager, clinging to every scrap of Eastern religion that may justify why the above said love failed. Three: Dad, you're a slick, corporate, preppy-ass lawyer. I don't really have to say anything else about you do I dad? Four: You move from New York City, the Mecca and hub of the cultural world to Utah! Nowhere! To change nothing! More to perpetuate this cycle of greed, fascism and triviality. Your movement of the people, by and for the people got you... nothing! You just hide behind some lost sense of drugs, sex and rock and roll. Ooooh, Kumbaya! I am the future! I am the future of this great nation which you, father, so arrogantly saved this world for. Look, I have my own agenda. Harvard, out. University of Utah, in. I'm gonna get a 4.0 in damage. I love you guys! Don't get me wrong, it's all about this. But for the first time in my life, I'm 18 and I can say "FUUUUUCK YOU!"

Dad: Steven, I didn't sell out son. I bought in. Keep that in mind. That kid's gonna make a hell of a lawyer, huh?

Mom: Yeah, he takes after his father. He's a son of a bitch.

Dad: Well fuck you dear.


I used to like the JBL/Cole/Lawler team but they have gotten so bad lately. I have to watch most of the show on mute these days cause of the non stop bantering and bad jokes. I"m also sick of the non stop rematches. Do we really need to see Alicia/Paige, Cesaro/RVD, Rhodes/Rybaxel or Shield/Wyatts every week? I know the roster is thin but still. Only thing I liked about the show was the Shield/Rollins promos, the main event, Sandow's dancing and Sheamus/Wade.

And what alternate universe were you living in before this one?


Absolutely loved Dean's promo, i was getting some strong Piper vibes from him tonight. This was the best part of the show imo.

Also liked Seth's promo. When he said "I bought in" i instantly thought of Alex Shelley saying the same when he went into The Embassy, dying his hair half blonde/half black soon after.

I'm starting to enjoy Sandow's random gimmick. Can't say the guy phones it in.

Bray felt like a complete afterthought tonight, that Cena feud really elevated him heh?

It's also a line from SLC Punk.

Stevo: Wait, time out. I just wanted to ask real quick, if I can. You believe in rebellion, freedom and love, right?

Mom: Absolutely, yes.

Dad: Rebellion, freedom, love.

Stevo: You two are divorced. So love failed. Two: Mom, your a New Ager, clinging to every scrap of Eastern religion that may justify why the above said love failed. Three: Dad, you're a slick, corporate, preppy-ass lawyer. I don't really have to say anything else about you do I dad? Four: You move from New York City, the Mecca and hub of the cultural world to Utah! Nowhere! To change nothing! More to perpetuate this cycle of greed, fascism and triviality. Your movement of the people, by and for the people got you... nothing! You just hide behind some lost sense of drugs, sex and rock and roll. Ooooh, Kumbaya! I am the future! I am the future of this great nation which you, father, so arrogantly saved this world for. Look, I have my own agenda. Harvard, out. University of Utah, in. I'm gonna get a 4.0 in damage. I love you guys! Don't get me wrong, it's all about this. But for the first time in my life, I'm 18 and I can say "FUUUUUCK YOU!"

Dad: Steven, I didn't sell out son. I bought in. Keep that in mind. That kid's gonna make a hell of a lawyer, huh?

Mom: Yeah, he takes after his father. He's a son of a bitch.

Dad: Well fuck you dear.

It's been at least 10 years since I've seen SLC Punk. I can see that movie being in both Alex Shelley's and Tyler Black's dvd collection.

He should use the Evolution theme because nothing is better.


In Kerrang!'s ultimate Rockstar quiz, the asked Lemmy how many songs he had done for WWE. He said Two. They said no, you did Three. He said Oh yes, that's right, but I blocked Line in the Sand out of my mind because it's awful.


Who are you to contradict Lemmy?


I thought Wade held his own and that match was a corker until the end. Oh well, what can you do. 


Ambrose KILLED IT. Piper would be proud. So did Reigns, in a different fashion. 


Fell asleep before the end so no opinion until Wednesday


Barrett and Sheamus have pretty much traded wins, no problem with that for either of them, even if I want a rocket strapped to Barrett, there's so much talent in the upper midcard (Sheamus, Cesaro) that is just as good.


Raw has been flat for some time. Daniel Bryan was "Mr. Three-Hour Raw." Throwing him out there and letting him wrestle for 30 minutes made the show so much more watchable.


This show was booked really poorly. If you want acts to get good reactions don't bring them out for multiple entrances. It seemed like the Shield came out 5 times.


Loved the Ambrose promo. Thought the Rollins promo was one of his best.



So have they given up on Adam Rose already?


He got busted open over the weekend.



He wrestled one of 3MB on the Superstars taping before RAW began


Seth Rollins did a great job tonight.  I thought his promo was the most effective and natural of all the Shield members....that is not to say Ambrose wasn't great, but Seth seemed to have the crowd where he wanted/needed them.  Still need to catch up on a lot of the show.  So many repeated matches.  I want to see something fresh.  Luke Harper....can't say enough about what a great hoss he is.  

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I liked how he responded to the "You sold out!" chants with "I bought in."  But he didn't do the normal overly enunciated, repeat-what-the-crowd-said-back-to-them,  set-up you get in  WWE heel promos, where he would stop and wait and say "You're all chanting YOU SOLD OUT but you're wrong, I. DIDN'T. SELL. OUT.....I  BOUGHTUTUOTUTOITOIN!!!!"


In other words he didn't do the Vince/HHH stall for time by using as many words and repetitive phrases as possible thing that everybody seems to do.


He was a lot more natural.  They were chanting and he just quickly responded to them "No, I bought in." and moved on without repeating what they were saying or framing it too much or repeating the phrase six different ways.  It was a tiny detail but a nice indication that he might be better at this than most guys.

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So have they given up on Adam Rose already?


He got busted open over the weekend.



He wrestled one of 3MB on the Superstars taping before RAW began



I think the forehead wound may well be the reason he didn't appear, but ultimately it's not like the guy is getting a title or anything. He's a midcarder.


I hate how every Sheamus match ends with Sheamus near death then brogue kick of doom out of nowhere! Boring.

The undercard is too predictable and missable. Rusev? Repeat. Bo Dallas? Repeat. Sandow silliness? Repeat. Rhodes /Rybaxel? Repeat. That's an hour you can skip and you miss nothing.

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That was easily the best promo Seth Rollins has ever cut. That was really a defining moment for him, because I've generally found him to be pretty terrible on the mic, so that could have easily been his "Matt Hardy returns and bores the crowd to sleep in his return promo" moment, but he knocked it out of the park.


Don't mind the theme music either. It's a generic rock song, but so was The Shield's theme. I think it will grow on me like that one did.

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